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Chi Guy asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What are your thoughts on Walmart telling their managers to oppose Obama in the 08 election?



August 1, 2008; Page A1

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is mobilizing its store managers and department supervisors around the country to warn that if Democrats win power in November, they'll likely change federal law to make it easier for workers to unionize companies -- including Wal-Mart.

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good for Wal Mart. Still a free country and they still get to go to the voting booth and vote who they want, so I don't have any beef with them giving their employees the skinny on one candidate or another. I told my Employees that if Obama gets elected I am laying off 24 of them. 2 a month for a year. I hope it got their attention.

  • 1 decade ago

    This kind of stuff has been going on for years from both perspectives. The unions push for the Democrat and the management pushes for the Republican. In the end, neither the union nor the management knows who people vote for and I don't believe people are that easily coerced.

    Its pretty difficult to get a union in anywhere anymore even though there are laws in place to make unionization a right of labor. The company can either close their doors or they harrass and fire the instigaters within the limits of the law. Reagan pretty much finished the power of unions and so has globalization and free trade.

  • 5 years ago

    Yes that's true. When you get older you will either have a generative stage or a stagnation stage in your life. Generativity stage is when you think about all the things you've accomplished and the legacy that you will leave behind for the next generation. Stagnation stage is when you've gone to self-absorption, which is you exclude yourself from everything, inactivity, and meaninglessness are a common fear. Major life shifts occur, significant relationships, workplace, and communities, all play a role in your life. I would suggest make the most of life. Live life out of the "social matrix" in which we were programmed by the society. Learn to give and inspire others. Do something extraordinary, do something out of your comfort zone. Do something very productive. Learn a new skill. Go back to school. Be more social. Caring without caring. Being responsible and carefree at the same time. Just live life without any regrets. Go after your dreams and carve your own path in life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definately a pretty sticky area to dabble in but I'm on Wal-Mart's side. It's obvious they are NOT telling their employees who to vote for but they are definately making it known that if they vote a certain way, their jobs will be at risk...and that risk is not coming from Wal-Mart saying they will fire who ever votes for Obama, its coming from the fact that if Wal-Mart goes Union, the 'Low Prices' will no longer being low this will force Wal-Mart into laying people off.

    This is partially why GM is in so much trouble. Due to union requirements, GM has paid out so much in benifits to retired personel, it basically started the snow ball effect we've seen GM spiral down.

    I also work in an industry that relies on both blue and white collar work as well as fleet work. With rising cost in materials to produce our product as well as distribution, unionizing would be detramental to my job because they are already cutting hours to make up for rising costs. If union dues come into play...we're screwed!

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  • Bob H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I figure their advice is as good as their merchandise. I live in Florida, and down here, no one seems capable of voting without consulting their boss or bible banger of choice, and the state always finds a way to avoid counting anyway. But this is irrelevant, 'cause it's illegal to vote outside of the party registered with the Motor Vehicle Bureau. And we do have unions down here, paying the full minimum wage.

  • Coleen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They are not forcing anyone to vote for anyone or making them go to any meetings against Obama. They are stating the financial hardships the company will have with increased taxes, and a union labor force. They have a right to state the facts to their employees and let them decide how they vote. It is in no way illegal or wrong. No one will be fired just because they voted for Obama- they will have to worry about jobs if he wins office but they will not be targeted.

  • GunnyC
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    As stated above; lots of crying about WalMart paying employees to attend meetings and putting out what they think and which candidate they think is best for the company. Unions can use member money, collect extra money by assessing it to the union local and spend it to support a candidate, have union meetings and have "volunteers" then either do phone banks or mailing for a candidate or be counted against them while not paying them, and that is all fine and good. I see nothing wrong with it-if I want to pay some one to listen to my viewpoint then I could that does not mean that they listen, agree, or will vote/support who I would like...just means they sit at a meeting and get paid for it. I am not taking money from them involuntarily or coercing them to provide labor to support who I would want or spending money (dues) they again are forced to provide to me to support or do something they disagree with. I think the best term for the "outrage" over these is bare-faced hypocrisy at best.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just read that article myself before I even came here.

    First off they're warning them about the possible consequences if Obama wins, not telling them to oppose Obama. Last I checked we have FREE WILL in this country.

    Funny how you put that spin on it. I'm not surprised though.

    Second. Well gooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyy! Turn about fair play! Unions have been doing this for decades for Democrats, in much more blatant ways I might add, and they aren't even the ones that cut the paychecks.

    ADD-Don't like hearing the truth huh?

  • 1 decade ago

    We need organized labor to stop labor abuse by the capitalist. Wal-Mart gives a little gets a lot.

    Most Wal-Mart employees are part-timers and do not get benefits but earn under $10 per hour. The Walton family are is time they pay their employees living wages and that is why they need unions.

    When the unions were strong (before Reagan *** hole) this country had strong economy. What else can I say?

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess they are being responsible employers - warning their employees of the prospect of being forced into a union in order to keep their job. I know some Wal-Mart employees, they don't want to be in a union.

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