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Should those converting from Islam to Christ be placed in peril?

Many Muslims who wish to accept Christ face repercussions many of us have never had to face. Is it essential that those in peril admit their salvation to all who ask? Review Peter's denial of Christ. Also keep in mind the struggle of early Christianity. Would their prayers addressed to God in a mosque be ignored?


Allahu (swt) Alim: I am pleased to see you survived the threat. It was wrong for anyone to do that to you. My question, though, concerns the threat coming from the opposite direction and is important because having your head separated from your body is more serious than that action threatened.

Update 2:

I speak to God whether standing, sitting, or lying down. I speak with Him at home, at work, and at play. I have a hard time believing God would not hear me if I spoke to Him in a mosque.

Christians speak of the importance of following Christ even to death, if need be. What I wish to know is what do people think of those who are new to their faith and do not have that much conviction.

Update 3:

B Knott Wildered: The problems facing those of your faith are also lamentable. I do not call for unity of all faiths and discussion of my understanding of yours would take much writing. I am concerned about those who wish to embrace Christ as a Christian. I fear they may receive the wrong impression, that they must be willing to die at the outset of their believing before experiencing the many wonderful things promised by God in this life. The early church was much in hiding for very good reasons. Even Peter denied Christ and was given the opportunity to set things straight at a later time.

Update 4:

We know that if we do not confess Christ before men he will not confess to knowing us before the Father. Today presents situations much like that of the early church. I am concerned that we may be sitting in safety and calling upon new converts to put their lives on the line. Surely God does not call children to Him just to be slain so quickly and ruthlessly. If not killed outright they face much suffering with little effective support. When I tell someone in the middle east how to accept Christ, typing on the net, the Spirit cries out for their safety. They are our brothers in Christ. I wish I knew of some support system in each country that would serve to protect and nourish them. Without knowledge of such a system all I can do is consider counselling them to remain underground with their fath until conditions are better, but the safety I have enjoyed has made me bold to speak and part of the advice I tend to give without thinking of the cost to others.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm, good question. Some sideways answers are easy when we are all sitting behind a warm keyboard- but what would we do in a like situation?

    When I was a young Christian, zeal ran higher than ever, 'on fire', so to speak, so on one hand I could see myself proclaiming His atoning blood to the world no matter the cost. But this is coming from an American boy raised in the Bible belt. It surely is a hard thing to do to truly put oneself there fully.

    As to question 2, there is no doubt whatsoever that God can hear your prayers from a mosque or any other location in the universe. He cannot be limited ever. What's that verse about the deepest depths or highest heights cannot seperate us from His love?

    I think the question behind this question may be 'how does God view all of this?' I do think it is important to Jesus to preach His kingdom unto the ends of the earth, and also to stand fearlessly; (think of the big deal God made about the 800 that had not bowed their knee to Baal and Ashach, Meeshach, & Abindigo)whether or not one can expect a new Christian in an Islamic land to boldly face death really all boils down to the faith of the individual. Christ was preaching right in the powerful face of Jewish Orthodoxy in His time- it defenetly speaks of the might, power and boldness of the One who sent Him and sends us.

    Personally, if I am given the opportunity to suffer for the Lord or even to die, I know there would be no better way to leave this body and planet and my suffering would not be worthy of comparison to the reward for my testamony.

    Hard question to answer friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Should anyone be placed in peril for their personal faith? I don't believe so, but I am American, and my country was founded, in part, on the freedom of religion. Here's one of my Founding Father's views on it, who happened to have served as the first U.S. ambassador to the Middle East:

    "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

    -Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782

    If only the Muslim theocracies were as enlightened as the 1786 General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which passed Jefferson's Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom:

    "Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting "'Jesus Christ,' so that it would read 'A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;' the insertion was rejected by the great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination."

    -Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography

    Note: It is a terrible irony of history that this man kept slaves.

  • Mim
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    having spent time in Pakistan I understand this very well and no I do not think they need to declare it to all God is listening to their prayers and understands the situation they are in. Muslims deny any leave Islam but that is only because most of those who do do not declare it to their family's for obvious reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Muslim converts face death by muslims. I understand. It is a hard situation. If it were me? I would get my affairs in order legally, and see what happens.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why does it matter? If situation requires one to accept Muslim, he/she accepts Muslim; IF situation requires him/her to accept Christ, he/she simply accepts and declares so. He/she can still comfortably BELIEVE in whatever religion he/she likes. You may say that 'lie' is bad, what a heck, we all lie, for one reason or another

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a good thought. I believe that it matters not from what geographical local. you are communing with God. I believe He is our Shepherd. And the Shepherd hears his own flock when they call out.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the surrounding Muslims believe the Quran they should.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course not. But only in Islamic countries are you at risk of execution for apostasy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there are many Muslim who want to turn to Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    My life was threatened when i converted to Islam, its a two way street sweetheart

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