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I live in Louisiana and am currently trying to decide what to do?

I am a Louisianian who was in Hurricane Katrina and Gustav is heading our way and I'm not quite sure what to do! I know that where I live it may flood big time, which would probably cause me and my family to be stuck @ home for a day or two from what the news is saying! My parents offered me and my family to join them somewhere that is about 35 miles from where I stay...but I kinda want to stay in the neighborhood to be there for some of my neighbors who have nowhere to go themselves. I don't want to be foolish and not leave in time if I have to, but like I said, I want to be around to help someone else who has no family near or money to leave themselves. So, my question is, do you think I'm crazy for feeling this way??

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If they are saying it will flood you should definitely leave. I notice with this storm more people are leaving than they did for Katrina. You should watch your local news because they are telling you what you need to do. Where I live there is a mandatory evacuation that starts at 7:00 A.M. today, 08/31/08. We are leaving because we live very close to the North Shore of Lake Pontchatrain and they are expecting 10 - 12 feet storm surge where we live. It gets even higher towards Slidell. If you have a way to get out, I would do it. Be safe.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand how you feel because i am in the same situation as you are. I too live in louisiana, right along the coast. I am think the best thing to is leave. You may be stuck more than a day or two if you stay. Its sort of foolish to stay and risk it, things can get REALLY bad. They all ready don't look good. I'm being separated from my family and its going to be hard but protect your life. Try to convince you neighbor to go to get on one of the buses they have and be taken to a shelter, you should do the same also if you have no way out. You don't need money if you go there. Please be smart and leave while you still can. Keep safe and you will be in my prayers.

    Source(s): self experience
  • 1 decade ago

    No you are not crazy for feeling this way, it shows you are a kind hearted person and that is a great thing but you need to look out for you self as well! If you get stuck there and the streets are flooded then how will you be any help to others? You will be trapped and it may get worse then you are expecting. Please get out while you can this could be life or death for you, you never know what is really going to happen! I suggest if you know any neighbors that aren't leaving you try and talk them into it and help them out that way instead of staying. Good luck and I really hope you and your family stay safe and get out of there as soon as you can.

  • 1 decade ago

    If a mandatory evacuation has been ordered for your area, and many have already been issued, you should evacuate. Stay, and you could be stuck for a lot more than 2 or 3 days. Thinking about living on your rooftop in 95+ degree heat for days on end, then decide whether or not to evacuate.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Im really sick of people saying that we are stupid for living in Louisiana because of our recent hurricane issues..I think thats an IGNORANT comment to make..This is our home!!There are natural disaters all over the U.S...Should we say all people who live in NY are stupid because terrorists may strike again..or in California because wildfires may break out!!..WTF! There are earthquakes and avalanches..tornadoes..So many things we have no control over ALL OVER the WORLD!!...But yet ,we're being called stupid for staying in a state we love!! to the MORON who wrote that comment....YOU are NOT welcomed in Louisiana, Texas,Florida or ANY of the southern coastal states!!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you didn't say around-about where you live. I live about 30 minutes south of Baton Rouge and have no intentions to evacuate. It's really just a personal decision. But listen to what your local government has to say!

    Good Luck!

  • Lorena
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Crazy, no. But you need not worry about your neighbors because you must take care of you. GET OUT NOW!

    GL to ya. And you might want to consider leaving... this is going to just keep happening over and over and over again, and to tell you the truth, I lose more and more empathy each time... there are quadrillion different places on earth to live, try one!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Better safe than sorry !

    Source(s): Don't 4 get 2 unplug me !!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go to your basement and stay there. You will be safe.

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