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Taped up scissors.

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My name is Melissa, I'm 18, and I'm real. Thanks for visiting. =)

  • Is there something one can take to be positive all the time? Or happy?

    My boyfriend and I believe that he may be suffering from bi-polar disorder, and this is seriously affecting our relationship (especially me, since he's back and forth wanting to love me and leave me). It's come to a point where he mood shift has left me hating myself due to his harsh words, and I feel miserable. He's admitted his problem and wants to seek help, for us. But is there anything that can help him? I don't think therapy will, since our issues run deeper than just mood swings- it's beliefs.

    He might need some sort of medication to prevent him from thinking negatively, about past events and whatever else upsets him.

    Please help!

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • How old do you prefer characters to be when you read?

    And also, do you enjoy reading about a male protagonist or a female?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Has a book ever made you tear up, or cry?

    If so, which one(s)? I love tear jerker's.

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Facial piercings- nose or lip?

    I really don't like the idea of getting a piercing on my face, but at the same time I would love to have one. I doubt I'll get one, but I still think about it sometimes. I've been told that I would look good with a nose piercing because I have a small button-like nose, but I feel that it would get irritated because of sneezing... I'm not sure if that happens, but it seems like it would.

    I am more interested in lip piercings though, a small stud on the bottom, but I feel that this can be frowned upon by many. I always see people fidgeting with their lip piercings, and it makes sense for me because I am one of those people who don't sit still and I am always doodling or playing with something to a point of annoyance.

    So, my question is, which piercing do you think is better? Even if you HATE facial piercings and you want to punch people who have them- if you had to decide, which one would you pick?

    And I know some people might say "Piercings are trashy/dumb" and that is your opinion, but try to keep an open mind! :)


    9 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How would you define Alchemy?

    And do you know where it originated? I've read the persian empire, China, and Egypt... it's all very confusing!

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • I think my female guinea pig wants some romance?

    I got my piggie about a month ago, and she's the sweetest thing. She always cuddles with me and comes to get picked up when I open the cage.

    It's getting colder here so I decided to get another piggie to keep her company, so I bought another female to prevent mating (can't handle a litter). My older piggie (Misfit), is playing dominance and show off with the new girl... and since I got her, Misfit has been acting odd. It's been about a week.

    Whenever I touch her, she purrs and stretches out her body, and lays flat on the floor purring. I also noticed over time that when this happened, her private area completely pops, as if she wants to have sex. I did some reading, and it turns out... she does.

    What the Hell can I do now? I have a horny guinea pig on my hands, and it's getting a bit odd. I want her to be pleasured, but I definitely can't do this whole pregnancy thing- and I don't want to put her through a neutering.

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • I'm having trouble concentrating, and I really need help?

    I have an essay due tonight, for an online course, on everything I'm not interested in. It's basically on plate tectonics, and all this other Earth mumbo jumbo; I have to prove that continents were once together to form one giant land mass. I'm so uninterested, and so distracted, I've been on the introduction for 3 hours.

    The reason I'm distracted is because I've decided where I want to go for University, and I have to get a portfolio together... I'm an art kid, not a science kid. I need to go to school to upgrade my English, though I've already graduated high school... and in order to go to school, I need to take 3 courses... this is one. I can't focus. I really, really can't. I'm going crazy.

    Should I just give up the grade for this assignment, or should I BS it? Or... how can I focus? This is killing me. I really just want to draw.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • I can't stop coughing, and it hurts to breath?

    A month ago I caught a cold, and because I have asthma, the cough got annoyingly intense. After the cold was gone, I kept the cough, though it only appeared when I laughed- when I laughed, I had a fit, and was wheezy for a couple of hours.

    3 days ago I picked up another bug, though it feels like nothing to the other one. My senses are off, I sneezed the first night, and I'm coughing. No sore throat or anything.

    I haven't stopped coughing today... every 30 seconds I'm coughing. I'm coughing as I write this. I've taken my inhaler a few times already, and nothing! It's turning me off food, and it hurts to breath... and when I do breath, I cough again. Drinking hurts as well.

    I'm 17.

    What can I do? I want to see a doctor tomorrow, but I work all day, and it's Sunday... I just want it to go away. =(


    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How can I make an apple crisp with the gooeyness of an apple pie?

    I love the sweet gooey centre of an apple pie, but I love the topping of an apple crisp? How can I combine them? Should I just slice the apples, and instead of laying them in the baking pan, coat them in brown sugar and butter?

    I'm excited to try something! =)


    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Did teens and preteens just become adolescents?

    All my teens and preteen answers are now categorized under adolescents, and I can't find that category? Am I going nuts, or did that actually get changed?

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Teens: do you eat a lot? Do you fit the stereotype?

    I don't stop. My stomach is a black hole. I eat 3 dinners. =)

    How about you?

    18 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been told that you have potential to model?

    What did you say, or how did you take it? Also, do you agree?

    23 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • How can one protect themselves from the cold/flu this season?

    It's supposed to be bad, this year, and I was wondering how one can prepare, and protect themselves from getting ill, or getting a severe illness.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I got into an argument with my co-worker... help?

    It was last weekend, and we were pretty busy at work. She and I were the only cashiers (we work at a retail store- I'm 17, she's going on 30).

    She saw a woman she knew, and she confronted her. They were chatting, and laughing, like friends do- and my co-worker got our flier, and began to help her find items, and helped with the sales.

    Unfortunately, while this was happening (she spent about 25 minutes with her), my line was building to the point where I had 8 people. Considering we work at a place that sells breakable items, duvets, and very, very expensive items, it takes a while for each purchase. Between wrapping, and asking people to apply for a certain credit card, the line builds.

    While it was building, I was getting complaints... I had no one else to call.

    After a while, she eventually hopped on, and the line died down. When this happened, I asked her why she was with her friend for 25 mintues, when I was stuck at cash dealing with complains about how slow and long our line up was. She automatically became defensive, saying "Oh, so now it's wrong to help customers... she WAS a customer, was she not?"

    Well, yes, but she is also her friend, and it is not her job to be on the floor. So, I told her that her starting an argument ment she was guilty, and that I had hit a nerve. So, she continued to freak out, and I began to ignore her and continue the sales.

    Almost 2 weeks have gone by, and we work together tonight. She's very stubborn, and I've been told that she argues a lot, and she never, ever forgets it- once she holds a grudge, she'll always have one. It's odd though, because we used to laugh and hug everytime we saw each other, and now she just shoots cut eye.

    What should I do? My managers just say to continue working, but it's just her and I tonight... for 4 hours...

    Help. =(

    Thanks for reading.

    5 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago