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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Honestly, my parents just don't get my mental problems, they are just getting me angrier, what should I do?

I have a lot of psychological problems, for one I am bipolar. I am 19 years old, and I am in a very depressive state right now.

I have no motivation to do anything, I did excellent last term for college(4.0 GPA), but due to some relationship problem with my ex i was thrown into a depressive state. This isn't the first time, and last time i was able to cope with it by just being free of worries. I don't care about getting a damn job I have enough money(which i can't tell my parents about) to last me till at least 2010. I basically sit around monday to thursday during the day playing games and watching tv. During the nights and weekends i drive out to the city and hang out with my friends.

Ok, so whats the problem? My parents won't leave me alone, i can't even talk to them without them saying "get a job" or "take some summer classes" or "take your little brother to the park" or "do *random* work around the house.


Then they always bring up so and so’s son or daughter just bought a brand new car, why don’t you get a good job and go buy one. Or, look he just graduated college, and got a great 70K starting job and he is younger than you. SERIOUSLY, I HAD PROBLEMS AND I TOOK A YEAR OFF FROM SCHOOL, but they won’t stop expecting stuff from me and then rubbing other people’s lives into my face basically saying how worthless I am, EVEN WHEN I AM TRYING MY BEST TO COPE WITH MY PROBLEMS. One time I was really sad and I tried going to my parents for consul and they laughed at me “what problems can you possibly have”

**** I am getting angrier and angrier everyday, no matter what I tell them, what the doctors tell them, what health care professionals tell them, they don’t seem to get that I have problems, and that the only way I can deal with it is if they either help me or just leave me the hell alone, because their constant bashing doesn’t help me.

I don’t know what to do..

Update 2:

Please don't tell me to sit down and talk to them, lets see, I must have done that around 15 times, and they say sorry, and how they love me and are there to help me in any possible way, 3 days later, back to the same BS.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look, I am 60 years old. I suffer from Severe Bipolar, Post Traumatic Stress, Agoraphobia, Panic disorder, Anxiety disorder, and a couple of other disorders and phobias. I take 15 different medications a day. I had to retire at age 50. I owned my own computer consulting business making 6 figures a year. Then one day I woke up and could not figure how to turn the computer on. I closed my business. Lost my house. Finally, I got Social Security Disability and Veteran's Administration Disability after a long and hard fight.

    Now for the fun part. My dad who is 83 talked to my wife about my condition. He told her that there was nothing wrong with me that a swift kick in the pants wouldn't cure. This was 2 years ago. I called my dad that day and told him what was going on in my head and that the doctors said that I was mentally ill. Then I said take that swift kick and put it up your own a**. Now he calls me an does not mention anything about it, I do not call him anymore. I am wrong for holding a grudge this long, but I have trouble letting go.

    Do what is right for you. First try to explain the situation to them. Go to a doctor and get treatment for mental illness. If necessary tell your folks to bug off. Your mental health in this situation is what is important.


  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there, I'm majoring in psychology, but I'm not expert... yet.

    My opinion would be to get a small part time job. Maybe just 16 hours a week. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, nor do YOU think that's what's best for you, but let's be honest.. what will it hurt?

    I think you'd be happier having a job. The reason you have so much anger is because you know that you probably should get a job being an adult and all, but you're trying to use your mental health as an excuse because you like to have your fun. No one's taking away your fun. You can still have fun, and party, and do all of your assignments. You just need help planning it all out. I actually think getting a job would be the best solution. You'd get out of the house, occupy your time, you'd away from your parents nagging, and you'd be making money.

    Parents make all of us angry. But be sure to not bottle it up. That's what I did... and that's why I decided to become a shrink. I attempted suicide twice just two years ago, and there isn't a day I regret it. Being angry does nothing but make things worse. I'd suggest doing something like yoga, or kickboxing to learn how to relax and cope with your anger.

    A blind man was the first to climb to the top of Mt. Everest. Don't ever let your disease take over your life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My Mom is the same way and I have mental problems, none which will effect anyone or anything I just see it as being my own person.

    For years I have struggled with rage problems and parents tried getting me to do anger managment when I was young but I just hate it.

    I hate someone trying to give a you a pill or change you to be someone your not.

    You are who you are and thats all I say to myself each morning when I wake up.

    Try getting out more making friends and stuff find something you can escape to were you could not give a crap about whats going on.

    I snowboard and skateboard to do that and it works, it distracts and makes me oblivious to the real world.

    I use my mental problems to my advantage.

    I use my rage to get me lots of energy and adrenaline to do crazy $hit only a few others could do and it makes me happy.

    Although I don't recomend not treating different mental problems because any off time you have from fun will just leave you mad.

    But the bttom line is you need to get motivated and get a job if you ever want to live a good life in the world. Don't waste your great talent just because your parents. I feel the same way just ignore them.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First of all I want to say I'm sorry that you are feeling so down right now and I'm sorry that your parents just aren't "getting it". Some parents act that way when they just don't know how to help you, so instead they act like nothing is wrong. (make sense?) I had parents who acted similar to your's and I was emotionally unstable for many years, it wasn't until 2000 that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, severe depression, anxiety disorder ect... But your story sounds so much like mine that I don't want you to suffer as long as I did, I just don't know what to say that will help much. Do you have a close friend you can talk to? Maybe a counselor at school? Are you able to go to an outpatient clinic in your area to at least be able to get the help you need and want? I know I haven't been much help, but I hope you find the answers you need. Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atleast they say they love you. Mine werent ballsy enough, okay;

    my dad wasnt ballsy enough. My mom always showed love.

    My dad is an alchy and was verbally abusive. Any freakin ways... I know what your goin through man, I went through it too but at a much higher level. I dropped out of school in 8th grade and hung out with drunks and druggies from the time I was 14 till the time I was 19. Did the same thing afterwards but atleast I was grown. I think theyre just trying to look out for your best interest or maybe THEIR best interest.

    They dont want you to fail in life. Life is hellas cold man.

    Once you get into the state of being lazy its VERY hard to get out of it. I think they are afraid that youll become to lazy and not apply yourself, when you surely have the tools. Girls are hard to understand bro, dont ever let them to get under your skin. When they know they can, they will and manipulate you.

    I have bipolar type 2. They have me on Depakote, Prozac, and Zyprexa. Do you see a psychiatrist? If not I suggest you do, the meds work wonders. I hope things work out for you.

    Email me if you have any further questions or concerns.. Later

    Source(s): Personal experience..
  • 1 decade ago

    Well if they keep nagging you, just use these responces to get them out of your hair for the time being

    'yes mom yes dad' ' you're right, i will do that' 'i know i'm wrong' blah blah blah..just don't argue with them and remember that it's not worth it wasting energy on anger with the people who gave you life

    now that takes care of the for you, try praying to God and talking to friends you to a therepist about ANYTHING it doesn't have to be about your problems...just talk with someone, socializing is a BIG HELP (i've been where you are) If you just talk it out and find something you love to do (that isn't harmful to your body) then do those two things anytime you feel angry or confused. Get proffesional help, that's the best solution.

  • fiVe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you're in an unsupportive environment and it's detrimental to your recovery, remove yourself. However, problems or no, you're going to have to learn to cope in the real world some day. I'm bipolar as well and I've been at my first full time job for two years now, with my own medical insurance, popping my stupid pills and going to work every day. There's nothing special about me. You can be miserable at home or you can be miserable at work and make enough money to move away from your parents, who apparently don't understand your situation. If you want something to change, you're going to have to change it. The world doesn't cater to us just because we have problems.

  • 5 years ago

    Learn to respect diversity. For your information, everybody is unique. You need a lesson in tolerance. Sophistication has got nothing to do with money or gadgets (or being rich enough to afford them); there are people who have the latest ipods, but are no better than apes. It is quite possible to be both sophisticated and simple. (read the dictionary definition of "sophistication" before using the word again.) Why do you get angry when you see rich people? Sounds like you have hidden issues. (Your question sounds like you are trying to fake a problem or probably have some ulterior motive/hidden issues. It lacks the correct flow of logic. Even though your question seemingly talks about hating the rich, it seems to me that you really like them, as you call them "unique" and "sophisticated" -- words almost always used in a positive context. What exactly is your problem?)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is annoying....why can't they just let you enjoy a stress-free summer. Once you finish college (if you choose that as a route) will be working for most of your life might as well enjoy the break. This culture is nutso as far as work-obsession, 'get a life' obsession is concerned. Studies show that people are HAPPIER if fueled by intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation - in other words, if you do what is closer to your heart and your natural temperament...than you will be happier. Sorry i don't have much concrete advice for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    1- I walk down the street. There`s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost... helpless. it isn`t my fault and it takes forever to find a way out.

    2- I walk the same street. There`s the same deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend i don`t see it. I fall in again. I can`t believe i am in the same place. But, it isn`t my fault. it still take a long time to get out.

    3- I walk down the same street. There`s the deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it, it`s there. i still fall in... it`s a habit... but my eyes are open, i know where i am. It`s my fault, I get out immediately.

    4- I walk down the same street. There`s a deep hole in the sidewalk, i walk around it.

    5- I walk down another street.

    hope that you can understand the moral of this short story.

    the only way out of a negative state of mind is by becoming more positive in the way you see life or else.

    also. Anger, confusion, depression, sadness and etc... is what keep on feeding your state of mind(negative) and therefor mentally ill. your emotions are the roots of anybody`s problems. if you can learn to keep your emotions stable and balanced you will be more stable mentally.

    Source(s): my own experience.
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