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NASA Discovers and "UNseen Hand" In Space ... Will DAWKINS Push Back?

Currently, the current NASA space probe has discovered an "Unseen Hand" (their terminology) pushing the Universe inward - asymettrical. Science initially, dogmatically, taught to the contrary. Dawkins says a Creator doesn't exist ... Who will be the victor after the the "unseen Hand" pushes Dawkins into the "sea" of his own intellectual vanity ???


Further; MOST attack the person (me) but fail to adequately answer the question.

Interesting enough; the same conjecture, which some non-believers push the way of believers is apparent when YOUR icons are challenged. Since science is supposedly absolute in fact then, why is it so amazed at this recent discovery?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know what's vain? Is the little Christian looking at all the mystery in our universe on a large and small scale and thinking it was formed for him.

    As to this force, how much more mysterious can it be than gravity- the other 'unseen hand', and something you feel but don't think about every day.

  • 1 decade ago


    "Science initially, **dogmatically** taught to the contrary"? You really want to use that terminology about science? Science teaches what is most consistent with the facts of what we know, not dogma. If science were truly dogmatic, it would NEVER change as a result of NEW EVIDENCE. Sound like some fundamentalism you've ever seen?

    As for the wording ("unseen hand"), I'll give you 50:1 that it was a metaphor or allusion to help the nonscientific understand what they were seeing. But, since you post no source, how will we know. And they *certainly* didn't specifically say "hand of God", as you are assuming.

    Edit: Thanks Joe Citizen. This is what makes science so great. That article drips with new discoveries, both now and on the horizon.

  • 1 decade ago

    This doesnt mean its god or even if it does the Christian god.

    Science has not progressed enough to explain everything about energy. I challange you to think about this rationally.

    Science has proven some spiritual things true but more and more its looking bad for the Christians.

    Here is an example.

    Physics of the Soul

    There is a sub-atomic particle, discovered in 1956, called the neutrino. This particle, because of its extremely tiny size, and elusive behavior is difficult for scientists to study. The missing 9/10ths of the universe is thought to be comprised of neutrinos and neutrino-like particles. Although neutrinos have mass, they pass right through physical matter. It has been estimated that a neutrino from the sun would stand a good chance of penetrating a thickness of lead stretching from Earth to the nearest star without colliding with anything.

    Recent developments in physics, astronomy, and neurology provide an unexpected breakthrough into the understanding of psychic and paranormal phenomena. The atoms of our physical bodies contain the much finer and faster vibrating neutrinos and neutrino-like particles. These finer and faster vibrating particles compose the substance of the soul, that is joined to our physical body by a magnetic cord that breaks at the moment of death. The soul breaks loose from the body when the body is no longer able to function as a home for it.

    When one applies one's self to consistent power meditation, one's chakras vibrate at faster speeds. This takes training, preparation and readiness, but through the higher speeds, approaching the speed of light, one is able to access other dimensions at will.

    Humanity currently resides in a lower dimension. This has much to do with our earth and its position in space. In higher dimensions, colors, shapes, sounds, and thoughts are more vivid. One can see through walls and have the sensation of omnipresence. Telepathy is extremely enhanced and other senses become much stronger and more open beyond anything most people have experienced.

    © Copyright 2003, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries;

  • 5 years ago

    he's between the Rev Einsteins umpteen sock puppet money owed. they arrive out in his help, declaring detrimental proper wing crap like "Yeah atheists can not take care of the reality" or "I definitely have were given 3 college stages and that i'm a creationist" or some quote from a survey from 1820 or a list of little customary technological knowledge experts from u.s. who say they are creationists

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, it seems if 'hand' was used in the paragraph you read, it was a metaphor to describe a pressure....This is how the Bible ended up the way it did. People have take a book of metaphors and have tried to make it literal. Doesn't work.

  • 1 decade ago

    As usual a Christian who considers themselves to be made in the image of a god, who knows beyond a doubt that a supernatural being is personally interested in their life, and who considers themselves immortal, condemns a scientist for vanity.

  • umwut?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    So now science will reassess and make changes to ideas and update.

    The bible is still the same as it was 2000 years ago.. Even after proof to many contradictions. What does that say about science and religion?

  • 1 decade ago

    Since an Internet search turns up no such occurance, I am forced to conclude that either you made this up, or you read it at a check out in a supermarket.

    So, the score remains: Theism, NO evidence, ever.

    "That Just About Wraps It Up For God".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Keyword: UNSEEN

    Also,... it was the "solar system" and NOT the universe.

    They claim it is pressure exerted by unknown forces that make the solar system "egg-shaped" rather than spherical.

    This is, in NO WAY, evidence of ANY kind of "creator."

    Keep trying,... but next time, READ THE ARTICLE COMPLETELY.

    Edit: AMAZING... you FAIL to admit that you are TOTALLY and COMPLETELY WRONG!!!

    You're so full of it...

    Source(s): The "bottom" of the egg is flattened by a permanent clash of particles, as the outbound solar wind smashes into atomic debris hurtling in from interstellar space, the scientists theorise.
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe that the universe being "pushed in" has anything to do with a "creator"

    Don't count your chickens before they hatch.


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