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Why are cigarette smokers so careless and inconsiderate with regard to where they throw their butts?

Even my friends, whom I've provided and old paint bucket to dispose of their butts, still flick them on the grass as if they are biodegradable.

In public places butts litter the ground even though there are more suitable places to dispose of them.

What is the mentality of the smoker that they feel it's perfectly normal and OK to toss the remnants of their disgusting habit wherever.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they don't see it as garbage...when they see a stinky cigarette butt on the ground they don't think it's gross. They think:hmmm.....I want a smoke! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not every smoker litters. Those that do have the same mentality as every other litterer, including the non-smoking ones. Which usually, is not thinking about it at all, the easiest option, not wanting to get up and move etc. At least cigarette butts do degrade faster than crisp packets and cans. Putting lots of ashtrays out would probably help.

    The more worrying mentality is to catagorise all of people's behavoir under one aspect of their personality - i.e. anything a smoker does that you dissapprove off (like littering) is due to their "smoker mentality". Yes, this is a trap everyone falls into now and again (I know I've done it) but it's something you should watch out for and pull yourself up on. It's the same basic process as underlies discrimination.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not all smokers are "inconsiderate", I'll put my butts out in your bucket anyday. Some people have common sense, some don't, but it's not right to criticize someone for a bad habit they developed, and probably know they shouldn't have.

    I guess your bad habit would be making somebody who smokes feel worse about a serious addiction..real supportive..I'd come over and help you pick up some butts, but you would have already judged me as a"disgusting" smoker.

    Source(s): Master Baiter..what makes you so "high & mighty"???..if you think that narrow-mindedly, then you must judge everybody for a bad habit..except your own stupid self. You must be a real hit at parties, telling everyone they're worse than dirt, that's a great way to feel SUPERIOR..FUCK YOU..I 'd put my dirty, filthy, stinky cigarette out on your perfect god-like stink worse than my ashtray.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before I answer this, I'll just tell you that I'm not a smoker, and I don't support smoking.

    First of all, just because some smokers do this, it doesn't mean that all of them do. You can't assume that since a person smokes, they won't have any regard for littering (or not littering, for that matter).

    Second, and I don't mean to offend you by saying this, but this isn't a very good question. You're asking what their mentality is? It's perfectly clear that that's not the answer you're looking for. You just want to throw your opinion out there. Which is fine, but just know that you can't group people together like that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There's nothing you can do to force someone else to be considerate. Try just nicely reminding your friends that you're ok with them smoking at your house so long as they keep your yard neat. Stay as polite as possible. The nicer you are about it, the guiltier they'll feel about forgeting. I'm not suggesting an actual guilt trip. Those usually backfire. Natural guilt, however, is great for helping people to remember.

    As for away from your home, just learn to tolerate it. We can only control ourselves, and will drive ourselves nuts worrying about what others do and do not do.

  • abc123
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Who cares about the butts? I'm more concerned with the second hand smoke and smoking around pregnant women and children. I'd rather have a butt lying around any day. Plus, if they don't care enough about their own health, then I doubt theyt care about the environment and littering. I'm sure there are some though that are very thoughtful and try to place theirs in the trash.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well first of all you shouldn't exaggerate and say cigarette smokers because that targets ALL of us cigarette smokers and i, personally, do not throw my butts everywhere so TY very much. you aren't going to get an answer from anybody regarding this question unless 1.) it's from somebody who doesn't smoke so how the hell would they know 2.) this is kind of rude and most likely cigarette smokers will catch that drift k bye

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because people dont honestly care about what you think...and most likely dont have the same passion for the environment as you do.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a nicotine fix that they are addicted to, and watching other smokers do the same lame thing, and not understanding what they are doing to non-smokers like you and me.

  • JM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    good god here we go again with more generalization. i do not throw my cigarette butts out. i put them out and then carry them to the nearest trash can. the same cannot be said for the jerks who through out their gum, food wrappers, bottles, etc. instead of whining, organize a volunteer program to pick up litter because you know it's not all cig butts.

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