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Lv 4

Why did God choose Joseph and Mary to be the "Human Parents" of his only begotten son?

What was so special about them? It's my understanding they were regular people of their time. ( Only serious answers please)

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They were much more than just regular people. The were of the blood line of David as the Old Testament said that Jess would come from and they were good and holy people who were worthy of being the Earthly parents Of God's son.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Why Did God Choose Mary

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Mormons coach that it particularly is precisely what got here approximately. as a strategies because of the fact the Christian faith is worried the be conscious of God, the Holy Bible promised that for the time of the process the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Son of David, a savior would be born..and He would be a demonstration as born with the help of a virgin..who by the style became from this bloodline, His earthly mom Mary. (earthly father Josepsh became off with the help of one). This prophecy became saved and met with such exactness so as that we would all be conscious of it to be genuine. Jesus became totally human and totally human in this earth as a fashion to coach, to stay, to go through, to die and then to be raised to existence in our stead. If He can create a guy from the airborne dirt and dust of the floor and another "subject" on the face of the planet and previous..why is it so confusing for persons to get that he's able to create a individual pregnant in virgins womb? Why would God ought to experience a human organic and organic function that He created for our benifit? ~J~ <><

  • The story of Mary and Joseph was not included in the New Testament, however, it is still an historical document held and published by the Catholic church. It is called the protoevangelium of St James.

    They may have been ordinary to others, but God saw something in them that no one else saw.

    "And I James that wrote this history in Jerusalem, a commotion having arisen when Herod died, withdrew myself to the wilderness until the commotion in Jerusalem ceased, glorifying the Lord God, who had given me the gift and the wisdom to write this history. And grace shall be with them that fear our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory to ages of ages. Amen."

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  • 1 decade ago

    They were from the line of King David and Jesus was to come from the line of David.

    At the same time Joseph and Mary had become commoners and Jesus did not want any worldly greatness to attract people to Himself.

  • 1 decade ago

    They were not ordinary at all. Big Misconception.

    Mary was also born the same way as Jesus. Her mother was baren when she prayed to God and asked that he give her a child. An angel came to mary's mom, who was also named Mary, and granted her prayers. Jesus' Mom, Mary, was considered the immaculate conception, and she was special because she was already touched by God.

    Hope this info helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    because Mary had been obedient in the past so it was the ultimate test of her faith. she knew that she would be looked down upon and that people would never understand and the fact that she went through with it show how strong she was in her faith and how much trust she had in God. Joseph....not sure

    (we talked about this in my youth group a few months ago)

  • YY4Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since we cannot ask the person or persons who created these fictional characters we'll never know.

    * * *

    Did a historical Jesus exist?

    The Myth of the Historical Jesus

    Do Any First Century Historians Mention the Jesus of Christianity?

    Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?

    Pagan origins of Jesus:

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    Nazareth: The Town that Theology Built

    Locals fix a miracle for the tourists

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    ''Whether Jesus ever actually existed has long been debated. The argument (very well documented) is that there is absolutely no corroborating evidence of his existence in documents other than highly suspect Christian sources." - Riane Eisler, "The Chalice & the Blade," p. 122


    Source(s): . ~ "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." ~ .
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Exactly. The misconception that His disciples had was that He came to save them from the political tyranny of the time and he would name Himself king. That's not why He came, which is why being born to common people makes sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    No matter who it was, couldn't you ask this same question about them? It had to be someone!

    They were both from the line of David, that was the main qualifier.

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