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For parents who swaddle their babies consistently?

Did you stop swaddling at a certain age? My daughter is swaddled at night and for most naps. She is almost five months old, developing properly, and I am not planning on stopping soon. Just wanted to hear what other parents had done. I just don't want her to be 5 and still want to be swaddled!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our little one would not sleep unless she was swaddled. Around 5 months, we started to loosen the swaddle so she could get her arms out a little bit but still have the comfort feeling of being swaddled. Little by little we would loosen it more and more and eventually she would get her arms out and sleep with her arms up by her head and she slept soundly. That's when we knew she was ready. I started not swaddling her for naps first to see how she would sleep and at first, she was a little "off" because she was so used to being swaddled but we soothed her back to sleep and she was fine. People used to tell me that our baby would let us know when she was ready to not be swaddled any longer and I never knew how true this was until she started giving us the signs that she was ready. Watch your baby for signs and start slowly to transition to not swaddling at all. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    My son will be 4 months on July 3rd and I still swaddle him for naps/night sleep. If I don't swaddle him he wiggles so much that he smacks himself in the head and only sleeps for 20-30 minutes at most - with swaddling he'll sleep 2 hours. It may seem "cruel" but he's miserable with the short naps and the day goes down the drain quickly.

    On a side note, thee SwaddleMe people make a large one that goes to 22 lbs - my son is only 14 so I'll be using these until he can't fit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I stopped swaddling when she could break free on her own and pull the blanket over her head. Although swaddling instantly put her to sleep, it became too much of a risk to have her pull the blanket and cover her face. I caught this a couple of times in the middle of the night and because I was scared of SIDS, decided to just eliminate the swaddling all together. This happened at about 4 1/2 months.

  • 1 decade ago

    My baby boy will be 3 months on July 4th and he's still swaddled for bed time and naps. He just prefers it that way and sleeps better. I'm sure once he can sleep on his belly during the night then he won't want to be swaddled up any more... so we'll probably stop then.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My son was really addicted to swaddling to the point where if he got out of his blanket in the middle of the night he would cry for me to swaddle him again- I was worried about this too. A nurse suggested trying to leave just one arm out to start and see how he reacted. I tried it for a few weeks- at first he wasn't ready but I kept trying every once in a while and eventually he didn't mind it. Then I alternated which arm was left out for several more weeks, then I just wrapped the blanket around his torso, now he just uses a baby sleeping bag, or not when its too warm. Just keep trying, she will be ready soon, I started trying around 3 1/2 months. Then again my cousins son is swaddled at 9 months, whatever works for her- just keep trying different things.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought I was going to have to send my daughter to college and still swaddle her. It was the ONLY way I could get her to sleep. At around 6 or 7 months I decided enough was enough and slowly started to wean her. I would leave one arm out and then after she got used to that I would leave both out, then I would swaddle so loosely she would easily get out completely. Eventually she was able to sleep without it. Good luck, I know its intimidating when that is the only way they will sleep but your child will get used to it too!!

  • DeeGee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I heard you should stop swaddling at a certain age because it can stunt their growth and restrict their normal movements. I don't remember what age, but I think 5 months is too old to be swaddling. I believe I read after 3months you should stop.

  • gillie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    haha no she wont want swaddling then probably just tucked in,i used to swaddle until they started kicking it off which was probably bout 6/8months but you ll be aware when she dont want it anymore x

  • 1 decade ago

    i stop about 4 months, he stopped staying in it and prefers to sleep on his tummy. he sleeps how he wants :P hes 8 months now tho

  • Cammie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It may be time to loosen up a bit.

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