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I am writing a story, and I need to brainstorm some ideas.?

I am writing a story, and I need to brainstorm some ideas. Feel free to respond to one or more questions. Thanks!

1. A name for a man in his forties, and one in his twenties.

2. A name for a baby girl.

3. Your most traumatic childhood experience

4. Your happiest childhood experience

5. A special family tradition

6. Something funny you've heard recently

7. An expression that someone in your family used to say, or a quote you like

8. Something you love

9. Something you hate

10. Something you remember about the home you grew up in

11. The best vacation experience you've ever had and why

12. What you wish you had been able to tell yourself when you were 5, 15, and/or 25

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Part of being a writer/author is to come up with ideas on your own. Don't ask us to help you with your story. If you don't come up with your own names,plot,characters, then you don't own the story.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. A name for a man in his forties, and one in his twenties.

    .......Robert and Derick..........

    2. A name for a baby girl.

    .......Ohh, I have plenty of these, but here's two, Madeline and Matilda........

    3. Your most traumatic childhood experience

    .......I fell UP the stairs and busted out my four front teeth....

    4. Your happiest childhood experience

    ........Probably getting my horse..........

    5. A special family tradition

    .......Mexican food for Christmas Dinner......

    6. Something funny you've heard recently

    ......An inside

    7. An expression that someone in your family used to say, or a quote you like

    ....."Death Shall Have No Dominion"- A wonderful poem by Dylan Thomas......

    8. Something you love

    .....writing...... and my farm animals.........

    9. Something you hate

    .....When somebody sings a song and they don't know the right words............

    10. Something you remember about the home you grew up in

    ........The stairs that I fell up and busted out my

    11. The best vacation experience you've ever had and why

    .........Wyoming! I loved it there so much.............

    12. What you wish you had been able to tell yourself when you were 5, 15, and/or 25


    probably 'patience is key'........ that goes for every age.


  • 1 decade ago

    1. Richard and Matthew.

    2. Amelia.

    3. Father attempting suicide (heh)

    4. Just... being a kid, I guess.

    5. On Christmas Eve, every child in the family gets a new pair of pajamas to wear to bed :)

    6. That the economy is supposed to pick back up -_-

    7. "Cages or wings -- which do you prefer? Ask the birds." Jonathan Larson.

    8. Music and thunderstorms.

    9. Hot weather.

    10. My mom always waxed the hallways... and I would never know.

    11. New York City, because I saw RENT on Broadway, and I want to live in NY.

    12. Five: to make good friends and keep them.

    I'm only fourteen, so I can't answer 15 and/or 25 haha.

    Hope all goes well! I'd love to read the story if you get around to writing it :D

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Man in fouties could be Allen, man is twenties could be Joshua

    2. Kari

    3. Getting lost in a valley and falling down a steep mud cliff into a river.

    4. Finding a birds egg and keeping it...

    5. Easter egg hunting! (oh, and roast beef on Sundays).

    6. Hellboy 2 "Good baby!" "I'm not a baby, I'm a tumour!" Hah.

    7. "Waste not, want not."

    8. My stuffed dog Rover I got when I was seven.

    9. Alarm clocks.

    10. Waking up early and watching Saturday cartoons.

    11. Cottage, first time fishing... it was great.

    12. 5-Don't be afraid to meet new people! They will like you!

    15- Tell your mom the truth about everything.

    25- I'm not 25 yet, but I'd tell myself to never give up.

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. Arthur and Ryan

    2. Annabelle

    3. parents' divorce

    4. Christmas mornings with my family ^^

    5. Thanksgiving dinner. We always have people come over and it's a lot of fun. And it tastes super awesome.


    7. "Better not lay a finger on my gramps!" - Overdrift, incorporated into our everyday lives. lol.

    8. my boyfriend

    9. spiders >.<;

    10. we sort of moved a lot...

    11. o.o I don't know... I just went to Florida to visit my step dead (he stationed away from us right now... military). That was nice.

    12. 5-yr-old wouldn't understand, and I'm not even 25 yet, so at 15 I wish I could tell myself.... to read Stephen King, lol. ^^ I really should have started sooner.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Gene, Jeremy


    3. puking on the table when out at a restuarant

    4.playing with family

    5. opening stocking stuffers on x-mas eve

    6.gas may be going down

    7.chillin in the cut like iodine


    9.dirty old men

    10. there was always love

    11. to the lake with my bro, it was jsut a time i needed to get away

    12. 5-stop fearing everything your going to be fine

    15-you will grow out of this akward stage

    25-not there yet!

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