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Why do fangirls want men to be like Edward Cullen???

I see so many people saying that the guys need to take notes on how Edward acts but i think its just insulting to them. Edward has flaws as well so why do girls take their love for a character and try to translate it to a current relationship or guys in general???


also for the guys how does that make you feel when you get compared to a fictional character???

Update 2:

nothing wrong with that want but i know that some guys find this to be insulting. yes you can look for those qualities but you shouldn't throw it in their face like " omg edward cullen is a better boyfriend than you"

Update 3:

nothing wrong with wanting those things but making a guy in your life feel low because hes not like edward cullen is bad, its wrong

Update 4:

thanks to everyone for answering except to the 2 spammers. you know who you are

anyways it was so hard to pick best answer for this one

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Edward would be real hard to live with. I'd be forced to call him Sullen Cullen when he was being a grouchy pants. I might occasionally hold guys up to the likes of Mr. Knightley and any and all of John Cusack's characters, but I think people in real life are just different than people in books and movies. We have to accept people as who they are. And if you fall in love with someone because they are emulating someone because they wanted you to like them, how long is that really going to last? Also, what's up with people wanting men to be like Mr. Darcy and Heathcliff? they were totally obnoxious!!! Sorry for that long-ish rant...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's mostly just innocent on the fangirl's part. She just wishes that she had a relationship like Bella and Edward's. Obviously they've fallen in love with his character and they just wish he was real. On the other hand I know a guy that hated the books because his ex would constantly talk about how great Edward is. Personally I would love to date an Edward Cullen, even with all of his flaws (which I find make him more attractive), buuut I'm not going to hold out until he comes along.

  • Aki F.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure why either. They're children. They don't fully understand what true love is and how men are supposed to act in relationships.

    Men ARE NOT supposed to stalk you or watch you sleeping while they stand outside your window. They are not supposed to have thoughts of killing you or even hate you. True, he stopped thinking that way, but the fact is is that he thought that way. And Meyer didn't even show us how he was beautiful. She kept saying he was beautiful and sparkly, but I don't see how he was. Why should I take Bella's opinion of Edward when Meyer doesn't even show us? Edward's obsessed with Bella. It's lust, not love. And people in love don't try to commit suicide because they lose their better half. Instead, they realize that being in love has done so much for them, and they move on with their lives. Obsessed people commit suicide, not people in love!

    Little girls will never understand that until they are much more mature--we hope, anyway.

    It's terrible that they try to compare real males to a fictional character. It's demeaning to those males. It makes them seem less than because they can't meet Edward's "good" standards. No male should be like Edward.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that wanting a man to be like Edward is very naive, personally. It shows that they haven't had much experience with men. They're swept away by this character's sparkly (pun fully intended) perfection, his romantic lines, and the way he keeps saying Bella is his top priority.

    Personally, Edward does have some good qualities, but honestly, a man like him is the LAST thing I want. To me, he's just too hard to talk to and get comfortable around. I used to wonder how Bella did it, but now I'm rereading the books and realizing she doesn't, not really. She's always thinking about how he's so perfect and she's not good enough for him. I want a guy who's easy to be around, and who isn't worrying about me every five seconds, which can get annoying, and who doesn't "dazzle" me every five seconds so I can't notice his flaws.

    And if someone told me I needed to be more like a fictional character, I'd break up with them.


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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've got examine the Twilight sequence too and that i do no longer probably get the Edward hype the two. that's probably in basic terms that many of the fangirls you spot like something (or each little thing) approximately Edward, that they might like in boys. there is likewise something with the assumption of vampires that provides to the dependancy. And the author has created a character it is exceedingly plenty impossible to locate in genuine existence yet could be conventional.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a total Twilight fanatic and I LOVE Edward obviously, but at the end of the day he is just (sadly) a fictional character and those people should know holding their standards THAT high isn't really going to get them anywhere. Regardless of that, Edward definitely has his flaws too!

  • 1 decade ago

    Some girls are weird like that. I don't want my man to be like a fictional character. Edward is rather controlling anyway. Everyone has faults so one shouldn't expect someone to not have any.

    *~* Can't Wait for Breaking Dawn *~*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess that all depends on how you see Edward, I think his over-protectiveness is a bit creepy but sweet at the same time...I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that he's gorgeous, has money, and is well educated...

    People have to accept that he isn't real, and they will never find him. I don't think there is anything wrong with looking for some of his characteristics in a guy though...its perfectly fine..

    Personally I would love a guy like Edward, but you cant sit around waiting for him...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't know why Avangelis. Honestly, I feel the same way you do. I don't find Edward charming at all nor do I find him to be perfect. Out of all the Cullens he's the most imperfect and the most annoying. Now, I don't hate him, but he could take a few lessons from domestic abusers on what not to do and why they ended up in jail because he's got the elements of potential abuser.

    Now fangirls don't notice this because they seem to have selective seeing. I don't know. It is insulting because I wouldn't want my mate to be like Edward at all. I wouldn't want him to not let me have an opinion or a life outside of him, I wouldn't want to lose my friends because of him, I wouldn't want him to restrict me from seeing a guy who just so happens to like me because he's insecure in himself. I wouldn't want my mate to always use the excuse "I'm doing what's best for you," or my favorite one that fangirls also like to use "I'm only protecting you". It's not cute.

    I think there are many ways to protect someone without coming off as an emotional abuse. I grew up in a home like that, so I know what I'm talking about. Edward is jealous a little bit too much and it's not even in that cute way. He also doesn't know Bella as well as fangirls seem to think. They barely ever talk. They're always arguing and he makes Bella back down quickly by using his "charms" on her. Well, I wouldn't want my mate doing that to me either. I wouldn't want him to be intimidated of me. I wouldn't want him to not let me stand my ground.

    Besides all of that, I don't see what's so bedazzling of Edward. He's one of the most boring characters I've ever met. It's like what I say, "Beauty is painful and perfection is boring." And you know what? It is. If a guy could do everything then I don't think I'd want him around me to make me feel like I don't deserve him, to make me feel inferior. Maybe that's not what Ed is purposefully doing but he's inadvertently accomplishing it.

    Point blank: I wouldn't want my mate to be like Eddie boy at all. Too much damn angst.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Edward may be great with all his strengh and good looks, but in all seriousness He is DEAD! I would'nt want my guy to be the cold, aggressive person Edward is when he isn't around bella ! Haven't they read about his overprotective and stubborn attitude!

    I think those girls are just wishing for the love bond that Edward and Bella have, and they probably think they are similar to Bella and want their guy to be like Edward.

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