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Why is the preaching of the Cross so offensive?

Have you ever wondered why people get so mad and downright mean when you mention the Cross and what happened there? Does that not show that there is a spiritual battle going on?

Satan doesnt want anyone to know that our freedom was purchased he stirs up anger and resentment and any smoke screen that will keep people from finding truth.

The Cross is where Satan was defeated and where God reconciled us all to Himself. Why fight a total pardon? Ask yourself WHY.

43 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree! They will not ask themselves why. At least not on this site. Many non-believers become down right MAD, but if they would only begin to question why. They don't get this mad about hardly anything else, but when it comes to the spiritual battle........

    Jesus Loves you guys (and girls) and so do we!

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no battle going on and Satan isn't doing anything to stop your preaching. Most people are not offended at your preaching the Cross. They are offended at the fundamental disrespect for others that allows people to insist that their truth is the only truth and that whosoever does not accept said truth will suffer hellfire forever.

    I can hear it coming: "We aren't making this up, it's in the Bible!" Someone should really come up with a better argument than this, for there are many holy books in the world claiming to be the truthful, inspired words of some creator or other, of which the Christian Bible is only ONE.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's the PREACHING thing that gets irritating. If you want to believe that some some human son of some mythical being was tortured and then nailed to a cross, that's your choice. But if your belief in God/Allah/Jesus/Thor/Zoroaster causes you to try to take away the rights of others because they don't believe as you do, then don't expect a warm reception.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you flatter yourself entirely too much.

    When some misguided soul tries to tell someone that they want to testify to them about Jesus' saving gift and like that, most people just nod politely and say, "of course you do, dear, of course you do," and go on with what they were doing.

    Why do some get angry?

    A myriad of reasons. I get angry because I've looked into the same things these people have looked into over a course of decades, probably know better than most of them what the verses actually are, as opposed to what they think they are, and I'm angry, frustrated and annoyed when someone with no real clue what's what comes along and says, wow I've got the answers to everything. I'm torn between wanting to

    1. give them a good sound spanking and tell them, go learn the Bible and then come back when you've really got something to say, and

    2. part of me wants to cradle them in my arms and make all those poisonous lies inside them go away. but they won't let me, so....

    Of course it's very frustrating when I say something to someone and they sort of pause, then, ignoring everything I've just told them, just go on and start all over with their nonsense.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Preaching is a fundamentally offensive activity, whatever the subject.

    Think about it, do I have any right to knock on your door and explain to you how wonderful vacuum cleaners are? (I don't want to sell you one, I just want to share with you the joy I feel that this marvelous device cleans my carpet so efficiently!)

    Jesus is a lovely myth, and I'm glad you enjoy it, but please don't try to justify intruding on other people by explaining the the "wonder thing" you want to show them commands you to do so! That's called "circular logic", LOL!

  • Honey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why would you be offended by others' opinions?

    I once had a young woman express her offense to my wearing a pentacle in a grocery story saying that I should leave her space and pray for forgiveness and that my very existence is offensive to her. ...well should I be offended by a person who wears a cross with a dead guy around her neck? Please don't get the wrong idea that my intention is to offend anyone; however, the disrespect for those of differing beliefs is astounding!

    May you find what you are seeking


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sin - the idea that we are all sinners and in need of a Savior. That's what is so offensive to people. Satan wants to drag everyone down with him and he uses pride to achieve his objectives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 onwards, it says:

    I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognise this message as the very power of God.

    As the Scriptures say - "I will destroy human wisdom, and discard their most brilliant ideas."

    v 21 Since God in His wisdom saw to it that the world would never find Him through human wisdom, He has used our foolish preaching to save all who believe.

    v 24 But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the mighty power of God and the wonderful wisdom of God. This "foolish" plan of God is far wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God's weakness is far stronger than the greatest of human strength.

  • CC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Preaching of any sort is implicitly offensive to me. It assumes that you are telling the truth rather than your opinion.

    Truth is backed by evidence, which no religion can produce. Their opinions are all conjecture wrapped up in emotional baggage.

    If you doubt the veracity of this, please consider how you would take it if I preached the doctrine of the invisible pink unicorn to you on your weekend, at your doorstep.

    Source(s): An atheist perspective.
  • Tim 47
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not really.

    When you do your homework, and come to understand, that the cross, is a mistranslation of the original word in the Greek.

    The word cross, is not to be found in the original language, AND, there is no verse or verses in the Bible commanding any Christian to make an image of the murder instrument of Jesus, in his 'honor'.

    The cross, it's image and use in worship, clearly originated in pagan religions, and can easily be traced to the mystic "TAU" of ancient Babylon.

    I was raised a Lutheran, but as it stands, I eventually realized, that just because my parents followed their parents, ad nauseum, is not good enough to make real the Bible, and it's message.

    There is no evidence, that the early Christians, made images of 'crosses' to help in worship, and in fact, it seems that the making of images, in worship, really reflects more the pagan type of worship, than that of faith.

    We are saved by grace, faith, and works.

    Not by symbolism.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes! Satan does all he can to keep us from the cross!

    People don't like the gospel of Jesus because while it is 'good news' for that is what 'gospel' means, there is some bad news in it as well.

    Jesus said, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." (Mark8:34)

    To follow Him means we must give up our independence and exchange our little thrones for crosses. We must stop believing the lie that God is evil and we are good. To some that's very disappointing because then they have to face that they aren't as swell as they thought they were and that there is such a thing as sin. It can be devistating to someone who has worked so hard all their lives to be good only to find out that it was all in vain.

    Plus many sophisticated, "modern men" (and women) think they are smarter than God and having a peasant Jew die for them is degrading.

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