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Why is it socially acceptable to drink but, not to smoke herb? ?

Is it only because it is illegal without a prescription? Or do all of you really believe it is that evil gateway drug? What if I where to tell a story about a girl who was a heavy drinker, over weight, and unhappy. A girl who several times went to her family doctor expressing that she wanted some treatment but, all her doctor wanted to do was give her a new experimental drug injected in the rear end that made her feel like she had the flu for a whole month before it wore off. After wearing off the pull to drink was stronger than before so, the cycle wears on. There is more to the story but, in the end friends that where concerned for her referred her to a Cannabis Doctor and now she is 20 pounds thinner & feeling so much better about herself. I would like to end with for some it is that glass of wine at the end of the day and for others......

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can appreciate what you're saying, but it is never socially acceptable to do something illegal. And as for your story, the "cannabis doctor" did not really help that woman -- he simply substituted one addiction for another. The doctor giving her shots may not have helped her, but the cannabis doctor didn't do her any favors either.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that smoking pot is socially unacceptable simply because it is illegal.

    I, personally, do not believe that pot is any more dangerous than drinking alcohol. Furthermore, I really really hate the government telling me what to do with my own body. If I want to smoke cigarettes I will, and that is extremely dangerous. Are they going to outlaw that next?

    I understand the government making laws against actions that put others in danger, like driving under the influence. The government should not make laws against actions that only put yourself in danger.

    Pot is minor danger anyhow.

    I feel that all drugs should be legalized. Again, I feel that what a person chooses to do with their body should be their own personal choice.

    And think about the great changes the country would see! The government could manufacture safer drugs, that aren't cut with dangerous poisons like strychnine. The government could tax these products and jobs would be created from the manufacturing. Money from the taxes could be applied toward rehab facilities and education. Or simply for other social things, like schools and hospital care, etc.

    Our prisons could be used for real criminals, not overcrowded with drug pushers or users. And a very very large portion of crime would disappear. Violent gangs would not have funding, and police officers would no longer risk being shot by some dangerous crack dealer, etc.

    Unfortunately, I don't believe the government will ever see things the way I do.

  • CSpace
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The reason is that some people don't care if everyone knows they drink but may be put in a tough situation if everyone knows they get high. Drinking is legal, boss finds out no problem(as long as not at work). Getting high not legal, boss finds out usually big problem.

    You can substitue spouse, mother, children for boss.

  • 1 decade ago

    Marijuana is fine and safer then alcohol. It is taboo because of the government making it illegal. Marijuana has been around since the dawn of time. It is illegal because mexican immigrants came over to America in the early 1900's, they smoked marijuana and the government did not want them here so they made marijuana illegal in hopes that it would drive them away. If you want to smoke then do it, just don't keep a large amount on you or else you could get into a lot of trouble. I hope one day it will become legal again and we all will be much happier.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is illegal so therefore socially unacceptable. Once it is more widely used for medical purposes and more people use it or know people who use it then I'm sure it will come around. I don't have a problem with it as long as is does not interfere with your life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that's unique to different groups and cultures. Among some of my friends, we think pot's okay but drinking is kinda hardcore for us. We all are prescription smokers.

  • 1 decade ago

    its not illegal to be high. its just illegal to sell. its a non taxable product.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, cause drinking won't kill anyone- unless you get drunk and drive- which is illegal, but smoking- especially 2nd hand smoking kills and it's pretty annoying 2.

  • 1 decade ago

    its exceptable either way but not legally

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