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Another guy problem...go figure!!?

ok so this may seem like a dumb question but i would appreciate if you help me out and take it seriously cause i'm really confused right now!

ok so there is this guy that i know and he says he likes me a lot and he always tries to prove to me that he likes me...he can name all of my fav bands, my fav colors, my fav food, fav movies...ya so i like him..and i told him and we are just taking it slow...but my friend keeps butting in on us and keeps telling me that i don't want to be with him because he has the rep of a player....and her quotes were "dude 3 ppl are telling you that he is a player and you shouldn't even go for him..we know him" ok so i kinda knew that he was a player when i met him but he is soo nice to me and i can talk to him soo easily and he is so open about how he feels like he tells me that he likes me and he tells me he gets this gut feeling when he is with me..ok i guess my question i listen to my friends and give up on him or give him a chance?? thanks..


I just wanted to add in there that we usually talk every nite for like 5 hours until like 3 in the morning! He is soo easy to talk to and yea..I appreciate all of your guy's help!

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well i read the answers of the others that had answered this question. Majority is not always the way to go though. With knowing that he has been a player in the past you need to be careful. Players know how to make a girl feel comfortable and special. But also he could be trying to change his ways. I would talk to past girlfriends and ask if they wouldnt mind sharing what happened between the 2 of them, like how he came on to her and stuff like that. If it matches what hes doing to you then be extremely careful. If you really like this guy then give him a chance but take everything with a grain of salt, dont get all head over heels with him. Its good your taking it slow, but still be careful. Your friends on the other hand have no idea what kind of position you are in, its not up to them to make your decisions, they could be just jealous, but they wont admit it of course. Do what feels right to you.

    I once dated a player, and at the time i thought it would be different with me than with other girls. I didnt want to believe that he was saying the same things to me as he did to his other girlfriends, i thought i was special, he made me feel special, everything he said to me was soo sweet i feel right into it. 4 months later he dumped me, then told me he still loved me for 2wks after we broke up. After those 2 wks he started dated another girl. Later i found out he had been hanging out with her right after we broke up. So while he was saying that he loved me he was hanging all over other chicks. Then me and his girlfriend before me started talking and i found out he said the SAME EXACT things to her and it made her feel the same way it did with me. So just be careful with him if you do decide to date him. I would ask around first though bout his past girlfriends and stuff. But in the end it will be you who decides. I hope that i helped you in your decision and that if you do go out with him that you will have a great relationship.

    Source(s): Past Experience.
  • First off, this is not a stupid question. So many people wonder the same thing everyday. So I would give him a chance. There phrase "Once a player, always a player" is not true. I know a few players that have changed. You never know until you give him a chance. And he does sound like he has put a lot of time into proving to you that he really likes you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, time for reality check. In your explanation you described a PLAYER...he memorizes all your likes and dislikes, he has "gut" feelings; he is SOO easy to talk to...

    Any thing jump out at you there? Unless this man is gay, he is a player. This would most definately NOT describe a run of the mill every day boyfriend that exists anywhere on this planet.

    Listen to your friends, they don't want anything from you, the player does. Dump the Chump.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you have to lose? Just because he has been a player in the past doesn't mean he isn't sincere now. He could also be saying everything you want to hear to get you just playing you. You will never know till you do it. Listen to your own instincts. They are usually right. If it turns out bad then you have your friends to pick you back up and help mend your heart. Don't ever let fear of heartache choose if you should jump of the cliff. Who knows, he could be the one

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im going to have to go with your friend on this one. This is why the guy is a player, everything that you said. He makes you feel good, he says nice things to you, tells you how much he likes you. But you have an advantage that the other girls did not. YOU KNOW HE IS A PLAYER!!! my advice would be to stay away from him, and listen to your friend. she is just trying to help you out!!

  • 1 decade ago

    theres two of us here and we have both been where you are now.. both of our boyfriends before we got with them were 'players'...they had the reputation but when you like someone you should always take the one of us is engaged and the other one is moving in with her boyfriend in the next few weeks...they've proved themselves, and they never would have gotten that chance had we not given say it worked out is an understatment and thats because we went for it...if you like him go for least you'll have no don't want that 'what if?' factor.

    guys can seem like players...but when they find someone they really like...its a whole new story...and one that you can be part off

  • 1 decade ago

    if a lot of people are telling you that he has a rep as a player i would listen to them. think about it, he must be good at ACTING like he is really into girls and making them comfortable, otherwise he wouldnt be a player or be able to get girls to fall for him. ive been played by guys that i was sure were truly into me, but with all of them i was warned and chose not to listen. if you do decide to stay with him just be very careful and aware and try not to get hurt

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like he's changing. but just because he is sweet and remembers things about you doesnt mean that he doesnt do the same with other girls. guys with player reps usually have a list...and they go the extra mile for the girls at the top of the list. your either at or near the top of his list or he likes you so much that he's only going for you. see if he flirts with other girls; then decide. you can follow your heart...but thats an easy way to get it broken...

  • 1 decade ago

    at some point a player usually finds a girl that breaks him down to his core and makes him settle down and stop being a player. it's possible that it's you. there's nothing wrong with giving him a chance as long as you want to, and if it turns out that he is still a player, then you can dump him, and no feelings will be hurt :]


  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes friend try to break you and your happiness up because thier jealous. They could be right and all but they could also be lieing. Dont just give up on him. Do your research. Dig into him and ask about his past "rep" and what made him change. Dont allow your friends to run what you want you must find out what you want on your own. I understand they want to look out for you but in the end its YOUR life.

    = ]

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