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All's Quiet on the Western Front???

I'm a frequent visitor to Yahoo answers.

Can someone please tell me why every night there are a dozen or so lengthy questions about the novel, "All's Quiet...", by different askers. Surely, not that many people can be reading this book and have such lengthy questions EVERY night?? This has got to be some sort of scam or cult thing or something??? Please explain!! Anybody else notice? Just curious.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you can sort of follow the common curricula of some school systems based on the subjects of questions. orwell's 1984 and Bradbury's Farenheit 451 were popular for a while, for example, and in some of the sciences you will see the same or similar questions from multiple users over short periods of time, and then nothing more for a long time.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I've never noticed that, but I believe it. That book is a classic novel that most kids have to read in high school, so they probably need homework help. Most schools have a standard and usually read some of the same books. I think that's one of them, and I THINK it's a book used for AP tests too. Although I'm not sure.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the concentration isn't on battles, renowned or no longer. The archetypical warfare novel romanticizes warfare and extolls the heroes of the tale, notwithstanding this e book exhibits a bright, sensible, and hellish portrait of warfare. international warfare I observed the form of many new unfavourable concepts which includes poison gasoline and gadget weapons; all of which made killing extra straightforward. the radical exhibits those weapons getting used for butchery on a grand scale; working example, battles lasting for 4 months.

  • One Ho
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would propose to say that perhaps it's for a Homework exercise based on the book that's why there are many questions on this topic.


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