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Erin Go Bragh~~Am Yisrael Chai I am very passionate. Atah Kadosh: Cool version of Lecha Dodi: The Real People of R&S אם-אשכּחךְ ירושלים-- תשכּח ימיני שלום سلام Peace I am a Zionist. This means that I believe that Jewish people have a right to a homeland. I am a peaceful person and believe in peace. I am not a killer or a murderer. I am a person. Remember that before you contact me. انا صهيوني. وهذا يعني ان اعتقد ان الشعب اليهودي لها الحق في ان يكون له وطن. انا وسلمى شخص يؤمن بالسلام. انا لست قاتلا او قاتل. انا شخص. نتذكر انه قبل ان تقوم في الاتصال بي.

  • What is Judaism? What is it not?

    If you had to make a concise list of facts about Judaism to help explain it to someone who had never come into contact with it before, what would you include?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Shabbat dinner; what's cooking?

    Hey all! I have finally gotten the JSU (Jewish Student Union) up and almost running at my school, and for our welcome week event we are having a run to shul and a Shabbat dinner! This brings me to the question, what do you typically eat or serve for YOUR Shabbat dinners?


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Pope and the Chair of Peter?

    So, if when the Pope sits in the Chair of Peter, God is speaking through him, and the Pope gets to decide when to sit in the chair...isn't the Pope deciding when to be God?

    I don't mean to be offensive. A friend of mine told me about the Chair of Peter, and I am confused because this seems...awkward.

    Please enlighten me. Thanks.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bisexual Bashing: what causes it?

    I am writing a research paper about bisexuals in relation to the gay and straight community and the history of the bisexual movement. I would love to have some personal experiences in relation to how bisexuals find their place in the gay and straight communities.

    Basically, I am seeking to explain why nobody loves us though we love everybody ;-p

  • Need help cataloging books?

    I have to catalog the resource library where I work--it's composed of books and movies. Is there a free, online cataloging tool I could use?

    I want to have a list of what we own

    I want to be able to search through that list by keyword

    Does anyone know a free or low-cost program like that?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Translate from Arabic to English?

    I know basically what this says, and I know it doesn't have nice things to say about me. It is, however, important that I know exactly what it says for a particular reason. If you are thinking about not helping me because you're trying to protect me from bad words, I appreciate your compassion but I can decide for myself what I do and do not want to know, and this I need to know. So please, just help me, and please translate this to English.

    2od5lo 3al linck w 2eqr2o 3n al sha3er tmeem al bar3'oothy w tjrebto ,, ho 3ayesh fe usa , w shofo 2esh be7kelkm . al 7aki 2elkm 2ento .

    2enzlo te7t lal 2a5er fe video's 2 1; le ttadakr asma2na 2: fe al quds .

    la kol al flsteeneye 2eli 3ndhm roo7 al 2entma2 la fals6een .

    plz tyt w shofo al video's a7sanlkm mn al waqet 2eli betday3o fel 7aki m3 al yahood 2eli ma ra7 yjeeb ay nateeji la 2elna .

    It's really, really important. Thank you so much!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Typing in Hebrew without the OS disk?

    I have a laptop given to me by my university, so I don't have the Windows disk for it and I'd like to install the Hebrew language files so I can type in Hebrew. How can I do that without the disk? Does anyone know a way?


    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How should I start a Jewish student union on my campus?

    Hi guys,

    I am trying to get a JSU type organization started on what has traditionally been a pretty conservative campus down in central/southern Illinois. (i.e., there's not many of us.) I've got names and emails of five people on campus who are Jewish, and I am trying to find a way to word the email in a way that will bring them in. I want the organization to be pretty open-ended, as in religious or not, but do want to focus a lot on Jewish culture.

    So if you were trying to write an email like that, what would you write? I am stuck and I haven't even got my first sentence out yet.



    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are you Jewish?

    If so, what makes you say so? If not, why?

    No nasty comments...please...

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fasting in Paganism?

    Hello--I know there are so many different forms of Paganism that this could be almost impossible to answer, but is there fasting in any form or forms? If so, what is the reason?


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A difficult question for my Jewish friends?

    So, I work at a movie theatre, and am trying to do a balancing act with three different arms. Some food is kosher and some isn't.

    Anyways, being from the North Shore we get a lot of Jews at my theatre, and I see so many with kippot still on in a non-kosher establishment. (not my business, but still a little frustrating!) My question is:

    When they order something that is not kosher, should I inform them that it is not kosher? It seems like the friendly Guestfirst thing to do, but two things could happen:

    1. they are pleased that I told them and they avoided breaking kashrut

    2. they are embarrassed because they knew full well it wasn't kosher and now it is out in the open that they are committing a chillul HaShem

    In the name of Guestfirst vs. Torah, informing them or possibly embarassing them, what should I do?


    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Shaving according to Halacha?

    My friend and I were having a conversation. He said that one cannot shave with a razor (one of those disposable kind with the x amount of blades fixed on there) on your face because it violates beged eesha (because women use those razors.) Okay. However, he went on to say that according to halacha, it is okay to use those razors because it doesn't violate beged eesha. And I was thinking that women don't shave their faces with those razors (in fact, women don't shave their faces) but women DO shave their legs with those razors.

    So, why is it backwards like that? How does it not violate beged eesha for a man to be able to shave his legs with a non-electric razor?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Thesis statement help?

    This is my introductory paragraph and thesis statement for a high school research paper, the last sentence being my thesis statement:

    Society loves to turn innocence into scandal. People inject controversial issues into beloved pieces of literature and create something the author didn't put there. People have been doing just that to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, especially when in regards to race and cultural diversity. Society would love to brand this beloved author as a racist. Contrary to popular belief, Tolkien's epic The Lord of the Rings does not show preference of one race over another, and therefore, shows that Tolkien himself cannot logically be painted a racist.

    It has been said that it is too vague, but I do not know how to narrow it down. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Arabic phrases?

    How do you say and write the following things in Arabic?

    Good morning

    Good night

    How is school? (to a female)

    Happy Easter

    Thank you, if you could please write them out using the Arabic alphabet, thank you :-)

    9 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Tznius hair covering?

    Alright so when women (Orthodox Jewish) get married, when do they begin covering their hair? As soon as they leave the chuppah she is married, right, so does she have to stop and cover her hair? I don't think so but if not, then when? The next day? Then hasn't she spent a whole day with her hair uncovered? I know I should know.........but I don't :-(


    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If there is a question about a specific religion..?

    and you are not a member of said religion, and don't know the answer, why do you answer those questions? I'm talking about the ones not asking after ideas, but the ones that ask about the facts of the religion--what they believe, what they do, etc. So, if you are a person that does this, why do you do it?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hebrew difference between Patah and Qamatz?

    My teacher this year wants us to write most things with vowels after about three years of not using vowels. Irritating. She said we can use qamatz and patah interchangeably, but I was wondering if anyone knew the difference between them, and the rules in using them?


    8 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • A President Pardons Himself from War Crimes??

    In this clip from CNN, "The Cafferty File" talks about the new piece of legislation:

    "The House just passed President Bush's bill to redefine the treatment of detainees and the Senate's expected to do the same thing tomorrow. Very deep inside this legislation is a provision that will pardon President Bush and all members of his administration of any possible crimes connected with the torture and treatment of detainees. At least Nixon had Gerald Ford to do his dirty work.

    "Here's the deal: under the War Crimes Act violations of the Geneva Conventions are a felony and in some cases punishable by death ... in an effort to avoid possible prosecution, they're trying to cram this bill through Congress before the end of the week, when it adjourns because if the Democrats get control in November, the bill won't be passed."


    1. How can this be legal?

    2. What does this say about America's actions

    Your thoughts?

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • North Korea's position on Genetically Modified Food?

    Does anyone have any information or a source of information on the position of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (aka North Korea) concerning genetically modified food? I have been searching for hours and need to do a Model UN conference position paper on this topic, any help at all you could give would be great.

    Thank you

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago