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Now that Barak Obama has sold out the constitution by voting for the FISA bill don't freedom loving americans

have to vote for Bob Barr?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Democrats and Republicans alike are committed to growing the power of the U.S. Government without regard to The Constitution, civil rights, or the financial cost.

    They carry on this ruse, that each somehow can solve all the world's woes while the other is always the cause. In this way whenever anything goes wrong just blame the other guy. When there is one political party everybody blames them, but with two parties the blame is halved but the political class just stays in power.

    I'm going to vote for the best candidate, whether he is still in the race or not, I'm writing in Ron Paul. He is the only one of them with any integrity.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, looking at the above answers, it is scary how many Americans are willing to sell off our freedoms, something we fought for in the American Revolution and is guaranteed in the constitution, in order to buy a little "perceived" security. No wonder we are in such dire straits!

    As for your answer, a vote for Barr (from an Obama supporter) is a vote for McCain, who will further dismantle the constitution at the same pace as Bush.

    Source(s): History
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The FISA bill had a lot more in it than just a crooked get-out-of-jail card for the telephone companies. Lots of democrats thought they had to vote for it to get the parts they wanted.

    There's a surprise coming with this one later down the line. After Li'l Bush is gone, I think we'll find that it doesn't actually get the telephone companies off the hook.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What freedom are you referring to? The freedom to have my internet and telephone records observed by the federal government without asking me first? The freedom of not being able to wear my swimsuit at the Y because it "shows" too much skin? The freedom of not being able to wear a tank top to work on a 100 degree summer day? The freedom of having to buy school uniforms for my children, even though the school doesn't pay for them, I do? The freedom of not being able to really say what I feel - because if I do I get a violation notice? Freedom has been restricted in this country to a point where there is no freedom no longer....go to Europe--they are all so called socialist countries--and give their citizen more freedom than America with their bigot doublestandards ever did--even though the constitution guarantees it....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My honest opinion is that I don't think Obama is the right choice for President. He is a sell out, and will continue to be. He will continue to flip-flop and bend on issues.

    He will continue to beat around the bush when a question desires a straight answer. He does not inspire me with much confidence I'm afraid. Developments outside our own country dictate that we need a leader that will not dither, flip- flop or bend. Our choices of either candidate this time around is not that great but there is no other choice. The best we can do is to vote for the lesser of two evils.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think Obama's vote on the FISA bill is the first rational decision he's made. He's put the security of American citizens as a greater priority than the paranoia of nationalist conspiracy theorists. Good for him!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say yes, Vote for Bob Barr (except I don't want my question to get removed by the Obama-heads!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you know that Barak Obam has to adjust his stand to best serve the most good for the most people.

    Maybe Bob Barr is right but Barak is going to go with this issue..but the FISA was keepinig us safer.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'll vote for Ron Paul or as close as I can vote and get it counted.

    That may end up being for Bob Barr, or Baldwin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama Hasn't told the truth from the time he first ran for the senate and domestic terrorist, Ayers of the Weather Underground threw him a campaign fundraising party.

    Obama figures he can lie his way into the presidency.

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