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How do you handle a 2yr. old and 2mos. @ the same time???

If you are currently a stay-at-home mom w/ more than one small child please tell me how you deal w/ the situation. (Tired and desperate"()

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a stay home mom with three children two years apart each. Its not easy! and I hear your pain. At the same time its rewarding to be able to stay home with them and see them grow and say all the funny things they do.

    How do I handle this, I wait till my husband to come home and take the oldest one out to play. In the morning when my husband wasn't home I would carry the baby in a carrier on my chest. This way I was able to do my chores and move around. The baby was always happy. I took my breaks after I breast fed and the baby fell asleep. I paid enough attention to my toddler so she was satisfied all the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    It gets easier. Trust me. You just have to reset your priorities. My kids are now 2 1/2 years and 5 1/2 mos. The baby is sleeping 12 hours at night now. Whew!!! But before he started sleeping through, I was a zombie. Housework gets less important when you are sleep deprived. And it should. Enjoy the baby and your toddler. You can clean later. As long and the city isn't coming by to give you citations, you're golden! LOL!

    Really, though. Put that toddler to work. Toddlers love to help and love to please Mommy. My girl fetches diapers, binkys, burp cloths. She makes the baby laugh when he's fussy and I'm tied up. She can set the table herself. Before the baby could sleep through the night, I would sometimes get all three of us in my bed, (with the door locked so the toddler can't get out and run through the house if I should doze off) turn on Sprout (the preschool channel) and let her watch cartoons while I breastfed and catnapped with the baby. Dragon Tales got me through some ROUGH mornings!

    In a couple months you will look back at this like it was a distant memory.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL I have 2 under two too, they are a year and a half apart. its not easy but gets easier. Kepping your toddler busy is key and getting them to help you and baby makes them feel better and occupies them too. If your baby needs to be held all the time get a wrap of some sort to carry baby around and allow your hands to be free. Rest when they rest ( I know easier said than done) Also pull out new books or crayons and paper or new puzzle or something for you toddler that is used only when you need a distraction to go to the bathroom, make dinner, wash dishes, or what ever you need to do, then when your done, put it up. That way they dont tire from it and it gives you that extra time. Dont be afraid to ask for help and have a friend or a realtive come to entertain your little one. Trips the park or library story times, etc... are nice too.

    Check out ivillage parenting and message boards for you childrens play groups, get a lot of encouragement and advice from moms just like you, take care and good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's tough but you can do it!

    At one point when, mine were 3 1/2, 23 months, and newborn, I thought I should just drive myself to the loony asylum!! Yes it was hard, I was always tired, I never seemed to have a tidy house, I used to think, I'd give my right arm just to sleep for 8 hours straight, (then I realized I needed that arm!!!).

    Forget the housework, do what is only absolutely necessary, sleep when they do, and get sitters, give yourself at least one day off a month. Maybe even a weekend with your hubby!!

    I know it's hard, but don't beat yourself up trying to have a perfectly tidy home, gourmet meals and perfectly behaved children.

    Love them, play with them, feed them, hug them and buy a leafblower ...(works better than a vacuum, lol). The eldest will only be with you for another 2 or 3 years or so, then off to school.. and then you will be missing these times.

    It really is true what they say, you will look back and miss this.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel for you, I do not have my own children but... I have done TONS of childcare, live in nanny and such.

    If you can get activities for them to do, besides tv... at least the 2 yr old. you can't leave them "alone".

    MAKE THEM take 2 naps a day, at least the 2mo old. the 2 year one nap is adaquate. that way you can get some chores and down time done.

    Do you have a husband to help at night? maybe let you go and take a long hot bath and just listen to some relaxing music for an hour.

    2mo waking up all hours at night is hard. if you know he/she is not hungery (just fed) let him/her cry himself back to sleep after you check and make sure "all is good" I know its hard, but if you stick with it he'll get a more normal sleepy cycle. BUT make sure he's not hungry or needs a diaper change. later on him waking up and crying will only be for those things.

    maybe get a sitter one or 2 nights so you can have some adult interaction outside of the kids either with your husband or some girl friends

    also... play dates can allow for a moment of adult contact that can add some "sanity" to your day.

    Hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    Like suggested above you can join a playgroup, if there isnt one in your area maybe you could consider starting one because there might be other mothers in your area feeling the same way! You could take turns in hosting the group at each others homes or at a local park!

    Another option would be seeing what mothers groups are available in your area. My local recreation centre ran a group that ran each term, we did different activites each week and best of all there was a creshe!

    You will be amazed how much better you feel by getting out of the house and getting a break in the usual routine!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Basically you just survive until they are a little older! My son turned 2 one month before my daughter was born. If they are both asleep - TAKE A NAP, dont' cook, clean, anything SLEEP. Ask for help when you need it and don't stress over whoever helps you doing things "your way". I often find myself needing a 3rd arm, so I wear the baby in a sling, but I need it less often now because she is crawling and likes to play. My son is almost 3 now and more independent. There's a little more crying than with 1, but it is do-able. You will make it! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    it's not easy - i have a 26mth and a 7 mnth old who never go to sleep at the same time!!!

    i try to go out each day (to a play group, coffee group and to a music and movement class) so that i can get some adult conversation and so the 2 year old wears off some energy.

    I have a very supportive mum who takes my 2 year old for 1 afternoon a week.

    I try not to worry too much about the housework - it's a continual job anyway so i just try to do it as i go along. And i don't try to do amazing evening meals either - we just eat simple meals.

    My husband gets up to our 2 year old now so at least i have one less to worry about at night time.

    and then sometimes i just pretend that i am the nanny and i'm getting paid to do this!!!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i consider pinkie. she would be waiting to develop out of it and perhaps at 9 or 10 she would be waiting to place this female in her place 'u r not my authentic mom, u can't tell me what to do' i understand ur harm yet the two 12 months old would not understand and the bigger fuss u make now will basically bring about greater harm in different issues. if it is all of the lady needs and is not talking badly of u to the youngster permit this conflict bypass. do not end college or ur activity quickly she would be waiting to not desire a sitter and u would be free of the ex and his spouse. be happy ur daughter is enjoyed a great style of circumstances daddy leaves and not yet another be conscious til they're the scorned individual and the youngster is eighteen. too tale then and the youngster needs the dad undesirable sufficient to believe their area not urs. so u have the wonderful conceivable good now. p.c.. greater constructive battles to combat solid success

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My daughters are 25 months apart. What got me through was making my oldest feel grown up and special. Once a week, I took her out on a "date". Just the two of us, no little sister. I also let her pick out the clothes baby would wear that day, help get the bottle ready and she got to pick out the books to read at story time. It is very draining with a toddler and infant. Just take time for yourself so you don't get burnt out.

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