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Assuming that Universe is designed, what can we prove?

Let's assume that the Universe is, in fact, designed. Here is a list of questions I would like all believers to address:

1) Why does it follow that God is omnipresent? Being able to create something out of nothing does not lead to such a conclusion.

2) Why does it follow that God is all-powerful? Being able to create something out of nothing does not lead to the power of, say, destroy anything.

3) Why does it follow that God was alone? For all we know, there could've been several of them, each responsible for a separate part of the Universe.

4) Why does it follow that God still exists?


Ozai - good one.

Update 2:

Seeker_kat - I am a former christian. I actually was "looking inside myself". That ended up in me switching over to atheism.

Update 3:

Jaicee, the philosophy can very well deal with completely non-materialistic concepts. Religion itself is closely tied to certain philosophical concepts.

Update 4:

Ophiuchus (my apologies if I have misspeled the name) - I appreciate the reply, but you don't address the question. I am already assuming that the Universe is designed - no need to prove it further. What I am interested in is to see if Christian doctrines actually follow from that assumption.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The universe did not begin.

    Time is a abstract idea invented on Earth by humans to measure life by looking at the sun, which so far we found life only occurs here, and other life zones in relation to other stars in other glaxies in other systems...

    These galxies die, stars die, planets and life all dies - but the universe is eternal, it never began and will never end. Only the things in it will - its creations.

    Let go of your monkey time based belief system imbued into human genes, and realise it didnt -have- to begin anywhere, and it won't ever end.

    Thus the idea of God is ridculous too, unless of course you go into the exogenesis idea of God being a living being or beings "planting" humans here for some unknown reason, or if God itself is the universe, which makes much more sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    The design alone is proof. Astronomers have discovered plenty more solar systems and are learning how unique this one is. Thinking numbers improve probability that they will discover life. No others Planets have been found in the sweet spot orbit but ours and even if so no other planet has been found there in the evolution of life which would take many years even after the point of God bringing fourth life on it. The truth is God created Earth as the center of existence. Not the center of the solar system. Many of us in the world doubt Gods reality but answer this question.

    Q:If the body can be totally healthy why can't we keep it alive by health alone?

    A: Because the Spirit is what brings life and God has an appointed date for our spirit to leave the body and report to Him.

    Q: Why isn't it a crime when an animal is murdered?

    A: Because the value of it's live is placed by the owner. But the value of Human life is assigned by God when he breathed His spirit into Adam and created a living man in His image. The ability to think,reason & invent.

  • jaicee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You want proof of a spiritual being within a materialist philosophical framework. How does that work?

    You may be interested in these explanations on the existence of God from the Baha'i perspective.

    Discussion begins at bottom of page 103

    Discussion begins on page 5

    Of course, if you can read the entire texts, you can get a broader and clearer picture.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anything seems obvious when a conclusion is made first, then observed facts are used to support the conclusion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    False and evidence free assumption, false and evidence free conclusions.

    Or: Garbage In, Garbage Out.

  • S. J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If it was designed it would be obvious and provable, but it wasn't, and that's why it can't be proved.

    The theists can prove any old thing by implicating God.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are looking for the physical proof... you need to look inside of yourself for the unseen proof... your answers will not be found through the world resources nor through your minds reasoning...your answers will be found within and you will find...ask and it will be given...

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