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"Miss IQ" asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

Have u ever had a C-Section b4??

If the answer is yes...How many?...Did it hurt? or was it ever sore after having more than one??? I'm curious 2 know this 'cuz I'm a mom of 3 and I had a vaginal delivery w/ my 1st...but my last 2 I had 2 have C-Sections!!! MY youngest is now 2 mos. old and from time 2 time about 2days out of the week or every other week I've been experiencing this soreness/pain in the area where the incision is. Also when I went to the OB/GYN 4 my 6weeks check-up...I was told that it may be me feeling the stitches in the incision of my uterus...but it seems that should have stopped by now!!! Do you think it's just taking longer 4 my body 2 heal this time??

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've had two c sections. Te 1st one was emergency the second was planned and it took me severeal weeks to bounce back (6 weeks). My incision got infected both times and I left the hospital the first time w/o pain medication. I expereinced occassinal pain aaround my incision for a yr after my 1st c section and occassionally still eel it with my 2nd that was also a year ago. The reason I expereince pain is bcuz my body made so much scar tissue. That is probably what you are feeling too. Unfortunately the scar tissue is always there and there will be occassional pain (but it lessens over time). They didnt even know I had scar tissue until I had my 2nd c section and they had to scrap alot of it off, so your doc may never know either. It's kind of a pain and might make it hard to get pregnant again (although It didnt for me) but other than that, everything will be just fine.. YOu might find over time that your uterus will seem to move closer or father away from the top of your stomach. But it wint cause any probs, just be aware of this when you insert tampons and have intercourse.

  • Firstly congratulations on the new addition x

    I've had 2 C-Sections hun. Last one was 4 and a half years ago. First one hurt like hell! The second one wasn't too bad as I knew what to expect. I still get the occasional niggle and parts of my scar are still numb =/

    It was only 8 weeks ago, and with 3 kids to look after you probably haven't had as much rest as you should have to recover .So give yourself a little more time to heal. If it doesn't feel hot or look red then there is no infection. If it gets really sore go and see your GP x

    Source(s): Mum of 2 girls aged 6 and 4 x
  • 1 decade ago

    my mum had a C-section with me. ive never had kids personally. but she said its much more painful than a natural birth and she couldnt walk properly for weeks.

    if she coughed or laughed she sat in pain for the next 15 mins.

    and even now (16 years on!) if she wears pj trousers round her scar it hurts there.

    but she said it was very sore for ages.

    Source(s): my mum (Y)
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