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What is Obama's definition of "economic justice" ? What does he want to achieve?

What is your take on "economic justice"?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama's idea of economic justice is to take from those who earn their money and give it to slackers.

    My take on "economic justice?" It would be that, people who earn money are allowed to keep it and those that choose to be leeches on society only get whatever scraps the earners WILLINGLY give to them. No more taking my hard-earned money at government force and giving it to able-bodied people who simply choose not to work.

    I did not come from money. I've earned everything I have. I've been working since I was seven years old. Why should I have to give my money to some 15-year-old idiot who got herself knocked up? We can help her, but no free ride, no personal apartment, no cable, no junk food, no spending cash.

    We create a dorm-style living community where EVERYONE works to earn their food and shelter. Those without a high school diploma also must attend classes. Once you turn 18, you are expected to get a real job and give the money back to the shelter.

    NO MALE GUESTS at the shelter. It will cut down on problems. Not to mention, that's what got them there in the first place.


  • 1 decade ago

    "Economic Justice" is a synonym for economic redistribution, and is therefore socialistic/communistic. See the Marxist maxim: From each according to his ability; to each according to his need.

    For a more concrete example, take an arbitrary amount of your take-home pay (say, 25%) and send it to the IRS with a note that it should be used to make a "better world". You will have no say in what a "better world" is nor any clue where your money ended up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Economic justice is just a fancy way of saying I want everyone except me and my friends to all have the same income. For my friends and I, we just get to be wealthy and stay that way. The way to achieve economic justice is to take money from those who work their @sses off and give it to those who lay on their @sses all day and do nothing. Then to top it off he wants to give the UN power to tax us to give to other countries so they can have economic justice too!!

  • Economic justice should be a fair wage for hard work, but he ignores the fact that many people study, work their way up, and have two incomes in order to better their lives. To him, these people are the problem. He cannot comprehend how much they already pay now.

    Edit: Thumbs down from kids who don't understand the tax rate. They keep listening to the rhetoric about how the "rich" don't pay their fair share. The Rich pay ALL the taxes. That's why they are NOT rich after 60 hour work weeks. Grow up and learn. It's impossible to get ahead these days because the government takes all of our discretionary income. These rich people have tons of debt because of it. It's the country's dirty little secret.

    Jerome: You forgot to mention that in places like NY State the union gets 80% of the school budget BY LAW! No wonder the schools are failing. They are doling out pensions worth MILLIONS to teachers at age 55. That's right. Millions. 80-90K per year for life plus health care and no state tax. Do the math. That's only ONE teacher. My city is at the legal tax limit, and the unions keep going to court to increase it. Nice. They care about hard working people. Right. Keep raising the assessments every 2 years until we are taxed out of our homes. That's what's happening.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well, I call him Comrade President, but that is not a glorious enough title for the Narcissist in Chief. How about Lord Commander Obama?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He wants "economic justice" in America and the world. That is why he sponsored the bill to send all the billions to africa. He is not concerned with the average working guy, he does not have a clue of how joe lunchbucket lives. He wants his ego fed and a camera in his face.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fozziebear is 100% correct. Democrats are opportunistic. They love the fact that most people have never taken an economics class, pay attention to the news or have ever read the Constitution. These are the people they always try to register to vote.

  • 1 decade ago

    5% of the people having 95% of this nations wealth is not justice... fact is .. the minerals and resources of this country belong to us all.. and we should all have a percentage of that.. the oil companys are stealing our resources and selling them back to us.. we should nationalize the oil and energy companys.. like chevez did.. and use the money to provide education and health care... we dont need more millionaires .. we need healthc are. china and india are EACH.. graduating over 10x the number of engineering degree's that the usa is..

    we're losing our edge .. corporations who are international and owe no allegiance to anything other than the almighty dollar.. are stealing from the usa.. .. when the usa collapses no worries.. they arent linked.. to the usa.. it wont effect their profits.. they are like a mosquito.. leeching off the usa.. when it dies.. np .. it will just fly off to find another victim.

    justice is paying CEO's reasonable wages.. justice is paying a living wage. employee's are america.. its the working middle class. bankrupting them is not going to help anyone cept the NWO and bushs destroy the us constitution.

    corporations have been waging war on the us middle class. when the middle class goes.. so does the usa. but that's the NWO plan.. chaos.. bankrupcy.. insolvency.. to destroy the usa.. throw it into the required chaos and anarcy.. to allow the destruction of the us constitution.. so the country can be reformed as a state in the new world order.. without the "bill of rights" and other "protections" the current constitution offers.

    so obama economic justice? .. it's essential.. before the country is destroyed. 95% of the wealth concentrated in 5% of the hands.. while 40% of the country cant even afford healh care.. is not justice.. it's corporate greed.. its theft of a nations resources.. it's a scam.. that's gone on too long..

    the corporations have bought our govt.. they dont even allow elections anymore.. they use the cia to just rig the elections to install their candidates. the corporatins have bought the media.. you hear and see nothing.. they dont want you to see or hear.. (unless you watch FSTV or scour the internet for news)..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The point of promoting justice in general is to correct abuses which might otherwise foment unrest, and ultimately perhaps rebellion or even revolution. This is in the interests of all classes involved.

    If you don't think injustices exist that need to be addressed, you have a right to that opinion. Others may not agree.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama's definition is to punish the wealthy by taxing them to death and redistributing it to everyone equally. He wants to ultimately create a classless society in which everyone is on a "level playing field". My take is that I don't wanna work my butt off for what I have just to hand it over to someone else as the government sees fit. I do want to help those that can't help themselves but I'm not willing to support the aimless and lazy. Obama is a socialist and will destroy the US with his policies if allowed.

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