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Why am I not losing weight?

I've been on a diet in which I take half of the calories I used to, I eat healthier than I used to, and I run 1 mile 5 days a week, now. I have been on this diet for almost 3 weeks and I haven't lost a single pound. I eat a bowl of special K for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and if I eat dinner, it's a turkey and cheese sandwich. No snacks in between. I also only drink water.

I am getting discuraged and wondering if I am doing something wrong or if the results are just not showing this early. If i can get any insight, it would be helpful. Thanks.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Eat more to keep energy etc. If your body goes into starvation mode and you do, by chance, lose weight, as soon as you stop your diet your body goes 'well screw you, I'm gunna gain heaps of weight so I have a good fat store incase you try to starve me again' - Know what I mean? Its your bodies protective measure against starvation.

    Also you may be gaining muscle which would seem like your not losing weight (because your not - your replacing fat with muscle) but you may be losing INCHES, try doing your measurements and comparing them monthly or something like that. Hope it helps.

  • Steph
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    hmm. well, are you eating enough? Instead of eating 3 times a day, break up your eating into 6 small meals a day at about 200-300 calories (1200-1600 calories a day). You need to be eating at lest 1200 calories no matter if you're trying to lose weight or not. The exercise is good, just eat more throughout the day and maybe change up the foods you eat. Are you getting any fruits? Also, I recommend you cut the cheese from your sandwich and instead add some dark green spinach/lettuce, tomatoes, etc. I don't recommend Special K because it isn't a whole grain cereal and it has added sugar. It doesn't matter what the commercials say about it, i don't think it works! Instead, try Kashi brand organic cereals, oatmeal, waffles, etc. because they have a lot of fiber and protein. If not, eat an egg or two every few days with some fresh fruit - a great breakfast!

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    It takes A LOT of time, believe me. I do work out and eat healthy to stay in good shape but it takes ages and don't feel discouraged. Never give up and if a day comes when you want to eat whatever you see, call ur riends and head to the mall or somewhere to distract yourself. Just please don't give up - and even when you do lose weight - don't stop dieting and working out or else you'll end up like you were before. Whatever you do, keep active. Don't just sit in front of tv all day. Running's good but try other things.. sit ups and push ups are really awesome =] Keep on eeting like you are eating and instead of running 5 days a week , run 2 times a week and the rest do a 30 minute work out. Gd luck :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your not losing any weight because you aren't eating enough. Your currently eating so little that your metabolism has gone into starvation mode, making it store MORE of what you eat as fat. NEVER skip meals, it only hurts your metabolism.

    Your body needs a BALANCE. Too many calories is bad, so is too few.

    Increase your calories to about 1,250 per day, and spread them over 6 small meals through the day.

    Whoever voted me down is an idiot

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should try Calorie Shifting, which works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day. Then by rotating it so that your metabolism never gets used to any routine.

    All the best!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know, Dr. Swift at REALLY helped me a lot through this. He has a free guide there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you take any medication? Any antidepressants?

    If you aren't taking any meds and you aren't losing any pounds then you MUST be losing inches....

    Don't give up.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is your hormones!you should try this pill!it is called slimquick and it is made just for women b/c it is harder for womeen to lose weight!it is at walmart and other stores!it is quit popular!hope it helps!if u dont want to try that, drink alot of greenn tea! it helps in many areas of ur body and helps u with weightloss!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah you definitely have to eat more or your metabolism will completely stop!

  • 1 decade ago

    Congratulations do not give up,you are on the right track, so keep at it.

    Every day you must eat less then you burn off doing normal things, then add 30 minutes of body parts specific exercises, and sleep or rest 8 hours per day. Keep a written account, and also plan ahead and stick to the plan.

    But allow time. Simple eat a little less but not less then 1200 cal.(you have done this, but check the cal. and go to 6 small meals, it keeps stomach From stretching and getting big, slowly it will get smaller and you will feel less hungry), do a little more exercise. Do the following too.

    1.Drink 11/2 gallon of water per day. Drink some water before putting any thing in the mouth.

    2. Do body parts specific exercises, find them on Internet and the library.

    3. Get a pedometer and walk(equivalent of 6 miles a day) Note it every day and if less take an extra walk after eating.

    4. Must not eat any thing 3 hours before bed time., rest or sleep 8 hours. As a rule most people burn more cal resting and sleeping then watching TV.

    5. Read the rest and do as you see fit.


    Extra related articles.


    Tips for Loosing Weight



    You must count calories and at least in initial stages write down what you are going to eat and when then stay on that list. Your total calories for the week must not exceed, 1500 x 7 = 10,500 calories this will give you leave way to indulge at special occasions like wedding and parties, but you must write down what you eat and account for the calories latter and adjust the total intake next week.

    Please read my article on this subject and follow them.

    While at it build your body too, while reducing by doing body parts specific exercises.

    If you are not too old, then best way to reduce your weight is to increase your height.

    Vegetarians have a big advantage, in loosing weight, it cost less and they can satisfy the hunger more easily, some vegetables have only 1 calorie per pound, so they can fill themselves up with it before enjoying each meal, and never go hungry.

    Most people should take one a day water soluble multi-vitamins when on this program; they can be purchased at the pharmacy near you.


    You did not say how tall you are.


    Life Style Change Program for Loosing Weight



    Who needs to loose weight?

    Answer is simply not every one, only the over weight person.

    Who is over weight?

    This is simple, it is easy to find out and it is available on line, it is call Body Mass Index, and calculations are simple. According to this calculation if you find your self say only 10 pounds more, you may not be over weight. Remember every one is slightly different and you can just watch it, on your own and not let it get out of hand.

    What is the reason for being over weight?

    This is also simple, have doctor check you out for any physical or hormonal abnormalities. The doctor should be advising you of your ideal weight even though you have already figured out the ideal weight and you are seen a doctor because your weight is not where it should be according to BMI.

    Basic understanding of loosing weight.

    Every one uses calories at all time. There may be some exceptions to this rule, for most of us; the rate of use, even when we are resting, we use 65 calories per hour minimum. This comes to1560 calories per day. The actual range is between 65 and 100 calories per hour. This is consistent with heart rate of 60 to 80 bits per minute.

    Simply put any person eating only say 1500 calories a day will not put on any additional weight. At this level of calories consumption the person should loose some weight over long haul, depending on the individual rate of metabolism.

    What is a healthy weight loss?

    When one tries to loose weight, one should loose excess fat; there should be a healthy loss of weight. Loosing muscles tissue is unhealthy.

    How much is one pound of body fat?

    One pound of body fat weight is approximately same as one pound of butter. If you look at a one pound package of butter, you will see it contains between 3200 to 3600 calories. This means that each time a person burns 3600 more calories then what the person takes in, the person will loose one pound.

    How many pounds should a person loose in a month?

    Any one that is trying to trim down can figure out how long it took to put on the excess pounds. The fact is; it did not happen over night. It usually creeps up, but the person realizes one day suddenly.

    This is why a person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Do not wait for New Year.

    Taking above in to consideration a person should not loose more then 2 pounds per month. If a person looses any thing more then that, chances are that the person will not be able to maintain the weight loss. It will take extra efforts to loose and it will take extra efforts to keep it off. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

    When an overweight person should start loosing weight?

    At once. The person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Again do not wait for New Year.

    How does body react to weight lose?

    Any time there is depletion of fat beyond certain level, the body reacts by slowing down metabolism, so that it can build up fat. If the body is use to say 2000 calories per day and detects only 1500 calories per day for considerable length of time it reacts to the situation by reducing the rate of metabolism. When this happens one need to help body by increasing activity. Usually takes about four weeks for body to react.

    What is the relationship between body and body fat?

    Under ideal condition fat act as a reserved energy source for our body. Certain level of fat is good for healthy living and even may save our life in certain life threatening situations. Every one should have minimum required level of fat on their body.

    What if there is no weight loss at 1500 calories in take level?

    This is a rear occurrence. Do not panic. The body has slowed down the metabolism to such a great extent that you must help it. The only way to help is to increase activities, this means you have to exercise. You do not need to join Gym but you can go on an an half an hour walk every day or batter still engage in a power walk for same duration. Power walk burns 250 calories per mile and walk burns 100 calories per mile approximately.

    What is the importance of body fat for a female?

    Females require little more body fat then men. In the absence of certain required level of body fat, females are not able to function properly; in particular they may not be able to conceive. You can find lot more about this on internet.

    At 1500 calories intake per day what one must drink and eat?


    One gallon of liquids most of witch should be in the form of water (zero calories).

    Calories should be accounted for all other liquids.

    Why water?

    Water is a universal solvent, means it dissolves almost every thing at least in very minute quantities. This helps purification of body.


    What should be your proportionate in take of fat, Proteins and Complex Carbohydrates?

    This depends on what your need are.

    1. Need to reduce fat.

    Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.

    Complex Carbohydrates: 30 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.

    Proteins: 60 percent of 1500 calories per day = 900 calories.

    2. Need more energy.

    Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.

    Complex Carbohydrates: 40 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.

    Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.

    3. Need to reduce weight only.

    Fat: 25 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 375 calories.

    Complex Carbohydrates: 25 percent of 1500 calories per day = 375 calories.

    Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.

    4. Need to increase muscles bulk, but still reduce weight.

    Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.

    Complex Carbohydrates: 15 percent of 1500 calories per day = 225 calories.

    Proteins: 75 percent of 1500 calories per day = 1125 calories.

    Exercise the muscles you want to develop, you can find right exercise on line, recommend use of light weights.

    Foot note: To take fat is so important, while reducing even fat, that it is included in all cases. If the fat is completely cut out, body will think of producing the fat, and will produce the fat by reducing metabolism, without fat in take, you may actually again weight even at lower than 1500 calorie level. You will feel run down and lethargic.

    How one must, drink and eat?


    Every one may not be able to follow this regime.

    A 16 oz glass of water first thing in the morning will be very healthy start.

    If you need to stabilize your stomach before eating, you can have a glass of water just before each and every meal. This is the easiest way to meet your quota of gallon of liquids.


    To day almost half the world is starving.

    In western culture. Standard healthy practice for long time was three warm square meals per day. No eating in between, but children were allowed night cap.

    All that has changed, present thinking is 5 to 6 times per day. Any way what practice one follows is up to them; to each his own.

    Another best practice will be a glass of water before bed time, nothing to eat for two hours before bed time.

    How do I know the calorie count for various drinks and food?

    If you are buying packaged items it is on the package.

    Go on the internet and find the calorie information.

    Lots of cook book now a days list calorie per serving.

    Use your best guess, in this method use higher figure then you have guessed.

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