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How many Atheists are out here?

I am an Atheist and I had no idea that we were so many. I would like to speak with some of you about religion and things like that. Truthfully, I'm just happy to see that there are many of us.

To all of you condescending Christians out there, bal bla bla bla


Umbrella, I know being an Atheist is not a religion, never said it was. you read that wrong, anye=way I'd be happy to talk with you too.

Update 2:

Meg, we and us doesn't mean I'm calling Atheist a religion. Not even close. You are an Atheist and I am that makes we. Let me say this. i do not think being an Atheist is a religion or have and kind of religious affiliation. We are Atheists, not organized, just plain ole Atheists.

Update 3:

Pooza, you're a knucklehead. get a life

Update 4:

Wow, this is Great! thanks for all of your resposes and keep-em coming. Feels good to be an Atheist. Thanks again....

39 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There were few, and now there are many.

    We have been freed, my friend.

    We have been freed from the restraints of the fraud God...


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am an Atheist too.

    I don't have a religion. My goal is the elimination of religion and dispelling the Mythology.

    I also don't believe in:

    Mermaids, Bigfoot, The Yeti, Elvis, Aliens from Outer Space, Close Encounters with said Aliens, Crystals, Special Powers, The Power of Prayer or Positive thinking, Magic, Ghosts, Spirits, "Energies", Destiny, Ouija boards, Tarot Cards, Fortune Tellers, Psychics, Telekinesis, ESP, Soul Mates, Wishes, The Audacity of Hope, or getting gasoline from water.

    I also don't believe in any Deities, Gods, Lords, Prophets, Witches, Witch Doctors, Shaman, Spirit Guides, Mothman, Vampires, Werewolves, Undead, Zombies, or Talisman.

    Source(s): Life.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am atheist. Atheism is taking over. Soon there will be more and more atheists out there. We've finally realized that religion is bullsh*t.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm an ex-Christian... I'm still on my "journey" if you will.

    I'm not sure that I completely dismiss the possibility of god/gods... or maybe I just haven't admitted it aloud to myself yet ;) but I definitely lean toward the atheist/agnostic side.

    Regardless, I've grown leaps and bounds in the last year. A lot of it had to do with meeting so many kind, tolerant, patient, intelligent, and wonderful "non-believers."

    Happy to see ya here! :)

    Source(s): Edit: lolz... oh yeah... and all the "kind and loving" Christians here didn't help... ;) Who wants to convert to (or even be NEAR) Christianity when the examples of it we see here are so incredibly evil??
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  • 1 decade ago

    Yet another reason why we're here.

    Best you can do is go to any of the big atheist umbrella group sites. Not only do they have information and forums but they also have links to groups in your area.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are bountiful. Especially since we took over this place. Sit back, relax, and a theist waiter will be by shortly to serve you food and drinks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im an Atheist

  • 1 decade ago

    Count me in - "strong atheist" here.

    Also, according to some people on R&S, athiest, athesist, and athieste...

  • 1 decade ago

    Proud Atheist here.

    Reporting for duty.

  • Duke
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    nonbelievers are the fastest growing religious affiliation in america according to the most recent pew forum on religion and public life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheism has more than doubled in the last decade in America, while christianity is fading faster than it ever has before.

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