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Mothers without Mothers?

Are you a mother without a mother? I am. Mum passed away when my son was 4 and my daughter was 8 weeks.

Do you feel like you are missing out on those moments of wisdom that are shared between mothers?


Im sorry, I should also have added Dads without Dads...

Update 2:

All the answers are making me cry.. :(

Its comforting to know that I am not alone..

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My real mother gave birth to me at 16 and was never really in my life. Now she isn't in my life at all and I don't even know where she is. The mom who raised me, my aunt, died of brain cancer when I was 12. Then soon after I lost the man who raised me, my uncle, also of cancer related to smoking. I was then looked after by my grandma who was like a mother but I have lost her too, not to death but she has mental problems to where she hurts people and I couldn't risk it. So I have been given 3 mothers in my life and all 3 are gone.

    I feel like I am and have missed out on a lot when it came to the one true mother I had, My aunt. I am sad that my children wont be able to see her. I am sad that my husband never met her. She meant so much to me and I loved her so much. And I am missing out on a lot for her not being her.

    I am thankful though right now I have my husbands mom. She actually took care of me for 2 years while I was in high school because my grandma kicked me out. She will never take the place of my aunt but I still love her. And am thankful she is at least here for me. When I lost my son at 5 months pregnant she was there for me more than my own family and stayed in the hospital when my family wouldn't even come because of stupid reasons. She has been there for me so much and has been my first real mother figure since my mom (aunt) died.

  • Yes I just recently become a mommy and Iost my mom a little over 2 years ago in a fatal motorcycle wreck when I was 19 years old!!! I have my days that are extremly hard...I know my mom is watching down on me and Im sure she is proud but I hate that my daughter will never get to meet my mommy!! When my baby cries like when she isn't hungry or sleepy...just wants to be held it makes me really sad bc I remember how much I wanted my mom 2yrs ago and how much I cried and needed to be held by her but couldnt be!! I have a great mother in law and a wonderful grandmother (my moms mother) but its just not the same!! I run into old friends who knew about my mothers passing and I get that sad look from them like "how does she do it without her mom" (I was a total momma's girl) My mom's passing has made me such a stronger person and I know I am and always will be a great mother to my baby girl I just miss those special moments that I will never get to share but always dreamed about having with my mom!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a Daughter without A Daddy.

    I never had a close bond with my Foster Mum, like I did with my Foster Dad. Next week it's the anniversary of losing him.

    Some times I talk to my Dad, and he talks to me. I went to jump a fence the other day on the farm, it was still on (electric).

    *Princess we check fences before we jump them*

    It's like I lost half of myself, when I lost him. I hate knowing that he will never see my children, or be able to tell them the stories he told me. My Dad was the best story teller around.

    I miss my Dad so much, every day. I just have to tell my kids how great he was.


  • molly
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I lost my mum when I was 15 she never got to see my girls or grandchildren and to make it worse I never had a Nana she died before I was born and no aunties and I was also mum to my little brother and sister.

    I always believed she was watching over us and when I lost my first grandson at 5mths old I was devastated my friend talked me into going to a clairvoyant the first thing she said was I had lost two special people in my life they are together and one was safe in his Nana's arms and she is smiling down on you and your family.

    It freaked me out a bit as I am a bit of cynic but it gave me a wonderful sense of peace.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I lost my mum when i was 17 and have two children and one on the way, yeah its really hard sometimes when i get down and just want my mum!! The hardest part i find is when we want to go out with friends they have automatic babysitters with their mums but i dont have that and that hurts alot.

    Lucky ur mum got to meet ur angels my mum never got to meet any of her now 8 grandchildren :((

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i lost my mum last sept to a 4 month battle with cancer she was only 60. i am 30, and fell pregnant in jan this year with my first. it absolutely breaks my heart to think she will never meet my little girl. i was so close to my mum she was my best Friend and i am devastated. the way i get through the pain is to think, my little baby girl is a gift from my mum sent from heaven with a part of her spirit. very sad

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah I know how you feel I lost my mum when I was 14 and found it hard but when I had my first child someone said I bet your mum is proud that hit me hard on what she is missing out on and when you most need your mum I am now 28 still wish she was around to see her granchildren

  • 1 decade ago

    Im a Dad without a DAD

    My father passed away when i was 11, and while i was just getting to know him, i wish he was still around

    Also my grandfather, and two old blokes who became like grandfathers to me- how I wish they could have held my Joseph!

    But I beleive they are up there, watching over us.

  • My mother is still alive but she has never been a real mother.

    I often feel envious when my friends say their mother is baby-sitting or taking the kids somewhere. My mother would never do that - in fact, we are lucky if she remembers their birthdays.

    To all the lucky people with real parents, I envy you.

    Source(s): Self.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ooooh,,, I READ YOUR QUESTION AND ALL YOUR ANSWEERS,, and i feel so sad and teary,

    marks dad never got 2 meet our kids and mark always says how much that hurts,, i beleive him, i hurt for him

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it really makes me appreciate my parents and motherinlaw so much more and be thankful for having them in our childrens lives xxxxxxxx

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