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how to pay for the things finacial aid dosent cover?

my college doesnt have dorming i will be living off campus, my aid dosent cover room and board, deposits, ultilities, and cirtian things that i need, like a ghetto car, insurance and some furniture. i have nothing. what should i do? i have a pell grant and stuff. i come from a very poor family.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many people have worked there way through college... don't wait until school starts, start looking for a part time job now.

  • 1 decade ago

    One good answer so far.

    First, get a job and start socking away some money. You may be able to check with the school for on-campus jobs. Scout out places to live, preferably near the school and furnished. Why buy furniture. Cars are expensive and insurance will eat you up! Buy a used bicycle and a good lock.

    Do you have any assets to sell?

    Finally, do a written budget so you know where all your money is coming from and where every penny is going.

    Source(s): Also check out
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