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I'm the mom of a grown son with mental illness, and I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I've worked in healthcare for 20 years on both the clinical and administrative sides of the business, and have taught the professions of medical assisting, health information management, and phlebotomy. I'm fascinated by the etymology of names and the English language. I love animals, especially kitties! I'm a Christian and enjoy honest, non-hostile discussions regarding faith because I know what I believe and why I believe it.
Neurological conditions vs. psychiatric disorder - any neuros out there?
My son is almost 23 and has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. As a child, he rarely slept, had anger and other behavioral isses, didn't eat much and was very small for his age He was given medications for ADHD which never really helped his symptoms much and caused his sleeplessness to worsen. As he entered his teen years, he attempted suicide and was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. He tried again to kill himself in 2007 because of hallucinations and mental confusion.
I just watched and read a story about a toddler who had sleep and behavior issues due to a Chiari I Malformation, but also looked into subarachnoid cysts that can mimic symptoms of psychosis. Are there any neurologists (or neuropsychiatrists) that might be reading this and can give me any direction? If he has an operable condition, I'd like to pursue treatment for him, but I also don't want to sound like a crazy mother if I decide to help him seek out a specialist to either rule out or confirm this as an explanation for his symptoms, especially since the meds he takes now (Lithium and an antipsychotic) aren't doing much to help him.
3 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoDexter fans: what will happen this season?
Now that Dexter is questioning Harry's "code" (and his integrity), how do you think it will affect the way Dexter approaches his little hobby? And where do you think he will dispose of his supply of hefty bags now that he can no longer dump in his favorite spot?
1 AnswerDrama1 decade agoLocal and colloquial - what are your favorites?
We all know that in Texas y'all means "you" and all y'all means everybody; we also know that yonder is "over there". What are some other common phrases or words from where you live?
Example: my parents were born and raised near Pittsburgh, PA, but moved to Arizona in their 30's, shortly after I was born. It took me years to realize that what my mom called a "gum band" was the same thing as a "rubber band" in Arizona, or an "elastic" in Maine!
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoWhat is the closest airport to Long Beach, CA?
If I go visit a friend, how far will she have to drive to pick me up?
9 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade agoDoes anyone know the medical term for the lights you see...?
when your eyes are closed? I know there's a word for it, but I just can't remember it. It happens especially after you rub your eyelids.
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agoWhat causes that weird tingling after a body part falls asleep?
Is it the nerves firing excessively when they get sensation back, or is it returning blood flow or what? I'd love to know the actual mechanism of why this occurs.
4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWho else is ready for the new season of Heroes?
I finally saw a commercial last night for the new season starting September 22 - "Heroes Villains". Anybody else out there almost pee their pants like I did? I've been DYING to see more!
6 AnswersDrama1 decade agoFibromyalgia long did it take to be diagnosed?
I have been seeing my family doc for many years. I have a well documented bursitis of the right hip, but besides that, I also have anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping well, mental fogginess and body aches all the time. I was reading one of the medical journals at work during lunchtime, and casually flipped to an article about fibromyalgia. I didn't realize docs are taking it more seriously these days, and it discussed several medications that help. One of the medications that was mentioned is what I take for my bursitis. It is a VERY mild opioid, it doesn't make me feel weird or spacy, and I am more productive on it. I also read in the article about pain points, and found a graphic online that showed the 18 places that doctors use to help diagnose the condition. Of the 18 pain points...I had all of them, something I've actually been discussing with my doc for a while now.
Should I go to him and ask about the possibility that I might have fibromyalgia?
10 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoUsed car advice - what's the best next move?
I bought a used car off a lot in April. It's an Infiniti, so I figured a Nissan product would be relatively reliable. I only paid $1900, but it was all I had to work with.
Since I've had the car, I've had several regular maintenance issues fixed (tires, oil and filer change), but also discovered some other major problems that weren't divulged to me at the time of purchase. So far I've spent an additional $900 on it, and now I need to replace the brakes, alternator and a/c components. I know...buyer beware.
Would you take the car back to the orginal dealer and try to get an upgrade with the current car for a trade-in, or go to a completely different dealer for a better used car? My credit is shot (thanks to my irresponsible hubby), so I can't afford to get a loan and don't even want a new car ever again anyway. I might consider a short term, high interest note with a dealer for 6 months if it meant I wouldn't have to keep dropping cash on repairs.
Your opinions?
3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoWhat are your favorite orchestral instruments, and why do you like them?
My faves are cello (always beautiful, especially during solos), violin (sounds most like the human voice, very emotive), and french horn which is so different from the other brass instruments. I also like oboe because it's the only woodwind that has the same "feel" as me, anyway.
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat is life like in a coastal state like the Carolinas, Virginia, or Florida?
I've lived in Arizona nearly all my life and love the desert, but have been considering moving to the gulf coast or along the Atlantic. What are the crime rates like? Are people friendly? How about the temperatures - what are the extremes? How about career opportunities, cost of living and typical wages? I'm charmed by the fantasy of living near the shore, but don't know if it's right for me.
Any info would be appreciated.
4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoAnother vehicle a/c question - older Infiniti problem?
I bought a '93 Infiniti a couple months ago and it runs just fine except for the A/C. This is a problem because I live in Phoenix and the daytime high temperatures have been around 114 degrees for the past week.
The A/C is cool enough when I drive to work in the morning, but in the afternoon, it barely puts out any cool air at all, and it NEVER gets cold. I took it to one repair shop for an estimate and they said the compresser, condenser and drier ALL need to be the tune of $1500 - almost as much as I paid for the car! I plan on getting other estimates, but how likely is it that all three main components would need to be replaced - especially when it DOES put out some cool air. I also noticed this evening that it loses cooling power when I'm going up an incline or sitting at a long stop light. It clearly has some refrigerant and something must be working or I wouldn't have ANY cool air at all, right?
3 AnswersInfiniti1 decade agoJob I like but am way overqualified for vs...something else?
I have a clerical position that pays well below what I'd been making for the past several years. My boss tells me all the time I am seriously overqualified - but she likes me a lot and appreciates me. I don't have a college education, but I do have experience in management, healthcare, and human resources. My dream job would be to be the administrator of a cosmetic dermatology practice, but they don't come up often. Would it be wise to look for something else or just shut up and be happy with what I have, especially since I am treated so well?
1 AnswerHealth Care1 decade agoBad credit, want to sell my condo and move into an apartment.?
My condo community has declined terribly and is crime ridden and falling into major disrepair. I'll take a huge loss to sell it, but I really want out. My problem is that my credit took a huge dive when my husband made one bad decision after another and left us in serious debt with no way to really resolve the problems on only my income. I would rather rent an apartment closer to my employer, but worry that my credit rating will prevent me from getting anything but the slummiest places. Has anyone had any experience with this, and can you give me some pointers?
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoUnbiased opinions needed about moving back to my hometown?
I live in Phoenix and I love it here - been here 10 years, have a job I enjoy, and the opportunities for me are amazing. I escaped from my hometown because it wasn't offering me anything I wanted for my life...but my mentally ill (adult) son hates it in Phoenix and went back to where he grew up. He is currently homeless since he doesn't want to live with me in the big city, - and he begs me to move back to Kingman, AZ, so he will have a safe place to stay and someone he trusts to help him. I'm torn because I want to do what's best for my only child who needs me, but hate the small town mentality of my hometown. There aren't many job opportunities for me in such a small community, and besides my son, the only other people I really care about there are my parents.
Objective opinions - what would YOU do in a situation like this? What would you say is the RIGHT thing to do?
7 AnswersFamily1 decade agoCelebratory gunfire causing injury or death - anyone know?
Does anyone know any statisics about how many people are injured or killed when the projectiles come back down from the sky? I personally think celebrating by shooting into the air is incredibly stupid, but I have heard conflicting stories. In one well publicized instance, there was a girl in the Phoenix area who was hit and killed by such a bullet while standing in her back yard talking on the phone, but I'd like to see if anyone knows of any other verifiable incidents.
1 AnswerOther - News & Events1 decade agoBlister on back of throat - it's not strep - any ideas?
I woke up yesterday and my right ear was hurting. I realized an hour or so later that my throat hurt on the same side when I swallowed. I looked at my throat and found what looked like a large blister, and had my husband look and tell me what he saw - he said "you mean that huge blister back there?"
Today when I shampooed my hair, I noticed pain along certain nerve paths on my scalp, face and around my ear - all on the right side. I've had this once before but it didn't cause pain on my scalp - only the ear and throat. I have a history of shingles (3 occasions) and am curious if anyone else has ever heard of zoster in the mouth or throat.
I'm perfectly healthy otherwise, just a little run-down. I work with a bunch of docs so I'll ask one on Tuesday, I'm just kind of curious.
4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoSo many celebs having twins...weird or normal?
To me it seems there is an inordinate number of celebrities who have had or are pregnant with twins recently. Do you think the incidence is really higher in celeb parents, or are the numbers just skewed since these people are in the limelight and we hear about them more often?
4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoWhat is the difference between needlepoint and embroidery?
I'm just curious, and I guess I could look it up online, but if someone has the answer and can explain it, that would be cool.
6 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoUsed car issues - any recourse in Arizona?
Bought a used car 2 weeks ago and today discovered that there are serious problems with the power steering and transmission. Plus, tonight I filled the trunk with groceries and when I got home, the trunk wouldn't open. A neighbor had to drill out the lock so I could get the $100 worth of food out . The car also didn't pass emissions, and the dealer did admit that they are responsible for taking care of that...what else might they be responsible for? I really think the car might be a hazard if the steering and transmission aren't working right.
This all happened before day 15 of the limited warranty - but there was no way to notify them since it was a Sunday.
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago