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Are you Jewish?

If so, what makes you say so? If not, why?

No nasty comments...please...


I ask because of this question:;_ylt=As...

I had noticed that on that question, it seemed like all the Xians had given thumbs up to the Xians and thumbs down to the non-Xians...I was trying to see if it would be different here and it seems it is, with only a few exceptions.

Thank you for your help! As I obviously cannot pick a best answer on a question like this, I will put it to vote.

Peace, L.S.

22 Answers

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I am Jewish. I was born to a Jewish mother (and father) and practice Judaism. I follow the Torah and try to live by the mizvot.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. During my teenage & early adult years I did the usual thinking about life & philosophy. Actually I'm analytical, so did more than the usual amount.

    I was raised Jewish. I can see other religions as having value for those practicing them. Judaism doesn't ask me to dismiss others, so I could choose Judaism freely.

    It met my needs spiritually & then some. It has great depth. I had doubts about God, but as a mathemetian had doubts about the lack of too. Based on some experiences over time are more inclined to believe but still have doubts. Judaism allows for all that philosophical thinking on my part.

    I've constrasted to other religions. The Christian theology of a final human sacrifice makes no sense to me. You can't get good out of requiring a negative event. Buddhism has ideas I like, but I found them in Judaism. I just didn't know where to look. Hidduism is more of a culture-religion who's ideas again parallel Buddhism. I use techniques from alternative, native cultures, & new age. However, I find the God energy as a central abstract concept to be missing from my friends experiences who use these are religion*. That plus Judaism as a religion has a lot of depth I see them missing -- & still seeking.

    I'm reform. I think much of the ritual is useful but over done. It just doesn't fit with my scientific & liberal views. So I am comfortable here or with reconstructionist. (But I'll attend any syngoguage & have.)

    * My friends are largely ex-Christians who do this. I'm not familar with or commenting on them as native culture religions which have more breath.

  • No. I am Protestant (basically a Christian.) Why? Because my parents are both Christians, and they simply wouldn't let me change religion because I am "too young" to make such a life changing decision. However, I have nothing wrong with what the Jewish practise, Judaism was the base of Christianity after all. I am behind the Jewish (and Christians) in everything that they do, and I would never be able to choose between the two.

  • No. I studied and came rather close to converting to Judaism. Doing Jewish prayers and rituals connected me back to ancient times when the ancestors of the Jews worshipped the gods of Sumeria. I developed a relationship with Innana as my personal goddess. Some of the ways She is worshipped are forbidden by the Torah, so I chose not to convert. However, I do occasionally enjoy going to shul for worship and Torah study. I have to turn down honors, and I have to remind people to not count me for a minyan.

    Source(s): Becoming a Sumerian Reconstructionist.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was born an atheist, and remained one, despite my parents' attempts to infuse me with Methodist Christianity. Nice folks, including my own, and I love the potato salad, but the whole god thing never made sense at age 5, and still doesn't at age 53.

    I do admire Judaism, however, and if was, as others have bluntly asked here, forced to choose a faith, it would be Judaism.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, because I have personal experience of the divine that does not align with Judaism.

    But if for some reason I became convinced that that was all wrong and I was to convert to any other religion, it would be Judaism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I am Jewish

    I was born of a Jewish Mother and after much investigation into other faiths and non-faiths I have found Judaism to be the correct path for me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Born Jewish. Hebrew School. Bat Mitzvah. Youth Group. Identity. Background. Who I am. What I do.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, i'm a Roman Catholic

    Thats all i can say.

    Edit: It doesn't mean that if im not jewish, i disrespect and harass all jewish, but i don't do that! I actually respect others religion. So any reason for this thumbs-down?!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I'm not.

    I don't know why not. I guess because many of my beliefs differ from those of the Jewish religion.

    Source(s): Neo-pagan = not jewish.
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