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If there is a question about a specific religion..?

and you are not a member of said religion, and don't know the answer, why do you answer those questions? I'm talking about the ones not asking after ideas, but the ones that ask about the facts of the religion--what they believe, what they do, etc. So, if you are a person that does this, why do you do it?

8 Answers

  • Daniel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Two factors that I think may play a role in the majority of such instances:

    1) Most idiots don't realize they are - almost paradoxically it is a mark of intelligence when someone realizes how much knowledge they lack. As Rabbi Akiva said:

    "Tithes are a protective fence for wealth. Vows are a protective fence for abstinence. A protective fence for wisdom is silence."

    and as it is said: "Those who know don’t say; those who say don’t know."

    (I've seen this one attributed to Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliyashev, but I've also seen it referenced as a Taoist proverb, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who have said it in between.)


    2) It's an easy two points. Some people just want points for some reason, even if they get them by providing replies to questions they have no difference answering, and even if their answers are devoid of even the slightest merit.

    Frankly, Yahoo Answers would be a much more useful forum if people stuck to answering questions on subjects within their daled amos (i.e. within their areas of expertise). Like, something in my toilet breaks, I would love it if all my answers came from plumbers. If I had an ethical question, the ideal answers are going to come from ethicists, clergy, those sort of folks. Unfortunately, that's probably never going to happen. The fact that you can ask a question about Judaism and half of your answers come from Christian missionaries posing as Jews I think is just one form of a much broader problem that's inevitable on websites like YA, it's one that's just particularly bothersome to Jews. So too with all religious questions - whether you want to know what Christianity teaches and get a Muslim perspective that Christians themselves don't hold by, or if you ask a question about Islam and get answers from rednecks who wouldn't know the Ahadith from a hole in the ground, these are all examples of the same basic principle.

    And of course you have those whose questions are purely intended as rhetorical statements, where the person asking the question is giving the answer AND they don't know the correct answer. Such people will overwhelmingly pick answers from equally ignorant people who will back them up in their bigotry, and not an answer that begs to differ, no matter how correct or persuasively written.

    That's just my opinion on the subject; of course, I'm no expert. This is just what I've deduced from the questions and answers I've seen.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can understand your concern.

    I have also expressed an opinion that there are members of a particular religion who have little knowledge of their own religion. But that does not stop them from making statements that are factually incorrect.

    So I think that it is worthwhile stating that sometimes, and I repeat SOMETIMES, one knows more about another religion than does a member of that religion.

    The rule ought to be that one should expound on what he or she knows and remain silent on things he does not know.

    Good idea?


  • 1 decade ago

    I think this happens most often when it comes to Judaism--and it's because Christians think they DO know about Judaism. In fact, they don't--they just know a few assorted facts, and have been given a very distorted view of Judaism by their scriptures.

    I speak from experience. I am a convert to Judaism, and spent much of my life as a fundamentalist Christian. I really thought I KNEW what the Jewish religion teaches. It's been my experience--and that of other converts I know--that what we were taught in Christian Sunday School--AND what is portrayed in Christian scripture--really has little to do with actual fact.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some of us have studied various theologies, including the theologies of other religions, and to be quite frank, know the answers to many of the questions asked.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Just because an answer isn't the one you wanted to hear, doesn't make it invalid or untrue.

    I used to be a Christian and have attended 6 different churches throughout my life. I don't answer questions about things I don't understand.

    Source(s): Pantheistic Agnostic Atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they want to bash a religion they dont follow

    Imma Eat Chu - there are many question pointed to atheists, so STFU and you SHOULDNT ANSWER a question you dont know! many ATHEISTS answer by saying "it never happened"

    Im 14, and yes I act mature lmfaoo my friends are 18+

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because this is R&S not the only one particuler Religion section and most of us do know about other religions..and try to throw in our 2 cents..


    to the third answer I know alot about other religions and I have every single right to answer it if I want to and STFU? what are you 13? 12? stop being so immature and grow up..

    Source(s): and yes Im 14 but I act way more mature than you do on these questions..
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because i can ! thats why we are on here ! dah

    Source(s): doitnow
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