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How well do Libra and Aries match up?

Just curious.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dammit Jake, does this look like the horoscope section?? :p

    Source(s): Oops....I guess this IS the horoscope section....I'm not paying any
  • 1 decade ago

    Uh... actually this would be an extremely tense relationship - and I don't mean in a good way. Aries are extremely opinionated, stubborn, intelligent but make repeated mistakes, they hate being wrong (even when they are) and will not do anything they do not want to do. On the flip side, Aries will do anything for someone they trust and love, are organized, are great employees, are have a great sense of humor. Libras are confusing, seem to pick all the wrong people to hang with, can be fake, superficial, bad money managers, opinionated by by emotion rather than fact, and a fairly vain. On the flip side, they are dedicated to those they love, and can change when handled with reason.

    Aries, Taurus, and Sagittarius can and will chew up and spit out an Librian in no time, and will do so the instant that Libra says or does anything remotely naive or fake. The poor Librian would not stand a chance going toe to toe with ANY Fire sign.

    Source(s): full blooded 100% SAGITTITARIUS
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aries Man & Libra Woman

    It will take someone with a lot more backbone than the Libra lady has to withstand his daily doses of bluff and bluster. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

    A yin and yang combination. Another Venus meets Mars --- intense, selfish, volatile and sexy. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

    This is not a great match and it is very unlikely to lead to lasting love. You and an Aries boy may seem to be a terrific match at first. You've both got great minds, curious approaches to life and you both love to talk and to socialize. Unfortunately, while you hate arguing and always want everything to be peaceful, Aries boys love to fight! They'll even play devil's advocate to start a fight for no reason... they actually think this is fun. All this conflict will make you feel constantly uneasy and stressed out. He will also get tired of you flip-flopping on your decisions, because he's a charge ahead guy who likes to set a mission and then carry it out. He's just not flexible or calm enough for you, and there will be no harmony in this relationship. You may be super-attracted to him, but that can only take you so far. A great match for a short-term fling, but disaster in the long-term. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Refined Libra girl is ready and willing to play delicate flower next to Aries tough and strong exterior, but in the long haul, Aries boy might be a tad too aggressive and rough around the edges. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it certainly won't be boring! ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )

    Aries Woman & Libra Man

    A yin-yang combination that has Venus meeting Mars --- never a dull moment. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

    This match has low hopes for any kind of relationship. He has a very hard time making up his mind and figuring out what he wants to do. His wishy-washy nature on everything from going out to his feelings about you will drive you right around the bend. Libra boys need someone who will put up with their endless changes of mind, and you are too straight-forward and demanding to fit that description. You’ll also get sick of him fast when he flirts with all your friends and doesn’t call you for days at a time. Not a good bet for a match made in heaven. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    As opposites on the zodiac, together, you are Astro wonder twins. Britney and Justin don't have a thing on you two! While you tend to be a bit more impulsive, your Libran guy will protect and stand by you no matter what, and while doing so, spend plenty of time romancing you. Flowers, notes in your locker and on your car, dinners that don't come from a drive-through window. What could be better? ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jeff I think you already know the answer to this question. It was explored back at the first of the year. remember? I am Libra you are Aries. It will work but it will take some effort. Good Luck with your new Libra and your move.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This combination has many sides to it...firstly I am an aries and my dad is a libra and we fight all the time but forgive easily...however...aries and libra are opposite signs....which means they have a general respect for each other...i know a couple with these signs and tend to match up so well...go for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    My ex bf is an Aries and Im Libra myself and so far he is the best boyfriend i've ever had and fallen in love with... Libra will admire the passion in Aries and Aries can't help but fallen in love for the refined Libra...

    Source(s): myself!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Polar opposites often attract and rightly so! Your sign is all about partnering, and Aries are all about initiative. Together you are destined to have lively and active times. This is a match that was probably made because you enjoyed one another tremendously right from the start. You were having too much fun not to fall in love.

    You are attracted by Aries courage, can-do attitude, and their willingness to deal with risk. Aries are strong, full of opinions and bright enthusiasm, but at times they don't look before they leap. Libras are highly intellectual and analytical, and your presence will be a good influence if your lover listens to you. You like balance and everything in moderation, but your Aries doesn't know what the word temperance means! This very trait attracts you, as you continually try to figure out what makes your lover tick. Life with an Aries is never boring, and your substantial circle of friends and contacts can help your Aries lover get ahead. Libra is a refined sign, aware of social politics, so you do hope your wild Aries cowpoke will adhere to them most of the time! Usually he or she will, but Aries have a bit of the rebellious prankster in them too, so be forewarned! Your sense of humor will help. The very thing you fear most about your Aries' lifestyle -- risk -- also attracts you. You love that lively Aries spunk.

    In bed, you've got an ardent handful. Your lover will ignite you with his or her intensity and appetite. Aries are passionate, attentive, and lusty, and you'll revel in your good fortune. They can have a roving eye, however, but only if they get bored. Keep things lively by remaining somewhat unpredictable. Aries of both sexes enjoy the thrill of the chase. Libras like to get married but Aries aren't sure if they want to be tied to any one person forever and ever. You will have to make your lover think it was his or her idea to make a commitment, because headstrong Aries don't want to be "told" anything.

    In all a very good match, and one that will keep you both on your toes for years!

  • 1 decade ago

    Pretty well. These are opposite signs so its all about balancing the other out. My mom is a Libra and my dad is an Aries and they've been together for 26+ years. Their relationship is all about balance.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Find A Girl Fast
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