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If your Christian grandmother were on her deathbed...

...and she asked you if you had been saved, what would you answer if you were a nonbeliever? Would you lie and allow her to die happy, or would you be honest and tell her that you don't believe?

This question popped into my head the other day and I haven't figured out what my own answer would be.

What would you do, lie or tell her the truth?


This hypothetical grandmother would be a sweet old thing, not a mean bone in her body.

Update 2:

Thanks for all your answers! They are all good, and it was hard to choose a best one.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the exact situation you described, I would lie to her. I would not let her be close to death worrying about me. I would lie to anyone in that situation. I try very hard to never cause harm to others, and doing anything BUT lying in this situation would be causing her harm.

    If she was healthy and doing regular grandmother stuff, and the subject came up, I would not lie. I would phrase it kindly and gently, but I would not lie.

  • I thank God I was raised by good noble wholesome women...! if a tender and vulnerable soul is helpless and seeking affirmation that you will be happy and well without her in the world, you can be a tad evasive and simply smile and say ''I'll be fine''. It will release her Spirit into peace, and if you hated her, the likelihood of her haunting your remaining days will also be lessened.

    There is no need to lie and common courtesy and a little respect and sensitivity to grandma won’t go amiss, all will become elderly some day, there is a perfect way to salve her worried conscience without lying...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would lie and let her die happy.

    I have thought about that many times too because my grandparents are christians and I am an atheist and have decided that I will never tell them the truth.

    My granny is really fond of me too, I don't want to disappoint her. I mean, what is the point of telling the truth? They will just be extremely sad. You don't want that, do you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd tell the truth. It may seem heartless but I don't think I could lie about something that important, at such an important moment of both our lives.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would lie to her.

    It would be hideous and cruel to distress someone needlessly on their deathbed.

    There is no higher principal to serve here and no good would be done by causing upset to someone.

    IMO, anyone who would disregard the feelings of someone who will be dead in a few minutes, is an unfeeling cad.

    To selfishly insist on the "truth" merely to be able to say they stuck to their belief in this situation is inhuman.

    I can win a fistfight or an argument with a child, but even if I am "in the right", it does me no credit to do so.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    well sunburst,

    to see my hypothetical dying grandmother on her death bed would mean i was reasonably close to her in the first place,

    so, she woudl already know the answer to that and hopefully would not say that

    otherwise it would lead me to question just what a "sweet old thing " she really was

    truthfully, i have NO idea what id say in that situation,really or hypothetically, so im gonna have to assume id say similar to what warrior poo says

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Sorry yet she is perhaps wishing that she had those possibilities returned. that's in basic terms too overdue while we die, and that i think of that under the situation of somebody dying, that's significant ask somebody approximately their determination. we are all to blame for the determination we make for ourselves on the subject of Jesus, and as Christians if we don't witness to somebody, then it says interior the Bible that their blood would be required human beings. which potential we had the possibility to assert something and did no longer so their blood is on our palms and we could account for no longer speaking to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd tell the truth. There is no reason to lie, if she doesn't respect my lack of belief than deathbed or not, I could not give a damn about her belief.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was baptizes when I was a kid. So technically I have been saved. She wouldn't need to know the details that I grew up and stopped believing in fairy tales.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't lie to her. I would just say 'Love you, grandma. Thank you for all you have done for me' or some such little spiel.

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