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What do you think of Christians?

"Believers in Jesus Christ"

Why do you Dislike or like Christians

What would you say a Christian should be


20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Put simply -

    Christians are WEAK and scared of asking questions.

    I don't blame most of them though - they were brainwashed, it's okay.

    The ones I can't stand are the ones who grow up and still believe it - not only do they still believe it, but they REFUSE to THINK - and INSIST that they are right - but don't bother to really research anything or think about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The fact that you have to ask means that you don't know any. What a shame. A real Christian is a true follower of Christ not, the Church. True Christians' follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and try to live by those standards. Forgiveness is the basis of Christianity. The church does not always follow this principle. Whether they have forgotten or just don't care. Jesus warned about churchs' in his sermon on the mount. I don't attend church but I treat others as I wish to be treated and I practice honesty in all matters. I walk the day in the presence of the Lord knowing that he is by my side. I doubt that you have ever met a true Christian. I hope that will change in the near future. May God Bless You.

    Source(s): A Christian.
  • 1 decade ago

    I like some and dislike others just like everyone else.

    I believe a Christian should be a person who believes that Christ is the savior and who strives to live as Jesus Christ lived and taught others to live. Many don't make that effort, though, believing that faith and tithing are good enough.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do the non-Christians keep pointing a condemning finger at Christians. Christians never said they were perfect, only forgiven. They are learning all the time but the ones who backslid are a terrible testimony of Christianity and ruin the reputation of all Christians. All atheists are just looking for reasons to disbelieve Christians and all they believe and stand for. But the atheists are wrong. They don't understand what is going on. Christians are going thru many trials and life is not easy.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some are good, decent people, some are raving lunatics.

    It's really hard to generalize a whole group of people. I'm not crazy about Christianity, but I'll make decisions about individual Christians on a case by case basis.

  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Confused pseudo-Jews who just blindly follow the teachings of some poor,pathetic half-*******/Semitic guy who proved himself too arrogant for the Jewish elite to handle, so they made the Romans crucify HIM just to get the pharisees to stop whining about their fortunate positions within the Roman hierarchy. Or at least how the story supposedly went.

  • dreamy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    its about belief

    was he really whom he said he was?

    healing the sick

    feeding the poor

    the one we strive to be like always failing to measure up

    I think Christians whom think perfection exists

    are kidding themselves becuz it doesn't

    I think its about the belief in ~our hearts~

    not church

    not rules

    not whom is who

    or what is what

    all that matters is we ~believe~ its all really true!

    He has shown me in the last two years

    with confirmations in a bible prophecy he gave me 25 years ago

    He /God & Jesus/ are very real.

    it can be very earth shaking experience

    and you look back on your life

    and try to understand.

    why? is this all important?

    why is anything important?

    when all thats really important is belief!

  • 1 decade ago

    I find the Christian religion untenable, myself, but unless they are attempting to mix politics and religion, I don't mind them. I don't even mind the occasional mild attempt to convert me, if in fairness they listen to my arguments against the proposition.

    I suppose I see them as somewhat naive.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have met three decent christians in my entire life. The rest are hypocritical low-lives I would choose to stay away from.

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