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shoshone asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Has anyone seen the recipe for hamburger using horsemeat put out by IGA


I haven't ate meat for 20 years. What everyone eats is up to them. Just thought it was sick seeing the recipe as some horses are being raised for meat only. http;//

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every question you ask is about killing horses or horses being killed. Why do you feel the need to stir trouble?? Why do you like the fact that horses are killed?? You are obsessed with it! Grow up!! SO what other countries eat horse!!!! Horse can feed a lot of people!!!!!! GROW UP & take off your rose colored glasses!!!!! Everyone is tired of your questions about horse meat!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I was raised on a horse ranch, and today I train horses. With that said, I would most likely try it if it was offered in a restaurant. Horses are livestock. Lay off the bong for a year or so and you might find out that dog and cat are eaten in many other countries. And by the way, the Apache's loved horse and mule meat. Now if a true American can eat horse meat why not others, who are not vegan's. And let us not read more in to animals than there really is. Too many people think animals are either smarter than they are or dumber. Take if from a person who makes a living working with animal. Lay off these questions that get you chewed out or support your tree hugging, animal licking, ground humping, bong hitting hippie ideals. The world is filled with a lot of things that we all don't like but instead of sitting on your butt raising hob. You could try and get out and DO something that might change things for the better. Why not fight for human rights in China. That's a bigger issue than the French raising horses for meat.

    Edit- Wha where- I'm the same way, I didn't get to be 235 by hating food.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never tried horse meat..but you would think that you could cook it like regular hamburger.

    Like others really should have asked this in the food section though.

    Edit...I would never knock what other cultures choose to eat. There are some who think we are horrible because we eat how is that food for thought?

    My dad said that during the depression that horse meat was eaten here in the USA and I bet people were happy to eat it starving. And long before the depression. It's now just the modern culture that frown upon it.

  • 1 decade ago

    check an Italian cookbook, they seem to love horse meat. A Japanese or French cookbook. All three of those nationalities love horse meat. I doubt you will find one here. I think this should be asked in the food section under Italian food. I don't think you will be able to get any horse meat here. Of course you just posted this question here to get a laugh. So go ahead and laugh.

    Your Yahoo ID says Shoshone and I am positive the Shoshone never ate their horses so you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

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  • 1 decade ago

    no, but that does make my stomach turn alittle. . . i'm not gonna knock anyone for eating something (too many people make fun of what i eat so i know how it feels and i wont do that to someone else) but i dont think i'll be eating a horse burger any lifetime soon, makes me gag thinking about.

    things this american has eaten( motto: try everything once, twice if it doesnt kill me, and 3 times if i like it):

    snake (down south, the guys shot it and cooked it)

    gator (now that IS good stuff right there)

    frog (not so much)

    squid (yummie!!!)

    elk (tastes like any other game animal)


    deer(white tail, aka road kill from dad's truck)

    rabbit (they were in mah garden! hehe)

    sushi (dats the best, could live off of it)

    any sea food and any game animal i'll eat or try.

    horses just arent on my list of wanting to eat. . . *bahhhh* or whatever sound a goat makes.*bahh is more sheepish, but sheep and goats are closer then say cow and goats* i dont eat at fast food places much if ever either, now that stuff IS gross.

    so yeah, i didnt get this heavy just looking at food *(hehe i think i'm fat my friends think i'm not, i win. im fat teehehehe)*

    Source(s): mah own 2 cents on the matter (i put in my body what i want, so i'm not gonna tell someone else what to or not to eat)
  • Rosi M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Poor Man The Braces, you're gonna get a BUNCH of thumbs I bet! YES, we Yanks are a bit bland in our choices for meat. I remember coming back to the States at the young age of six and wondering why my hamburgers tasted like cardboard. Until that time, I'd grown up in Germany and was used to having a LOT of game and not a lot of beef. My mom didn't do lamb and until we moved back to the coast about 9 years later, we didn't get to do a lot of fish either (Something I have always loved to eat.).

    Although I've had horses most of my life, I still don't understand WHY we didn't just make our rendering plants more humane instead of causing the problems we had now with severe over population of our horses and the forced slow deaths, starvations that are now occuring across the nation. We didn't get anything stopped by closing the US rendering plants, we just resigned a better quality of horses a worse death than those who were going to the US plants. Now the better horses are being bought to be hauled to Canada or Mexico and then driven across from the US boarders into those countries.

    WTG Kevin!

    Source(s): Over 40 years of training horses, riders and making/repairing saddles and tack.
  • 1 decade ago

    i am sure that it cant be cooked as much as beef and must be cooked a little on the rare side like ostrich or yak meat.the mongols have a really good recipe for a horse meat stew so you may want to check that one out if you like horse meat so in canada like you do the meat should be easy to find.

    Source(s): 4th generation cowboy/rancher
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think this would be a better question for the Food section on this site. If you have any understanding for this site youw ill see that this part of it has NOTHING to do with how to cook horse meat. It just seems like your trying to stir up problems. Please grow up and take it to an appropriate board.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nope. i'm a vegetarian and have been for 3 years, and the thought of eating ANY animal disgusts me in equal amounts no matter how strange.

    some countries such as the US and the UK (where i live) are brought up very narrow minded in thinking that the only animals that should be eaten are cows, pigs, chickens and lambs, and maybe some slightly stranger ones like rabbit, buffalo and goose etc.

    to me all animals are equal no matter how you're brought up. just cos many people wouldnt eat their pet dog doesnt make it any different to a pig, a cow, a chicken or a kitten.

    Source(s): 3 years being vegetarian, 5 years riding horses
  • 1 decade ago

    Horses are meant for riding and loving on! They are not meant for food. In fact, in the United States, ALL horse slaughter plants have been shut down, and it is illegal to slaughter horses for human consumption.

    Just the thought of eating horsemeat, or considering it makes me sick, as well.

    One day, in the near future it will be totally illegal to ship horses to destinations outside the US, for slaughter for human consumption as well.

    For anyone interested in helping these bills pending to pass, here is the information about how to help.l

    USA: New Anti-Horse Slaughter Bill Introduced in House

    H.R. 6598—Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act

    Sponsor(s): Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN)

    ASPCA Position: Support

    Action Needed: Please email or call your representative in the U.S. House, urging him or her to support the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act.

    Thanks to all from all horses.


    Former horse owner and present day passionate horse lover.

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