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«G6260» asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Are you tired of WWE putting together 2 Main Eventers and giving them the Tag Titles?

I think it shows a real lack of WWE Creative Talent if they can't think of quality storylines with real tag teams over the titile, and have to resort to using the belts as a tool to put over a main event feud

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yea I'm sick of it... especially since its Cena and Batista, whom I really despise...

    like others said they did this a million times before... the one that comes to my mind happened 10 years ago this summer on the Highway to Hell... Austin and Undertaker winning the Tag Titles at Fully Loaded 1998 and losing them to Kane and Mankind 3 weeks before SummerSlam in a four corners Match against the New Age Outlaws and Nation members Rock and D'Lo Brown... one of my all-time favorite buildups for a match... and i felt as though they were trying to mimic that a little bit...

    I think they could have done a better job of building Cena-Batista up for the kiddies... they shouldn't even be having the match now... it should have been at WrestleMania... it doesn't even feel big like a matchup between 2 huge stars would have (ex. Rock-Austin, Hogan-Rock, Hogan-Savage etc.)... hell even Edge-Undertaker felt bigger than this match...

    and I agree with the Cena=Hogan and Batista=Warrior comments... at least Hogan and Warrior had WAY more talent than these 2 pieces of ****...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I actually agree with the part that it lacks of the Creative team talent that they can't put together quality tag team storylines, because that whole division is basically down the drain already. I guess it just goes to show WWE only cares about the main eventers and nothing more. However, I was hoping that this would pull Cena and Batista out of the main event and give others a chance for Punk's title in return.

    Source(s): Why so Curious?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WWE is really hyping up Cena vs. Batista in the most rehashed and repetitive way possible.

    If WWE wanted people to care about the match so badly, why not have them go at each other a couple of times before the PPV? Why make the Tag team Division, which barely exists, look worse by having two different main-eventers as Tag Team Champions? There's better ways to hype up their match than this.

  • Making 2 main event superstars feuding with each other tag team champions is nothing new. It was popular in the Attitude Era and it's popular now. MVP and Matt, Austin and HBK, Rock and Jericho etc are only a few examples of two superstars feuding and holding the titles together.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it's actually very boring and bad. Just to hype up one single match they need to give the tag titles to the main eventers. AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TAG DIVISION. That's just bad act, shows how much the wwe cares about the tag divisiion.

    Also, didn't we already see this, oh yeah.. hkb & john cena.. WWE is running out of ideas..

    lol imagine the creative meeting

    guy1: so guys we need to hype up the match

    guy2: ok give them the tag titles.

    guy1: excellent..

  • 1 decade ago

    YES! i am sick and tired off it. Simply Priceless and Cryme Time can have a great feud for the titles, but instead they make Batista and Cena champions? if i remember right Shawn Michaels and John Cena had the titles before their big match, IMO there doing the same feud as the Michaels/Cena feud with Cena/Batista.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vince still thinks its 1992.

    John Cena = Hulk Hogan

    Batista = Ultimate Warrior

  • It's really stupid. Everyone knows they wont keep them and turn into a real tag team it's just a waste to put the titles on them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree with Air Sabu, Vince does still think its 92 and that Cena is Hogan and Batista is Warrior, but he needs to step into 2008 and realize that puopularity pushes dont work anymore and that people want to see wrestlers that have talent be pushed

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's getting old Cryme Tyme needs the titles

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