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do you believe the lastest Gallup polls?

Obama 49% McCain40%

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I really don't.

    The experts expected Obama to gain some ground after his World Tour, but there was nothing that actually happened on it to cause that. Germany certainly wasn't a smashing success. The only people that think it was were for Obama already. I think that someone manufactured the result that they had expected and possibly wanted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gallup is one of if not the most accurate polls. What I find amazing is the number of people who are so illiterate that at least two of them have read that as a 9% lead by McCain. Mind boggling. Yes I believe the Gallup poll for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is that the Obama lead has been constant and growing. It is based on several issues and has the reputation of reporting unbiased and accurate data.

    McCain, in his desparation is looking less and less like someone to take seriously. Even his own backers are upset at the childish direction his campaign has taken.

  • 1 decade ago

    Polls are reports of statistical is the interpretation that must be "believed"...

    I "understand" the polls because, unlike many, I actually take the time to read the pages and pages of disclaimers and qualifiers that every legitimate poll is required to publish....although this information is rarely, if ever, passed along to the consumer by the media outlet providing the poll results...

    ...did you know, for example, that some polls are only conducted by phone in the middle of the work week.?...others are done via questionnaire sent to people on address lists acquired by certain publications...would your impression of poll results change if you knew they were compiled only from readers of the New Yorker....or Soldier of Fortune.....or Penthouse...?

    Gallup is one of the "grand-daddies" of polling...meaning that they're very good at it...I encourage you to find out the data the lies behind the pie charts and judge for yourself...

  • kryst
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The polls are ineffective through fact they do no longer seem to be precise and that they ask extra of one team then yet another! Rasmussen polls are extra precise. temper OF u . s . of america electorate nonetheless Rank financial device As genuine subject, yet activity in well-being Care Rebounds electorate have confidence GOP better than Democrats on 8 of 10 Key subject concerns 34% Say u . s . Heading in superb direction Republicans proceed to be forward on familiar pollelectorate Say North Korea best possibility to U.S. 40 4% Say u . s . of america's suited Days interior the previous, 38% Say suited Is yet to return

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only "poll" America needs to listen to is VEGAS!!!!

    Vegas oddsmakers have Obama winning NO PROBLEMO!!!

    Vegas knows. And so should you.

    OBAMA 08/12/16 (When we make it a 3 term limit!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no reason not to. Did McCain think his riveting speech at Sausage Haus or in the dairy section was going to finally put him ahead of Obama?

    Michael D displays a lack of basic understanding of statistics.

  • Ali
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No, I take it with a grain of salt... polls are inaccurate all the time... I'd rather just wait and see how the election turns out when the time comes...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Obama just had a great week.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a poll, its a pool of 500 voters, not the entire population of the US.

  • Yes; they make sense.

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