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94 nissan sentra oil pressure light stays on for an extended time 30 sec. or more when cold?

plz help me figure this out do i need and oil pressure switch , oil pump or what?????


oil has been changed it now has about 1000 miles on it. HELP!

3 Answers

  • bobby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First , have the oil pressure sending unit replaced, if the problem continues after that is done, I would start focusing on the oil pump.

    Source(s): ASE certified master tech, 39 years.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You may need a pump or your bearings in the engine may just be worn out.....or it could just be low/dirty oil.

    That light is a warning. If it ever starts flickering or stays on while driving shut it down quickly. The first sign of an engine about to go is the light staying on longer then it ever has.

    I have been working on nissans for 15 years and have never come across a bad pump even on cars with 300,000 miles. It is more then likely internal wear. Get an oil change now it may save the car. Look for any shiny metal flakes in the oil. This will be bearing meterial.

    Source(s): ASE ceritfied 39 1/2 years!!!11
  • 1 decade ago

    do and oil change with GOOD oil

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