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solomon asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

How do ''GREAT AMERICAN" Republicans explain what they have done to America in the last eight years ??

The last eight years were ''total'' republican power years,,if all their policies and ''Values'' are what America needs,,why are we in the state we are in?? And what possible reason could they expect The American Voter to re-elect any of them ?? And please,,don't use 9/11 as the reason ,,or Obama,, lets just stick to the facts !! This country is MORE divided now and today than anytime since the "Uniter'' has been in office..


George W Bush,,himself called himself the "UNITER"" learn the facts,and republicans controlled both house,and senate for six years,,and the dems don't have enough of a majority to change much now !!

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They turned budget surplus into record deficits.

    They destroyed the real estate market by allowing speculation in the mortgage industry.

    They started two wars. One based on lies and for questionable motives and both with no end in sight.

    They gave huge tax breaks to the wealthy and big oil

    They let their corporate backers write the law

    They let our government spy on citizens, torture people and ignore due process....all directly opposed to the Constitution and Bill of Rights....our founding documents.

    They used fear to keep their control

    They fought to keep Americans burning oil and killed every viable alternative energy program they could, to keep America addicted to their big oil benefactors.

    All while American's wages decreased, we now suffer the worst unemployment in decades and nobody thinks we've reached bottom yet.

  • 5 years ago

    For two reasons, its historical value & current political value. Historically, Reagan gave birth to the new Conservative movement in this country. He's also associated with the fall of the Soviet Union (some even attributing the fall to his foreign policies). And most importantly, Reagan's presidency was marked by an economic boom that pulled the nation out of a state of stagflation that was existent under the Ford and Carter administration. Rather simply put, Reagan is associated as a cult of personality during a supposed Golden Age of the GOP. For current political reasons - Reagan is often praised. When the current GOP wants to push for conservative fiscal policy and deregulation of industry, they cite "Reaganomics" as proof of the effectiveness of their proposed policies. By resonating with Reagan, the GOP hopes to channel remembrance of an Era of Good Feelings and economic boom to legitimize their policies... despite the fact that Reagan tripled the deficit. In my personal opinion, George H.W. Bush is a far better President than Reagan. The reason he's too commonly rejected is because. 1.) He was a one-term President. 2.) He was succeeded by Bill Clinton, who many believe ushered in economic prosperity of the 90s 3.) He raised taxes and went against his campaign promise - and the current GOP don't like tax raises. My .02

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A. The Republicans have not been in control for the last 8 years.

    B. The economy was growing at a rapid pace prior to the election of the Democrats in 2006.

    C. Gas prices rose an average of $0.11 a year during the years Congress was in Republican hands and has risen $1.04 per year on average since 2006 (Democrat years).

    D. Since coming to office of the Democrats in 2006 Congressional approval ratings have continued to fall. They set American history this month by being the first time the rating has ever fallen to single digits.

    E. Any division now can easily be attributed to the fact that it is an election year.

    F. I have never head Bush referred to as "the Uniter".

    You can ignore these facts at your own peril, but rest assured that your denial doesn't change reality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are no "GREAT AMERICAN" politicians of ANY party! All the politicians care about anymore is getting re-elected and power! They could care less about their constituencies (voters) who put them there, as long as they keep getting re-elected.

    They will give lip-service to any cause or concern that the voters bring up during an election. Once they are elected, it's back to Washington, D.C. where they work on making their positions even more secure.

    Division of the masses by inciting racism and class envy is the politicians' favorite ploy to keep the voters under control and following their "leadership." The people of this country listen to the propaganda arm of the government, the "mainstream" media and become pliant "sheeple," waiting for the next government hand-out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    ''don't use 9/11 as the reason"

    that's like saying, paint me a picture of the sea but don't use the color blue

    btw, you're so brave to have survived the past 8 years...which, despite 9/11, have been relatively easy for us everyday Americans...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'm not a republican, but the last time I checked the democrats have been in control of the congress and must approve ALL spending. I do not debate our current president has been woefully inadequate, but then again so has the democratic lead congress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well if you forget about the filibusters and the cheap tactics the democrats pulled to stop every effort to get anything republican led done, then you could say it was republican led. But as we all know that simply wasn't the case. I think you need to look in your own backyard before digging in your neighbors when looking for blame.

  • C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    9-11 IS THE FACTS

    We were ATTACKED and it has cost us trillions, even if you throw out the Iraq war, we would just be fighting AlQueda in other places harder.

    Bush is an idiot, but, sad as that is, I am glad that we have not had Kerry or Gore.

    We need better choices, and we need to stick to the issues.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And, pray tell, what have we "done" to America that you so object to?

    Can you factually state the actual causes and actual events that have led to what you so strenuously object to?

    Or can you only blame Bush and Republicans, without being able to show any causation or logical flow of events that have led us to the current situation?

    So, instead of your vitriol and blame, how about positing some of the vaunted "facts" you liberals so love to claim you possess and cherish?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republicans are always ditching the middle class and poor people. They are all about the rich getting richer and always have been. They don't care if some poor or middle class people have to pay more for things or even if they lose their houses or can't pay for gas to get to work.

    Every time there is a Republican President, the national debt increases greatly, the unemployment rate rises to new highs, and the economy goes to crap.

    I'm not saying Obama is the answer, but he has to do better than the Republicans.

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