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Lv 7

Why do you seek a sign from God why do you tempt God over and over? Here is what Jesus said waht do you say?

do you understand there will be no sign from God? He has done it all and still you do not believe? I am sorry for your unbelief and sorry that you can not see while it is day

why can you not believe God??

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    If the Lord rising from the dead aint a sign


    let the unjust be unjust still, just like Jesus said.


  • 1 decade ago

    God Exists in all things right.... If he does, then there should be a way for one to seek him out, in some verifiable way (for the not so faith based people). "some may ask...God I want to follow you, but there are so many religions in the world that says I must follow it, or I go to hell, WHICH WON IS RIGHT"

    Many religious seekers have asked this question. I believe and know that anyone and everyone can find God, from the atoms and molecules to the heavens and hells beyond, one must simply look in the right direction. Like if you want to know the TRUE word of God, it is not in any holy book, it must be listened to. God doesn't want you to tell him what to do (in the form of a prayer), he merely wants you to listen to him. (Cosmic background radiation noise-- maybe that is a form of GOD---it also lies in everything "in the bible it states.. you will not know where that sound cometh or goeth, but you will hear the Kingdom of God"

    Source(s): Experience (People who have near death or out of body experiences all report a noise that they hear just before they die and see the light)
  • 1 decade ago

    "True religion is not about possessing the truth. No religion does that. It is rather an invitation into a journey that leads one toward the mystery of God. Idolatry is religion pretending that it has all the answers."

    "God writes straight with crooked lines". It is when you follow those crooked lines over time and see that they were for the best - that is when you truly learn to trust in the hand of Spirit guiding you.

    Your prayers are always answered and your answers arrive at the level of your trust and faith, not at your fear. When you ask without fear you receive the answers you seek. Each of you is a singular expression of the Creator, experiencing a unique aspect of the God force. You are never less than or separated from God, you cannot be apart from your divine Source. If you ask for help in fear you have disconnected from your Self. The Universe meets your needs at the point of power, that place where you are willing to use your power to transform your circumstances. Ask in faith and trust, without fear, connect to the light, remember your power and the guidance you seek will be there for you.

    Love & Blessings


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That was 2000 years ago! AND Jesus did not write that. He did not write anything. Why can't you believe it is ridiculous. This is someone else writing this and telling you to believe it or else. Honestly, why, in god's name, did Jesus not write one word? Why all the need for mystery and blind faith? Do you conduct all of your business affairs on this basis? Do you require proof of anything or do you believe what everyone tells you? If I were a god, I would make it known.

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  • 1 decade ago

    God refuses to prove that he exists, for proof would displace faith and without faith, God ceases to exist.

    Then God sends commandments, a messiah and miracles, which are viewed by many Christians as proof of God's existence.

    Therefore, by accepting proof, you say you have knowledge of the existence of God, which has thus replaced faith, therefore killing your own God.

    Well done! Deicists!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yep , Matt 12 v 38-42 . And because of this unrelenting sign seeking ( show me God is real, show me ,show me ,show me ,) when the false christs and false prophets arise ( matt 24:24 ) showing great signs and wonders . Then people will

    flock to them . Don't you think so ?

  • 1 decade ago

    lol....what sign are they seeking?

    by the use of which of the senses?

    usually it doesn't seem like anyone is seeking a sign. some people are just justifying their beliefs or denying others beliefs.

    anyone can believe whatever they doesn't make it true or false in the other persons eyes.

  • 1 decade ago

    if there is a god, s/he gave us free will so that we might choose our own path. If god exists, I truly doubt that s/he is such an egotistical being that s/he would cast his/her creation into hell for exercising the free will s/he gave us.

    If, when I die, I find myself confronted by this 'god', whoever s/he may be, I will state my case as the free thinking human being I was created to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously there won't be, because he is a fabricated being that was created in order to control the masses and collect thousands of dollars in cash in exchange for "forgiveness". God doesn't need money......Figure it out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice excuse there mate...that's very convincing.

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