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if you think that God does not exist ?

if You think you could prove to me that God doesn't exist message me !!


okey "And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating"

this verse was in a book 1426 years ago they came out from the mouth of a man who does not know how to read or write

any suggestions ?? and by the way there a lot of these verses not only this one

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why? What would be the purpose...? We would have a give your side, I will give mine...and it will end in the same conclusion: you believe, I don't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *Sighs* Sorry, but it's up to you to actually prove his existence, not the other way round.

    And by the way, I don't just mean proving that the universe needs a creator (which has also never been done), but proving that the creator in question is the one YOU worship.

    I'll be waiting right here for you to either produce this proof or admit you're full of shite. Thank you.

    EDIT: Amusing quote. However, given that the word 'orbit' did not exist at that time period in the English language, the translation must have happened AFTER orbits were discovered by astronomers. Therefore the word was translated after the fact, and never meant exactly that until someone said, "yeah, that's roughly what he said and it sounds like what we now know about the way things work, so let's just say that's what it meant!" In other words, a self-fulfilling prophecy at best, a flat-out lie at worst. So what else ya got?

    JC Rocks: Your horrific mishmash understanding of the water cycle and solar fusion makes me cry. And for the last time, the sun's been there for billions of years, not your dumb creationist 6000 year crap.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ever asked yourself; "what would it take to convince me God isn't real?" If you cannot think of anything that could make you even think about changing your mind, there would be no point in trying to prove anything to you, even if we could prove a negative. The other thing is, why do you believe there is a god, and the specific god you beleive in? If it's "faith", then again, there is no point in discussing the question. No matter what we offer as evidence, you will find a way to rationalize it away.

    Notice, the same holds true in reverse. As an atheist, I've been asked what would it take, what proof, to convince me of a god. And I've provided examples. Of course, despite the teachings of the Bible and the faith of the believers, they've not been able to offer up the evidence I've requested, despite the supposed omnipotence of their god.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wrong. The burden of proof is on you.

    'What can be asserted without evidence can also be refuted without evidence.'

    If I tell you the tooth fairy exists, you would expect me to prove it, not for you to prove it doesn't exist. It's exactly the same as your god.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If talking snakes,rib women,burning bushes,gods who sacrifice themselves to themselves,all of cosmology,biology,anthropology,and physics hasn't convinced you,you don't WANT to be convinced.You WANT to stay in your comfortable little bubble of abject ignorance and denial of reality.So,why should anyone bother?

  • Wow, how original. This is brought up every day and both sides still come to the same conclusion. It doesn't achieve anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe in the gernflagenflopple , and you can't prove his non-existence , therefor he must exist .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why should I have to prove anything? You claim leprechauns exist, you had better bring some proof. Same with gods.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is some of the things I consider:

    If people would stop taking everything for granted like that sun that has been burning for at least 6000yrs., never exploding, never extinguishing itself like when you fight fire with fire. Never sending off a huge solar flare propelling it at us or out of orbit. It keeps burning very consistently and controlled to keep us nice and toasty warm in the summer but not to warm that we are burnt alive by it's heat.

    Or those clouds that have no real substance yet pick up enough water to flood entire states. Why do they pick it up? Do they drink it? Do they have any use for it other than for the most part just gently sprinkling it on the vegetation we rely on for oxygen and keeping the land from drying up and blowing away.

    Are you aware that a 20ft. x 20ft. x 1inch deep pond of water weighs approx. 2000lbs. To me that is very impressive to say the least.

    Take care and may God bless you spiritually.

  • 1 decade ago

    The burden of proof lies with the one making the claim that god exists. Please provide valid proof which is not an outdated book.

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