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Anonymous asked in Food & DrinkOther - Food & Drink · 1 decade ago

what is the weirdest ice cream you've ever eaten??

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tabasco Flavored

    Source(s): Imma da sour'ce
  • 1 decade ago

    Ten Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors

    1. Mashed potato and bacon

    2. Tuna fish

    3. Fried Pork Rind

    4. Chili con Carne

    5. Garlic

    6. Sauerkraut

    7. Horseradish and Beer

    8. Mustard

    9. Dill Pickle

    10. Ketchup

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I live in a town where we have a SPECTACULAR Ice cream Parlor that makes many unique flavors. If you go in try a mystery flavor, you must try a sample before they will tell you what it is. My favorite is Mexican Chocolate which is fiery hot with cayenne pepper! (Oohhh, I love it!) I have also tried

    Lavender and Chamomile, Creamed Corn, Garlic, Chili, & Squash.

    The very strangest... I tasted it and I told the owner, "This tastes like the best ever New York Cheese Cake! Wow!"

    But why do you have this as a mystery flavor? Everyone will know what it is! He put a spoonful of his vanilla into a bowl, drizzled it with Balsamic Vinegar and gave it a stir... Voila'!

    They called it BelieVe it or not! (B and V in caps for balsamic vinegar) They do fear factor nights and all kinds of crazy stuff!

    Here's the website, or better yet... visit them in Bloomsburg, PA. Tell 'em The Rooster sent you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I to am a chef, and I have had some strange one, in Singapore Durian, from a fruit that smells like a dirty diaper, in Nice France, I had Lavender ice cream, I have eaten/made Guinness Stout ice cream, in Japan I had one made with salted/pickled plums called umeboshi, in Thailand I had red bean and coconut ice creams in the same dish.

    One made with the milk of a Yak, while not an ice cream I had a frozen treat in Mexico with mealworms inside it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Red beans and rice ice cream, and it wasn't very good.

  • 1 decade ago

    sebaki,a chinese herb that promotes virility,it is mixed with jin sam jung and royal jelly to kill the taste then disolved in gotukola and brandy and heavy cream then still frozen then grated with a fork and served with powdered deer penis ,and caramelized water lilly petals ,and blacksalt

    Source(s): I am a master chef and my sous chef made this for a holiday celebration last year ,it took 3 weeks to get rid of that taste
  • 1 decade ago

    Vanilla ice cream. Someone told me it actually comes from an orchid!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    garlic ice cream but it was really good

  • SoVein
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I once made dark beer sorbet. I thought it was pretty good, but no one else liked it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pistachio nuts.

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