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Lv 5
Yuki asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 1 decade ago

Sell me on Twilight.?

Okay, I've heard a lot about the book. How it's great and wonderful and the best thing since sliced bread (or since Harry Potter).

The problem is, I can't read it. I've tried, I got through half the book, and gave up, which is incredibly unusual. I found it sickening, really - most of the time I wanted to smack the heck out of Bella, the way you want to when your friend's dating an abuser. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to enjoy the book - I'm not big into love stories, but people were practically glowing about it. And I figured I was in the demographic - teenage girl.

So can anyone tell me why they like this series so much? Maybe it's just not for me, but with so many fans, there's got to be something to make it worth reading.


Don't worry about how long it is - I've been known to finish novels of 700+ pages in a day.

Would it hurt to say my favorite author is Stephan King, followed by Mitch Albom and...gah, who wrote Ender's Game...?

Update 2:

Why Edward? I'm sorry, but experience with other people's romances have taught me that bad boys, no matter how sweet they seem, always turn into abusers. I really can't fathom why it would be worth reading just for him.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's just not for you. Simple as that. Just like Harry Potter is not for me. I tried reading the first book and quit halfway through. Believe me, it's YOU, not everyone else. A LOT of girls and even guys like these books, including teens and adults. It's a matter of taste, what you like, and what you WANT to read. You basically forced yourself to read this. That's probably another reason why you didn't like it. It's like someone forcing themself to read the Bible and finding it boring. You have to want to read it because you want to not because you felt it necessary. =)

    And when I meant that it was you, I meant that it was you who doesn't care for the book, not that the book isn't good. I'll admit that I like the first book but the others are not as good at all. But I was just saying that most of the time, with a popular series like this, it's the reader that doesn't like it, not that the book isn't good. There are many people who don't like these books and a lot of them don't like them specifically because they are obsessed over. I will admit that it IS annoying and they aren't the best books in the world. However, many people think they are. That's their opinon and I respect that. I have my favorites too.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The book is a romance, and that may be the issue, not the story itself. A lot of people are like you, they can't digest formulaic romance, so don't beat yourself up just because you don't particularly liked what you read, irrespective of how many fans a series may have. Additionally, there are THOUSANDS of romance titles out there, this sort may not be your cup of tea, but maybe some other genre or even romance author would be more to your liking. Just to give you an example, I am a big romance fan, but I can't get into Laurel K. Hamilton or Nora Roberts both of which are considered nothing short of icons in their respective genres. Anything they put out becomes a best seller. Nora Roberts even has had several of her books turned into movies and she won the Quill Award last year.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think this book is for everyone. I know a lot of independent femlaes who find the books dispicable. I personally enjoyed the first and third, but found the secondbook extremly un-feminist. If you can't get through the first book theres no way you'll make it through the second. My motot is usually 'keep trying and never give up' but its obvious you're not enjoying the book, and life is too short, so try reading Crank by ellen Hopkins. The issues are real, unlike in Twilght.

  • 1 decade ago

    I mostly liked the series because of Edward. The whole bad boy/ sensitive thing abut him made me want to read more.

    I liked that it wasn't just romance too. There was action and death.

    I can see why you might not like it though. Bella gets really annoying and its not as well written as other books.

    Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr is better. Its got the whole magic thing too.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Remember, Twilight is in the Young Adult section. I'm not sure of your age, but you sound sophisticated enough to have a higher reading level than Twilight.

    Personally I love the series. But I can obviously see why you don't like it, it gets very, very cheesy and romantic at parts. For the people like me, who love Twilight but were never into romance novels before, are mostly in it for the fantasy and the battles. Those are my favorite parts of the books, and I think that they are very well thought out and written.

    I think that you should finish Twilight, and if you still aren't hooked, I wouldn't try out New Moon.

    Source(s): Hope I helped
  • 1 decade ago

    Well i've read it and i personally like it because of how romantic it was. I mean her true love was a vampire and they couldn't truly be together because of it. Yes she was stupid i agree too but Edward loved her so much it was beautiful. Trust me i felt the same way but force yourself through the whole book and you might find it better in the end.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've read all of the books in the series, and Ican see why you didn't like it. I didn't either.

    Let me just tell you: the series does NOT get better at any point. The quality level (about a 6.5 out of 10) does not increase in any of the books. If you haven't started to like it yet, you won't like it later on.

  • s d
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, finally someone who isn't completely ga-ga for Edward. It may not be for you, and that's fine! I don't think it's for a lot of people. The only people it may be for is for those who have not yet experienced greater writing than Twilight.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should at least try to finish reading the whole book. It was very hard for me to get into too, but the last 100 pages I really started to see the real Bella Swan, and the real other vampires, and that's when I started to love it. Not at the beginning.

    Happy reading!


    Source(s): i'm too overly obsessed for a healthy person.
  • 1 decade ago

    People have different opinions on books.

    Just because many people like it doesn't mean that everyone has to.

    Some things are just not for everyone.

    I mean come on if we all liked the book then it will be a very scary world wouldn't it?

    And I mean seriously scary!

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