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April asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

You were just hired to be the GM of my NFL "expansion" team. We really need a Head Coach!?

I'll buy out any contract. I'll pay him whatever is needed.

I will NOT fire him unless he gets arrested or smears the name of the team. Basically, he has 100% job security. Every player on the team will know this.

He is going to have full control on who will stay on our roster and who will start.

As the GM you will provide the players. He will NOT take your job. I will pay him enough and promise him that he can have your job as GM when we win some Superbowls and I'll move you up to co-owner. You will need to work in harmony with him.

Convince me who to spend my money on. It can be anyone! Just convince me why him.

The question has 4 parts.

Who should we hire?

Why did you think we should hire him?

What was your favorite team as a child?

Which team are you now a fan of as an adult?


Do you really think we could convince Parcells to be the head coach? How long would he stay? I'd be willing to pay but do you really think he would stay and not get itchy feet no matter what his pay was?

Dungy sorta fits the same bill. Do you really think he would stay. He seems like I could pay him 10million a year and he might still turn it down. What do you think?

Update 2:

Wow...I hadn't really even thought of McCarthy but I will seriously consider him.

Update 3:

Here are the finalists....

Bill Parcells, Dungy, Herm Edwards, Mike McCarthy, Pete Carroll, Jeff Fisher, Bill Cowher, Jack Del Rio, Mike Singletary, Tom Coughlin, Pat Garrett....

I am impressed by some of the thoughts given on who I should hire. At the same time I am very surprised at some of the names not even on the list. There are some incredable coaches that nobody even suggested. But, unless as I have done with the players I choose. I will only go with who my GM suggests. I will think that I know more than I do. With that in mind I will give a few more hours for any prospective GM to add some ideas to the mix. If no others are added we will choose between the above eleven.

At the moment I am leaning towards...

...Mike McCarthy, Jeff Fisher, Bill Cowher, Jack Del Rio, Mike Singletary or Pat Garrett. I may change my mind if someone provides a good reason. Or if you want to give additional reasons for one of the above.

Update 4:

Well, it's time to narrow the search down some.

Let's start by making the list smaller.

Bill Parcells---I don't think he will coach again. Even if he would he wants to much control. I really want a GM and a Coach. Plus, I think he wouldn't stay with our team as long as I would want him to. 3 seasons, as good as he

Dungy----I respect him a lot. I respect him too much to tempt him with money. He wants to retire. Let's let him. I sure wouldn't mind having him associated with our team though in almost any role he would like to play....but no as a head coach.

Tom Coughlin----he just won a superbowl. He did it against a head coach I am shocked that non of my prospective GM's even wanted me to consider....but between you and me I really don't think I would like him...and as there are others with solid as head coach.

Carroll---Great at USC...maybe one of the best college coaches ever, but no, I don't want him to coach in the NFL for my team.

Update 5:

Herm Edwards..."seems" a little political...good didn't sell me enough on him so No.

Bill Cowher was perfect for the Steelers. Perfect for that city. An awesome coach. Spits a lot (smile). Retired. I don't see the "hunger" anymore. I want the players to feel the coaches hunger. So, no...not at this time.

Pat Garrett...I know he'll be in demand. I know I might skip over the next Bill Walsh...but, honestly at this time...I'm just not "feeling" it with him. So, no.

Jeff an icon in Tenn. He is a head coach made to stay with his team and his city. I really like him. You made great points about his qualifications. But, I don't think he's the guy to switch loyalties. Let's not even tempt him or Tenn. Let's just beat him in the Superbowl. to J.F.

That leaves us with only Three.

Mike McCarthy

Jack Del Rio &

Mike Singletary

Honestly "borch", "thewiserfool", "no1funkier", & "patrick willis is god" I would be happy with each one.

Update 6:

After reading your thoughts on each of the final three...It's still hard.

But......I will just go with my "gut" on this call. I thought I would hire McCarthy after "broch" reminded me about him. (and I also have no love for the packers...but a good coach is a good coach regardless of who he works for).

"thewiserfool....I am already well aware of Jack Del Rio and think there are superbowl rings in his future for sure. I had him on my very short list before asking anyone for their opinions...but you only made him sound better to my ears.

Mike Singletary was mentioned by "no1funkier" and I think he would be a great coach. I actually had him ranked 3rd though before "patrick willis is god" sold me 100% on Mike. Let's sign him to a long term contract the sooner the better. I might come to regret it later but I don't think so...I would love to give him my money / authority and have him lead our team on and off the field. Thanks for a great sales pitch.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would hire Mike Singletary to be the head coach.

    I know Mike has not had previous head coach experience, but he has proven himself to be a very solid defensive coordinator and asst. head coach with the 49ers. We all know that defense wins championships (just look at last year, everyone said that the Pats HAD to win with that record setting offense), and not only does Mike know how to coach a defense, but he has his own playing experience, too. As a player, he won a Super Bowl, and so he knows how to handle the pressure of big games.

    Players, other coaches, the press -- everyone respects and admires Singletary. That is going to be very important when it comes to getting players to buy into his systems, and also when it comes time to pick the assistants and coordinators needed to help him run the team. His players on the '9ers play their hearts out for him, and look at what a difference he has made with that defense. Not only has their play vastly improved, but big name free agents (Nate Clements, Tully Banta-Cain, Justin Smith, etc) have all signed on with the 49ers for the opportunity to play for him. We need someone that brings players in like that for our new team. (makes a big difference when it comes to discipline and keeping players out of trouble - when was the last time you heard of one of his players getting a DUI, arrested for domestic assault, fighting, or ANYTHING? Doesn't happen. His guys stay out of the news, and that is so important anymore.)

    And another reason: not only do football personel respect Mike -- fans do, too. They understand that he knows what he's talking about, and he is a coach that fans would watch and would root for. With a brand new team, we need to fill the seats any way we can! Also, there will be a lot of pressure coaching an expansion team, and you know that fans and the media do go easier on coaches they like versus coaches they don't.

    Lastly, Mike's name has NEVER come up with involvement in any kind of scandal or legal problems. Whether in his playing days, or as a coordinator, he's never been in any kind of trouble, never even been MENTIONED. Never has that been more important than in today's NFL, with the new conduct policies and stiffer punishments, etc.

    And yes, I am and always have been (always will be) a 49er fan. But I would have selected Mike no matter who he coached for! You can't go wrong with Singletary!

  • 5 years ago

    Here's a great answer for everyone, for the worst coaches, how about any of the 6 coaches for the Indianapolis Colts in 13 years from 1984-1997 in no particular order..... try and remember any of these guys. Frank Kush 82-84 (Baltimore/Indianapolis) Rod Dowhower 85-86 (Coached the Patriots before) Ron Meyer 86-91 Rick Venturi 91-91 Ted Marchibroda 92-95 (also coached in Baltimore) Lindy Infante 96-97 Lets just call these guys the PRE-MANNING coaches because Jim Mora and Manning started a whole new era out there..... Dungy obviously would be the best Indianapolis Colts Coach.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seriously my first attempt would be to see if Bill Cowher is interested. Face it this wouldn't be for at least another year, which covers his 2 year hiatus. Anyway it would be the same type of job he has with Pittsburgh. Instead of GM the title is Director of Football operations and all choices are made with the Coach getting some input. Yeah I've always been a Steelers fan, but I think his proven success gives a good reason. Hey people started with Parcells and I don't think he wants to be a Coach anymore or the Dolphins would have him as one. If we go by current ones I'm not sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm talking up the coach of my favorite team here, but I think for good reason - I would choose Jeff Fisher of Tennessee for the following reasons:

    - He gets the most out of the talent he has. I've seen Fisher win games with teams that talent-wise didn't really stack up to the competition. I would use last year's Titans team as an example - they went 10-6 while only outscoring their opponents by 4 points. Knowing the talent he had on his roster, Fisher concentrated all year on playing good defense and running the ball to control the clock. As a result, last year's Titans were a better team record-wise than they had any business being.

    - He never gets too up or down, which would be important in coaching what would most likely be a young and inexperienced team with a few scattered veterans. It would take a great deal of patience to deal with an expansion team and Fisher definitely has it.

    - He's a solid game coach. Some coaches are great teachers and aren't so great at game strategy, but Fisher is both teacher and strategist. He'll call onside kicks and trick plays at opportune times, but isn't predictable about it and doesn't frivolously use timeouts. He doesn't win them all but you rarely watch a Titans game and get the feeling that Fisher got outcoached.

    - He deals well with the media, but doesn't hog the spotlight. Fisher has a nice relationship with the media and very rarely lets himself become the story. When the Titans are winning he lets the players take the credit, but when they are losing he will be right there to take the fire for his players.

    - Finally, he's loyal. Fisher is the longest tenured coach in the NFL and has a track record of loyalty to the Titans. If he could be convinced to leave his current post you could likely count on the same type of loyalty for your new team.

    Favorite Childhood Team: Houston Oilers

    Current Team: Tennessee Titans

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  • 1 decade ago

    1) How bout Packers head coach Mike McCarthy? And no I'm not a packers fan.

    2) He's a young coach which would be great for a new franchise. He already knows the game very well and has many years to understand it even better, so after he is done coaching for your team (years down the line) he will be a great GM in the future. He kickstarted his career by turning the Packers franchise back around. He rejuvenated Favre's career after a rough couple of years while the critics were constantly begging him to retire, Favre shut them up with one of his best seasons of his career at age 38. McCarthy also turned around one of the leagues worst rated defenses to the eigth best defense in the NFL only allowing 18.5 points for their opponents last season. He's a great, young franchise coach.

    3) I've been a Chiefs fan my whole life!

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess it really depends on if you want an Offense or Defense minded Head Coach. And do you want an established coach or a young up and coming coach?

    That being said; I'd pick Pat Garrett (sp?), who is now the offensive Coordinator of the Dallas Cowboys. Former player, and is responsible for turning their offense around to being one of the most potent. He'll be on a lot of short lists for head coach after next season.

    Source(s): Favorite team as child, and also now as an adult: GREEN BAY PACKERS
  • Mejo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    taking away the fact that he only has aboue 1 season left in him, I would take Dungy. He commands the respect of his players but is loved by them too. He is a defensive whiz and in my opinion arguably the best coach currently in the NFL.

    My favorite team growing up was the 49ers, the Steve Young, Jerry Rice team. Now I'm only 17 but I like the colts now. Hence the reason I said Dungy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jack Del Rio

    Del Rio took a team with salary cap problems and a horrible offense and made them Super Bowl contenders, and he did it in four seasons.

    Jacksonville Jaguars

    Jacksonville Jaguars

    I know I picked the coach of my favorite team, but he is honestly in my opinion the best man for that job.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Herm Edwards

    2. Best coach ever (sarcasm)

    3. New England Patriots

    4. Baltimore Ravens

  • 1 decade ago

    A. Mike Singletary

    B.Defense minded, Knows Ditkas Gamebook inside and out


    D. New England fan since 92 when they drafted Bledsoe

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