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Steph☺ asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

HELPP sick fish?

My fish is floating randomly, it tries hard to even swim down... and sometimes even floated all d way up to the top of the water on her tummy, like a dead fish. And then she's all gud again. Another day comes, the same thing happened. Any symptoms to anything? Plz help


She's been doing this over and over for like a month at least though.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What kind of fish is this?

    Your fish isn't dying (yet) but it is very sick.

    It sounds like the symptoms of severe constipation or a swimbladder issue- most common in 'egg shaped' goldfish- but other fish can get it as well.

    - If it is still small enough- put it in a breeder net if you have one to rest the fish.

    - Thaw and feed it 1-3 shelled and boiled frozen peas from the grocery store (depending on the size of the fish)

    - Fast the fish for 36 hours. Feed it another 2-3 peas. Keep it on peas for 3 days.

    - If the fish is still having problems balancing itself- put a single grain of Epso, salt inside one of the peas before feeding it to the fish. This will help soften the impaction.

    Swim-bladder Is an infection that is almost like a cross between an inner-ear infection and severe constipation. 'Egg-shaped' goldfish are especially prone to this. (To prevent, keep on top the water levels, soak flake food and pellets before dropping it in the tank, vary the diet, and feed shelled peas once or twice a week as a snack.)

    Other symptoms include:

    - Fish been swimming 'weird'

    - Careening around the tank, or occasionally swimming upside down

    - Having a hard time swimming down and/or floating at the top of the tank

    - Long stringy poop that trails after the fish, poop with air-bubbles in it, really thick poop, or white poop

    If the peas aren't helping after 5 days- it might be a bacterial infection causing irritation to the swim-bladder. Remove the carbon from the filter and treat the water with Melafix (for bacterial infections) for 7 days then do a 25% water change. Follow the instructions on the bottle for dosage.

    More info on Swim Bladder Disease and others:

    Source(s): Personal experience with goldfish (commons, comets, ryukin, oranda) and koi. I just went through this with an Oranda two weeks ago.
  • 1 decade ago

    Fish can be cure using medicine from pet store for $7-$8 dollars; however, when fish is floating, that means it lacked of oxygen, thus there is no way that can help it unless you contact a petstore for urgent care.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry to say, but fish, actually every animal/human sometimes get little energy spurts before they go...sadly my year old betta did the same.

    Try moving her to a bowl all her own, and if she goes, then you did your best, sorry sweety, maybe it's just her time to go.

    If you put her in a hospital bowl do this.

    -Test the water in her tank

    -In the hospital bowl, make the water almost the same as the water in the tank.

    -Add your chemicals or whatever you do to take chemicals from the tap water.

    -Put her in

    -Watch her VERY carefully

    Source(s): My other betta (crowntail) got this way, not as bad, but after a few days of watching him VERY closely he was all right and now is as healthy as can be!
  • 1 decade ago

    Check your levels of nitrite and nitrates... could be water quality. I agree with both posts prior to my response... sounds like the fish is about to die and YES you can try to add some AQUARIUM SALT to the water. The salt does help with healing. I have saved quite a few fish with a bad case of ick by raising the temp and adding the salt. ... no other chemicals are needed to get rid of ick.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think she is close to the toliet and might die :(

    I know its sad but my fish did the same exact thing so there cant really be an answer.

    My fish was sick, then got better, sick, then got better, sick, then she died.

    Source(s): Sorry :( to break the bad news I hope she is fine :( I have owned 3 fishes and I have 1 currently
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    quickly put the fish in a bowl and put salt in the water it will save it. It brought my dead fish back to life. Siriously.

  • 1 decade ago

    there may not be any thing to can not really medicate the fish it will not do an affect

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah i think shes gunna pass away.

  • 1 decade ago

    phone pet store.

  • how old is ur fish...and wat kind u can take it to the store with a water sample and they can tell u wats upp

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