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If you think nuclear power is bad...?

I dare the hippies to tell me that nuclear is un-safe and that we can't deal with the high level radioactive waste (spent nuclear fuel) created from it.

Point 1 - Safety.

The nuclear industry has one of the highest safety records of any industry in the world. See here...

Point 2 - Dealing with waste.

The high level waste CAN be dealt with. Currently they are building deep geological repositories to dispose of the waste in. Solid rock 1000's of feet (a km or more for us awesome Canadians) below the surface of the earth. This IS a permanent solution, and the earth has the natural ability to contain the waste there until we blow the earth up ourselves. The proof? The Oklo Natural Reactors. Natural nuclear chain reactions that occurred millions of years ago. Guess what Mr. environmental extremist... the waste products from those NATURAL nuclear chain reactions... have remained within a few meters of the point they were created the WHOLE TIME.

Now, here's where we get the interesting attempts to disprove the evidence...


Before anyone else says

"what about three mile island!?"

Do some research first, and then when you realize that no one was injured in that "horrible accident" and no increase has been detected in cancer or birth defect rates since, you can apologize for not using our brain when you should have.

Update 2:

Before anyone else says

"what about three mile island!?"

Do some research first, and then when you realize that no one was injured in that "horrible accident" and no increase has been detected in cancer or birth defect rates since, you can apologize for not using your brain when you should have.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I only think nuclear power is bad if you mean by bad it is actually awesome.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it weren't for the Hippies we would have never spent the time or the money to fined a safe storage of nuclear wast.The cleanest and safest nuclear power is the sun,and if you have too much exposure from it,It will kill you.We may have safe places for storage, or are building them,Storage is not the answer,We need to fined ways to use what is left of the waste.To make true fusion instead of what we have now.What we have now can be stolen and used ageist us as a bomb.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Boy this is a easy one, if it is so safe why will none of the insurance companies insure the plants. Us tax payers insure the plants with our hard earned self made money and clean up if one day there is a accident. Why is it that McCain supports nuclear plants but won`t allow nuclear waste to travel through Arizona.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well... while the safety record may be impressive... when things go wrong... it can go WAY wrong...

    and I don't think anyone is worried about the earth messing thing up... but the humans in charge... they can make a mess of things...

    and how much would it cost to build that? 1 trillion?

    they are building simple waste repositories at Yucca and it's at like 20 billion... how much would your super duper ones cost?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Three words:Three Mile Island

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    90% of France's electricity come from nuclear power. Have you ever heard of them having a problem?

    Nuclear power is the ONLY way were going to satisfy our future energy needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a liberal but I think nuclear power is great. I think that one barrel of toxic waste underground is far better than its equivalent of 59 tons of emmisions from coal in the air.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That does not convince me at all.We can't just keep storing nuclear waste deep inside the earth

  • 1 decade ago

    I am Pro Nuclear Power.

    The waste problem you say is solved has a few holes in it.

    First you never mention Quantity or time.

    The old outhouse with the moon door was great ... for awhile.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a hippie and i am telling you right now that it is not safe and we cannot deal with the high level radioactive waste now go suck a egg.

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