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Mothers of Teenage daughters?

I have a 17 yr old daughter. She has a very angry and hostile attitude towards me and towards her friends and towards her sisters. she has a boyfriend she has been with for 1 yr. I give her pleanty of freedom....provided she does her weekly chores around the house...vacum, dusting, dishes, laundry, help take the trash out...etc...oh and also provided she makes passing grades too. the problem is i feel she has no consideration or respect or does not appreciate at all. i have a 2yr old also in the house and he and i get up early and her dad gets up at 4:30 am every morning to go to work. she wakes up at 11 am with an attitude at that!! sometimes i do not let her sleep in and have her up by 9:30 to help out with chores.especially if i know she is plannign on going out with her boyfriend i say well you have to do your chores. she gets attituddy and very negative .i work partime. so i get her up and say hey your dad and me work hard and we pay all the bills etc. you should appreciate


how we let you go out and let you sleep in since it is summer. she wants to "act like she is 25 and not 17" by not following rules and on top of that she has a pissy attitude whenever we ask of her to say with chores around the house since me and her dad are at work working hard. oh and another thing...i do not go out with myhubby what so ever. i hardly ever if at all get a break and she goes out 3 to 4 nights a week with that boyfriend of hers and i finally said shelby your dad asked me to go out to dinner tonight and i have not in ages and i mean ages and the baby is already 2!! she gave me that shitty look and then i said hey look!! i let u go out all the time and now i ask of u is to watch your lil brother at night while we go to target and toyr us and dinner (mind u we were back at 8:30!! and we left at 5!!! wow so to ask 3 1/2 hours for her help is like asking to much. she insisted that her boyfriend help her baby sit so i said yes. otherwise she would be attitudy w/us

Update 2:

she is also crappy to him. she won't play with her baby brother either. and he tries to hug her and she pushes him away. and she asked why i seem mad at her. i said i am not mad i am far far fed up with you and how inconsiderate u are and how u show no appreciation either. oh and she takes my stuff (toilettries) when i buy her, her own and she still insist on using mine all up til they are all gone i asked why do u do that she said cause i dont want to use mine up...see she uses mine up then when mine are all used up then she will use hers but she NEVER SHARES NEVER!! when i buy bath n body stuff for me now i hafta hide it but she ends up finding it and saying u need to share yours with me. i say hey u do not share with me ever. and i even spend my own money on her stuff liek that. oh and when he step sis is here they fight. erica respects when shelby locks the door to use the restroom in private but when erica had to go poop the other day shelby banged on the door and busted it open

Update 3:

and said get out of my bathroom!! i went over there and said hey look dad n me pay the bills not u...this is her bathroom too. how dare u bust it open while she is going to the restroom # 2 at that!! she said then have her use your bathroom. how to deal with a lil far like this i am fed up!!! fed up!!!

Update 4:

she walks around like the world has taken a big dump on her and literally walks around mad. and wonders why i do not want to talk to her or hang out with her either...i am sorry but i have a hard time hanging around people with sour puss faces and always mad. i ignore her when she acts like this...i confront her too. but it does not get better !! what to do?

Update 5:

jayne ...oh yes shelby is very lazy very lazy!! that is why i have to remind her to do her weekly chores then she can go out but she does them with bad bad attitude even in spite of me saying yes u can go out just do them but now i dont want her having attiude she should be happy i let her do so much.

Update 6:


she is spoiled and has to have the fancy name brands. and insits. yes she does think world revolves around her and if she does not get what she wants she acts like a demon. i hate it. it is embarrassing. she even kicked and yelled at me 2 weeks ago i was embarrassed it was in front of our house i had to run from her until she stopped yelling at me. she even expected me to buy her birth control pills!! she should not even be having sex. i was 18 almost 19 when i had sex 1st time. anyway yes it is out of hand she even has had the boyfriend stay the night. i woke up and saw them 2 laying on the couch together. i was not happy. my husband said why is he here? she said oh we fell asleep. she thinks she can make the rules.

Update 7:


she is spoiled and has to have the fancy name brands. and insits. yes she does think world revolves around her and if she does not get what she wants she acts like a demon. i hate it. it is embarrassing. she even kicked and yelled at me 2 weeks ago i was embarrassed it was in front of our house i had to run from her until she stopped yelling at me. she even expected me to buy her birth control pills!! she should not even be having sex. i was 18 almost 19 when i had sex 1st time. anyway yes it is out of hand she even has had the boyfriend stay the night. i woke up and saw them 2 laying on the couch together. i was not happy. my husband said why is he here? she said oh we fell asleep. she thinks she can make the rules.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I really don't know how to answer to that lol.

    I am 17 myself, and my mum thinks that I have an attitude too, although sometimes, I feel that I genuinly really don't. But then, I get frustrated because sometimes i feel like I just don't want to do anything, and it's just pure pure laziness. But I do it, with a moan, and then I get grouchy because my parents are grouchy with me.

    I think that she has it lightly, my lay in is 8 in the morning and this is in the holidays!, I too have younger siblings, the youngest is 2.

    Perhaps she's tired of doing all the chores and feels like why should she have to do it? I feel like that sometimes, when it's not even my mess!! But that's just ungrateful, and I do try and respect my parents for everything I have.

    She does respect you for everything, I promise, no matter how much you feel she doesn't. Deep down she does! Because if she lost it all, she soon would regret her behaviour! I feel the same; sometimes i just feel so out of order, that I realise just how grateful I am to have all of this.

    It's difficult, because we just want to have fun and live and not have to do all the chores.

    I hope this kind of gives some insight of how us 17 year olds feel. To be honest, with me I'd say i'm just to damn lazy to WANT to do anything. I have quite a big family, and it feels that when I was younger I did so much around the house, all I want is a break!.

    >> In reply- Have you asked her why she feels like that? Why she gets all shirty when you ask her to do her chores? But then, I suppose she'll say i'm not shirty, I haven't got an attitude, when deep down she just wants to leave the house. No offence; It's in situations here that aggrivate me totally!! You seem to give her the freedom that she wants, your fine with her seeing her boyfriend as long as she helps out at home, you jeapodise having a good time and going out with your husband just so she can have a life. Where sometimes, I don't live a bad life! But hell... My curfew is so strict 4.30 come in for dinner. only allowed out from 6-10. And that's just now, which isn't so bad really, but it feels so strict and other's which I wont start having a moan fest. etc etc. When really, exactly how is she going to react when nobody is there to pay for the electricity? for the water? for the roof over her head? Live with her boyfriend? Well is the relationship really going to last that long. I know I should be s ticking up for 17 year olds etc being one myself! But no, I agree with parents, there doesn't seem to be this "respect".

    I think what may annoy her is you keep saying this "attitude" that word DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! lol, because I get, your attitude stinks at the moment, and I think to myself, am I giving off this attitude?!

    I'm not sure if we can help your daughter overcome the laziness, she has to do this herself. The other comment said to not give her so much freedom; this may work, but then it may back fire! She may become rebellious and may not even listen to what you have to say.


    I've just read the other posts you've put in!! Jesus christ, excuse the language. I truelly hope my mum doesn't see me like that!! But seriously, I know this sounds bad, but how have you stopped yourself from giving her a good hit! I know, if my daughter was like that, i'd just want to smack her and tell her not to be so god damn selfish!! She must share!! How on earth... I'm sorry, I odn't like the sound of your daughter, forgive me, I do not know you or your family. I'm not perfect myself, but that girl seriously has issues that needed to be sorted. Is it like, the world revolves round her and no-one else? Perhaps she's so highly strung on being with her boyfriend, and him paying her attention that she strives it from at home and everywhere?

    May I ask? The tiolettries you buy for you and your daughter, are they the same!? As in do you buy them from the same name, so one isn't cheaper than the other?! And alike with the shampoo etc. Because I have the problem, I get the nice tesco value things and my parents get the brand names! Wwhich IRRITATES me greatly, but then I respect that we don't have much of a budget and genuinly do not take their stuff.


  • alwang
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm now not a mom of a teenage daughter, I'm handiest 22, however you weren't mistaken!!! I used to be 14 while I received my first "critical" boyfriend, and I used to be allowed to visit the films with him. If she's validated to be accountable, you must present her for it. You are proper that if she wishes to peer him, she'll discover some way... If you desire her to be sincere and open with you you then additionally must deliver her just a little area and permit her have *a few* privateness. She's handiest four years clear of being an grownup, ya recognise! Gotta chill out the leash and permit her revel in matters at a few factor :) And I truthfully do not believe it makes a change whether or not you are within the foyer or now not... Might as good move do a little errands or whatever...

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds alot like my daughter who I finally let move out in January she just turned 18 in June. I actually stopped forcing her to do chores but in turn I didn't give her anything EXTRA When she questioned me on it I said Hey I asked you to do a few simple things if you can't do them than I am not going to do anything else for you, you think you are so grown up then go ahead and buy your clothes etc... (She has always been a real responsible girl has held a job since she was 12) it took her a while to come around but we are the best of friends now and hang out with each other almost every weekend. I hope the best for you two. Good Luck

    Source(s): Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Jeez!!! She's 17! You have to put into a relationship to get anything out of it, your her parent not her slave owner!

    First of all, SHE didn't make her little brother, YOU did. It's not her duty to take care of him!

    Second of all, Freedom doesn't earn love. I wouldn't do anything for my parents if they treated me like a little slave who is obnoxious for wanting to have a little bit of a life! Give her some love and maybe she'll return it will some help for you.

    Thirdly, you work part time.. My mom works all day as well as my dad and that means they get a baby sitter and I do my thing!!

    Fourth thing, I'm a good kid, because my mom has loved me and raised me to be with her love. I've never been a slave to her, but I get things done because I like that it makes her happy.

    You should be ashamed in the way you've parented. And you wonder why she's "pissy." Even my mom and my teachers believe school is so much harder now than it was when they were in school.. If she gets good grades, she probably spends a lot of time doing work that most of her peers spend partying. Think about that.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wow!! maybe if you step back a little and actually read what you wrote about her..If your saying all of this about her here, I'm sure your saying this to her face. lol...some of you clueless parents are really stupidly-funny. You wonder why she angry and upset, maybe because you have nothing nice to say about her. Your taking your own jealously of her "youth" on her. She is 17, not an adult moron. Maybe if you stop treating her like a maid for hire and like a teenage girl that is trying to find herself and is having some trouble( by the sounds of it).

    My god woman, the part about how she walks around like the world has crapped on her is obviously a sign of depression, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that. Now that you medically neglected your daughter, you are now saying she is lazy, which is another sign of depression.

    Your an idiot. I hope they take the other child YOU had away from you.

    You need some parenting classes and an education. I cant believe people like you breed.

    Source(s): Stop being jealous of her and make your own life.
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like she has too much freedom. Sit her down and explain to her that her attitude is poor and won't be tolerated. Tell her your expectations and her limits, if the attitude continues, she loses more freedom, such as make her curfew earlier until her attitude improves, limit the time with her boyfriend, make her have an earlier wake up time, then when/if attitude gets better, give more privileges.

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