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Lv 31,362 points

"Miss IQ"

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  • When did you know that He/She was the one for you?

    When you met your true love, how did you know that they were the one you would spend the rest of your life with? And what were signs that the feeling was mutual?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I live in Louisiana and am currently trying to decide what to do?

    I am a Louisianian who was in Hurricane Katrina and Gustav is heading our way and I'm not quite sure what to do! I know that where I live it may flood big time, which would probably cause me and my family to be stuck @ home for a day or two from what the news is saying! My parents offered me and my family to join them somewhere that is about 35 miles from where I stay...but I kinda want to stay in the neighborhood to be there for some of my neighbors who have nowhere to go themselves. I don't want to be foolish and not leave in time if I have to, but like I said, I want to be around to help someone else who has no family near or money to leave themselves. So, my question is, do you think I'm crazy for feeling this way??

    10 AnswersNew Orleans1 decade ago
  • Does anyone think that it's okay to receive government services...?

    I have been going through a very tough time financially for the past 4mos.!

    First, I lost my job last Dec. when I was 4mos. pregnant with my third child. I made pretty good money while I was there ( I worked in Finance). Then my husband lost his job, after being injured by another guy who hit his machine while he was sitting still...he ended up going to the company doc. To make a long story short! I had to get food stamps, WIC etc. So, my question is, do you think that I deserve to receive this assistance just like any other person who doesn't have any monetary resources? I feel that people try and put you in the category of others who simply are just getting over on the gov'mt, But what about people like me who really are in need of such services due to situations that are out of your control?? Besides, I have paid my taxes which funds these services like everyone else!

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Have u ever had a C-Section b4??

    If the answer is yes...How many?...Did it hurt? or was it ever sore after having more than one??? I'm curious 2 know this 'cuz I'm a mom of 3 and I had a vaginal delivery w/ my 1st...but my last 2 I had 2 have C-Sections!!! MY youngest is now 2 mos. old and from time 2 time about 2days out of the week or every other week I've been experiencing this soreness/pain in the area where the incision is. Also when I went to the OB/GYN 4 my 6weeks check-up...I was told that it may be me feeling the stitches in the incision of my uterus...but it seems that should have stopped by now!!! Do you think it's just taking longer 4 my body 2 heal this time??

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How do you handle a 2yr. old and 2mos. @ the same time???

    If you are currently a stay-at-home mom w/ more than one small child please tell me how you deal w/ the situation. (Tired and desperate"()

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago