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A President Pardons Himself from War Crimes??

In this clip from CNN, "The Cafferty File" talks about the new piece of legislation:

"The House just passed President Bush's bill to redefine the treatment of detainees and the Senate's expected to do the same thing tomorrow. Very deep inside this legislation is a provision that will pardon President Bush and all members of his administration of any possible crimes connected with the torture and treatment of detainees. At least Nixon had Gerald Ford to do his dirty work.

"Here's the deal: under the War Crimes Act violations of the Geneva Conventions are a felony and in some cases punishable by death ... in an effort to avoid possible prosecution, they're trying to cram this bill through Congress before the end of the week, when it adjourns because if the Democrats get control in November, the bill won't be passed."


1. How can this be legal?

2. What does this say about America's actions

Your thoughts?


Sorry, I couldn't fit in:

"When the Supreme Court ruled the Geneva Convention applied to al-Qaeda and the Taliban"

It applies now

13 Answers

  • Cathy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll try to stay as neutral as humanly possible on this:

    First, this has to be from 2006 since Cafferty says at one point "if the Democrats take control in November."

    Assuming that the bill was passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law, that still doesn't mean that it couldn't later be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by the Supreme Court.

    What does this say about America's actions? That someone in, connected to, or sympathetic to the Bush adminstration thought it wise to try to avoid prosecution. Even if the person thought that the administration was totally innocent, I'm sure they're well aware that a large segment of the American (and world) population that wouldn't at all mind seeing such prosecutions. And even if the adminstration were totally innocent, being investigated and/or prosecuted would be tremendously damaging to people's reputations and personal lives.


    Sorry, didn't see the add-on about the Geneva Conventions. Still, it would be up to the Supreme Court to invalidate the provision, just as they did with the case you mentioned.

  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, its "moot" point, not "mute" as in can't speak. Why people can never get that straight is beyond me.

    Secondly, he most certainly IS guilty of warcrimes, many, many, many warcrimes. The war itself is quite literally a warcrime. It was constitutionally illegal. Follow this link ( which explains it all in a simple childlike way that everyone should be able to understand.

    Third, to the people who think that what Clinton did justifies what Bush does. What??? So one President is an idiot means that all other Presidents get to be idiots? Yay for ensuring crappy government for all! Democrats and Republicans ARE NOT SPORTS TEAMS. You don't win because one or the other is in office. You win when someone makes GOOD policy.

    Lastly, to those who think it would be too damaging to people's lives to prosecute a President and cohorts, WHY!?! If they break the law, which they quite obviously have, then it is even more important to prosecute high levels of government, especially the President, than it is to prosecute the average person. Your leaders affect the most people. They must therefore show the most resposibility for their actions. The worst thing Ford did was pardon Nixon. Maybe this garbage and anything Clinton did could have been avoided if Presidents actually thought there were the possibility that they might be punished for criminal activity.

    You people kill me.... read something.... stop watching Fox...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    US people's wilful ignorance of the world and morality as evidenced by the answers will probably allow him to get away with this.

    It is a wasted effort, however, as the US is already an international outlaw - literally. It does not accept the International Court and reserves the 'right' to do anything, no matter how morally or legally repugnant, it pleases.

    Elaine P. we are talking about people who have not been charged, let alone convicted. people are right now being kidnapped off streets all over the world by your criminal government.

  • why would the house pass this, why not veto it? I'm also not sure all this is true like he said above I think this would be world breaking news and not just in the hands of CNN, there are a lot too many "conspiracy theories" out there as it is,,,but if true at all then I hope that the 800.00 check goes out for all who made over 20,000 this year, I got this information second hand but this is what I heard yesterday,,,but one wonders how could he do this, if were in as much debt as he claims

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Al-Qaeda isn't covered under the Geneva it's a mute point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, laws are passed by Congress, not by presidents.

    Congress can pass any law it wants, if the president signs it, it becomes operational. If it's an "illegal" law, meaning an un-Constitutional one, a court will void it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why is everyone so concerned about these terrorists? It's not a war crime to detain terrorists; they would be executed in their own countries. Bush is not my favorite person, but let's not go overboard. We have to set an example that we won't tolerate terrorist activity here or anywhere else. So, here come the thumbs down, but that's what I think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nobody should be surprised...they have thinktanks that probe the constitution for technicalities so they can do anything legally. But, do you think he'll be spending his retirement in America?

  • DOOM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since our current enemies do not wear uniforms, they are spies, and are classified in the Geneva Convention as such.

  • 1 decade ago

    CNN is trash, if this were a true as CNN says it is, it would be all over. Don't believe this BS

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