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Fibromyalgia long did it take to be diagnosed?

I have been seeing my family doc for many years. I have a well documented bursitis of the right hip, but besides that, I also have anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping well, mental fogginess and body aches all the time. I was reading one of the medical journals at work during lunchtime, and casually flipped to an article about fibromyalgia. I didn't realize docs are taking it more seriously these days, and it discussed several medications that help. One of the medications that was mentioned is what I take for my bursitis. It is a VERY mild opioid, it doesn't make me feel weird or spacy, and I am more productive on it. I also read in the article about pain points, and found a graphic online that showed the 18 places that doctors use to help diagnose the condition. Of the 18 pain points...I had all of them, something I've actually been discussing with my doc for a while now.

Should I go to him and ask about the possibility that I might have fibromyalgia?


I forgot to mention that I am unbelievably fatigued, and often have a very hard time getting moving in the mornings, feeling exhausted all day, especially if I don't take my Tramodol.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Definitely. If he has been your doctor for a long time, you may have a raport that would allow you to hand him a page from the internet. Go to Google and type in "Fibromyalgia." You'll find many, many pages here. The University of Michigan Pain and Fatigue Research Center, University of Maryland Medical Center, NIH, the Mayo Clinic and countless other schools and Hospitals- not just sites- have acres of information on Fibromyalgia. These particular schools have been doing research on a regular basis and are learning more all the time. Your doctor may not be thrilled about just any old site, but these schools should impress him. I used information from these schools for the footnotes in my new book Managing Fibromyalgia- Getting to know your aggravators. They were updating these pages as I was using them! Your doctor will probably be greatly impressed if you showed him a list of symptoms from one of their webpages. And you DO sound like you have enough symptoms for your doctor to work with. If not, you can ask him to refer you to a Rheumatologist- they have been doing most of the research and are the ones who are responsible for delineating the diagnostic criteria. Some family physicians just haven't learned enough about it to give a positive diagnose it. If your family physician is unsure or unwilling to make the diagnosis, ask him to recommend a Rheumatologist. Believe me, with your symptoms, he will be ble to help. Getting restorative stage 4 sleep is of utmost importance and a Rheumatologist will be able to help you there, probably with a low-dose mild anti-depressant like Elavil. There is a lot you can do to help yourself too. Check out some of the websites I mentioned above. University of Michigan and University of Maryland gave me a LOT of information for my book- you can use it too!

    Source(s): Managing Fibromyalgia- Getting to know your Aggravators at
  • 1 decade ago

    Just go in and tell your doctor that you definitely suffer Believe me. you have it with all those symptoms! I've had it since at least 1967 and I know only too well.

    At first I thought I had chronic fatigue syndrome , but ,about 20 years ago , I read something in a book listing fibromyalgia symptoms and then saw a rheumatologist ,who did a bunch of test confirming that I didn't have any of possible other problems and agreed with my diagnosis.

    I take a prescription pain medicine and an anti-depressant, Trazadone, for the sleep disturbance. Hot showers help some. Since everyone I know who has fibromyalgia has very bad flares on the same days, I am sure that it is in part weather related.

    Both emotional and physical stress can trigger a flare, but it certainly NOT just in one's head.

    Good luck, you are going to need it. People who wake up and don't hurt have no idea how wonderful that is.

    Love, Lara

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I was finally diagnosed when I was 21 and it took about 2-3 years to get that diagnosis. I went through the x-rays, blood tests, MRI, CT scan and no results... but unfortunately that's the process for diagnosing Fibromyalgia, ruling out other conditions. I was on so many pills before and now all I take is antidepressants and some over the counter pain pills. The absolute best thing I have found is massage therapy to minimize pain and I have had the best relief from the headaches. For relief of fibro fog, try doing crossword puzzles/sudoku regularly to keep the brain active and stimulated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi I am from Northern Ireland and doctors here don't give Fibromyalgia the reconigntion it derserves. Nearly 17 years ago i had an accident and a while late i took my pains which my doctor diagnoised as Fibromyalgia due to the trauma of the accident. Have tried various tablets but alot were no good and he wont increase painkillers. Its only this week the locom gave me 30/500 co-codomol before it was only 8/500. Unfortunately due to it i am unable work so we are on a low income so can only afford tablets on NHS and have to pay for prescriptions. Go to your doctor and insist on being taken seriously and get whatever help you can to help you maintain a normal life and if neeed a second opinion ask for one. Hope all goes well for you and you get sorted

    Source(s): Personal experience
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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, I think it took about 3 years and 3 doctors. First one was a general practitioner and said I was depressed and had body aches, 2nd one I went for a complete physical because, like you, I read of FMS and I plainly had all the signs. 2nd one said I was in great shape even as I was saying, again that I felt like I was dying of the flu and could not even hold my head up in the waiting room. Next if I can remember I somehow got to see a rheumatologist. A rheumatologist is the one who should make the official diagnosis in case you are bad enough to need disability like me. He did diagnose me. I found the regular doctors are unbelieving and even laugh at us, I am a retired nurse and I have heard them. So make an appointment with a rheumatologist. I tried what ever that new medicine for FMS on TV commercials and it made me too sleepy to take along with a huge headache. I have most of the 18 points, depression, fatigue, daily pain, sleepless or sleep too much. take Ultram also. How would they like it to wake up feeling like a stiff legged Frankenstein with the flu hurting all day? If they could just feel what it is like they would not laugh or brush us off.

    Source(s): Best wishes.
  • 1 decade ago

    If the little understood disease fibromyalgia has recently come across your radar due to your own diagnosis or that of someone close to you, it’s understandable that your first instinct will be to learn all you can about this often life changing disease. You are going to want to know what causes it, what the latest fibromyalgia treatment options are, and how to best care for yourself or your loved one on a daily basis. While experts are constantly working towards a better base of information about fibromyalgia, there are still a lot of variables unknown at this time. However, comfort can be taken in the available, effective treatments and any new research that comes out.

    * The symptoms and cause of fibromyalgia

    * Common treatments for fibromyalgia

    * Daily care and good habits


  • 1 decade ago

    That's a pretty good indication. You can see a chart of all the tender points on the FibroFix web site. Also has a list of the Symptoms with descriptions. Is just an info and help site.

    Has tricks and tips to help you beat the symptoms asap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely tell your doctor about this... this is almost the exact story of my diagnosis except I had about 2 years of blood tests and x-rays to rule out other possible conditions. Sounds like you have fibro to me... I have had it for over 5 years now and it took about 2 and a half years to get a diagnosis just because they have to rule out a lot of other conditions which is understandable but it is extremely frustrating not knowing for sure what is causing all the discomfort. Best of luck to you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been reading about this also, my mom thought she had it. Most of the drugs the doctors are giving are fakes. theres many that think this a mind pain only. I don't know either way, becuse I dont suffer from it, real or fake?? try getting into a study. I have seen many commericals about it?? Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes u do

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