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Who would win these matches?

Undertaker and Kane vs Edge and Christian

Matt Sydal vs Jack Evans

Cheerleader Melissa vs Gail Kim

Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle

Trish Stratus vs Mickie James vs Lita

Beth Phoenix vs ODB

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Undertaker and Kane vs Edge and Christian~This would be a great tag team match to see. Edge and Christian would have to work well together as a team to get by the strength of Kane and Undertaker. Edge and Christian were together as a team a lot longer than Kane and Undertaker so I think that with their chemistry they would be able to beat Kane and Undertaker

    Matt Sydal vs Jack Evans~These are 2 great high flyers both have done very well in ROH. I don't think that ECW is using Sydal the right way I wish that he would go back to ROH where he would be used better. As far as this match would go I think both of them would use some of their great moves like shooting star press and the 630 senton. I think if evans would be able to pull of the 630 senton he would win the match.

    Cheerleader Melissa vs Gail Kim~2 of the best knockouts on the tna roster today this is match I would like to see in the near future. Gail Kim's in ring skills are better than Melissa so I think that would give her an advantage. Melissa however is bigger than Gail so her strength I think would be the difference and give her the win using the Kondo Clutch.

    Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle~This match has happened before and I would have loved to see it again. These 2 will go down as 2 of the best technical wrestlers of all time. These 2 are pretty even when it comes to their in ring ability. Benoit however can also do high flying moves and I think that would be the difference. I would say if they were both in their primes Benoit wins with the crossface.

    Trish Stratus vs Mickie James vs Lita~Some of the most entertaining divas of all time. Lita started high flying moves for divas. Trish is a 7 time women's champion and deserves each of those title reigns. Mickie is currently the best diva in the wwe. I think that Lita is the best wrestler out of the 3 of them. I think she would put her body on the line with a moonsault or something like that to Mickie but then Trish would come in and steal the win.

    Beth Phoenix vs ODB~Beth is one of the strongest divas of all time right behind Chyna. ODB though has been in MMA before so this would be a good match to see. I think even with her in ring skills ODB wouldn't be able to stand to the strenght of Beth. Beth gets the win with fishermen suplex.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Undertaker and Kane

    Matt Sydal

    Gail Kim

    Kurt Angle

    Trish Stratus

    Beth Phoenix

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Undertaker and Kane

    Matt Sydal

    Gail Kim

    Chris Benoit


    Beth Phoenix

    Source(s): me
  • Undertaker and Kane

    Matt Sydal

    Cheerleader Melissa

    Kurt Angle

    Mickie James

    Beth Phoenix

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Undertaker & Kane (Brothers Of Destruction)

    Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne)

    Gail Kim

    Chris Benoit


    Beth Phoenix

  • 1 decade ago

    Undertaker and Kane

    Matt Sydal

    Cheerleader Melissa

    Chris Benoit


    Beth Phoenix

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Undertaker and Kane

    Evan Bourne

    Both Suck

    Kurt Angle


    Beth Phoenix

  • WWE is not going to let WWE Contracted Wrestlers and Divas wrestle TNA Contracted Wrestlers and Knockouts. Throwing out reality and the fact that Chris Benoit has passed away and Trish Stratus has retired, here are the results:

    Undertaker and Kane

    Matt Sydal

    Cheerleader Melissa

    Chris Benoit

    Mickie James

    Beth Phoenix

  • Marina
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Edge and Christian

    Jack Evans

    Cheerleader Melissa

    Chris Benoit


    Beth Phoenix

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Undertaker and Kane.

    Matt Sydal.

    Gail Kim.

    Chris Benoit.

    Trish Stratus.

    Beth Phoenix.

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