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sweetochun asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Lexapro and Risperidone?

If I take these medications how will they interact with me when I smoke weed. I am an everyday weed smoker and Im not ready to give that up. But these medications were prescribed to me, and I want to take them. But I am going to smoke so wanted to get info first.


I can't afford to buy good greens, I can't afford to pay for the public bus. I live at home, my parent's punisgh me and this is a way to grow up. I sit at home, on this machine, doing nothing and I smoke. I'll do anything to smoke weed. i don't live a healthy lifestyle, I know how to live the perfect lifestyle, I just don't have the means to see it through and I have never been able to sustain myself independantly. i have bombarded my brain with years of hard designer drug use. I have a shattered identity, really I am a genius mistaken for a fool.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They will F*** you up pretty bad. Stop the medicines and stop the drug use

    I was diagnosed with Bi-polar twice, been through a buffet of prescriptions and in the end i eat a raw vegan plant based diet, shun all pharmecueticals, run a natural health and green living website and can tell you that bipolar is a manufactured disease, if you feel depressed or apathetic its most likely related to your diet.

    I will tell you right now that the medical industry is nothing short of an elaborate pharmecuetical vending machine.

    Do not seek psychiatric help - they will just prescribe you powerful mind altering substances. This is not a joke either becaus eit poses a very severe risk to your health.

    Get excited about your health and learn. I will outline some good basic chanhges you can make and you will notice an immediate difference.

    you would need a radical shift in diet. Your goal should be to integrate living foods into your diet. The regimen should be additive. The options are raw vegetables, raw nuts raw seeds and raw fruits.

    This is referred to as a raw food diet. No you do not eat raw meats or eggs. If you are trying to lose weigh ti would suggest beginning with at least 50% raw nutrition.

    Lets start with foods. For 5 dollars you can buy a jar of organic cocnut oil. In order to burn fat you need good fats. Make sure the coconut oil is raw. Cold filtered/pressed what have you.. it should be. Cocount oil speeds up metabolism, but be mindful, you should only integrate higher than moderate amounts of coconut oil if you have been integrating living plant based foods into your diet, because it is high in saturated fat. Not bad saturated fats, the good ones but still its content is high.

    Read this article.

    it outlines the basics. If you were to spend your money on a product to rapidly drop pounds id say go for a colon cleanse. drink as much clean water as you can (NOT TAP WATER) distilled is good for detoxing. Let nature be your pharmacy.

    I began a raw food diet about 4 months ago, starting with a living food smoothie in the morning, though i used vega as an additive which is relatively expensive but way way worth the price. 1 banana, frozen berries and whatever fresh fruits available plus a scoop or so of vega. (its a full spectrum source of protein plus a whole food optimizer)

    Within 3 months i had lost 50 pounds. Call me a liar until you try it yourself. Mind you i had been a vegetarian for a few years prior but you can still be a vegetarian and completely unhealthy.

    The most important things is to stimulate your digestive system. Clean it out. Give your body the nutrients it needs. the easiest way to do it is to COMMIT to it. And it will not be a chore.

    I spoke to a woman who was about 10 years older than my mother who had recently switched to a raw vegan diet and everyone she knew was astounded upon learning she was eating live plant based foods thinking it was some sort of incredible sacrafice when really it becomes the best thing to have ever done. Feel good, reach your ideal body weight, and get in tune with your body at a cellular level. No one else will do it for you, and most people around you are clueless. If youre going to take charge of your health do it regaurdless of what others around you are doing.

    age is no factor. sex is no factor, background is no factor. give your body what it needs, feed your mind good things turn off the garbage music and put on good healing music of any sorts. jazz, rock, tango, salsa, whatever it all works

    well i sure hope you like reading! I type things out and forget when enoughs enough. I hope I've been a help and hope to hear about your positive changes! I also do health and wellness coaching as well as raw food coaching and consulting, feel free to contact me further and visit the website!

    If your going to Live...Live Well.

    Source(s): If your going to Live...Live Well.
  • 5 years ago

    I am so so with you.....I took these drugs and suffer similar horrible effects. I cannot believe that the FDA is allowing these drugs on the market. I just hope and pray that with the passing of time that these effects will fade, but I am talking decades. I was very ill with situationallly-affected depression..the docs also pumped me full of these meds, and made me so ill I had to go on disability. My life has been threatened more than once by the life-threatening side-effects of the drugs. I have tardive-dyskinisia; I walk like I am drunk, I have an overproduction of saliva and spit, I have tics galore. I developed diabetes and high-blood pressure. I got fat. I tried to hurt myself. The drugs made everything worse, and may have permanently damaged me for life, and certainly shortened my life expectancy, by driving me into diabetes and hypertension. I cannot even begin to measure the damge to my family and my brain. The mental health system is broken. Period.

  • 1 decade ago


    these drugs are used in psychoses, like schizophrenia.

    they work via serotonin system in your brain, unfortunatly weeds and other illegal drugs works on the same route, so it will compete with the medicines for the same receptor.

    i would like to suggest to stop smoking weed, not to mention that illict drugs like weeds may be the cause of psychotic behaviour.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

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  • 1 decade ago

    ...drug treatment, my friend! Those 3 things don't mix! Ixne on the mixne! kjl

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