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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

How can a 13 year old lose weight?


I'm 13 and weigh more than I should. I know the whole 'eat right and exercise' thing but I've done it for a long time and I can just barely see results. I walk and jump on the trampoline every day and eat no processed foods and i lost 3 pounds for the entire summer. I'd like to look good for school and I'd like any ideas to lose weight FAST! I honestly don't care if it's healthy or not I just don't want to start this year like last one; being the fat chick who nobody likes. I'm sick of being judged, I just want to lose weight. Any ideas are welcome.



Hmmm, I always thought that jumping on a trampoline was great exercise. Thanks to the people who pointed out I could be using my time better!

78 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No matter what anyone ever tells you it will always come down to calories:

    Put more energy out of your body than you put in it.

    This way, you can eat what you want as well, as long as you know how many calories it has. Teenage girls are supposed to have about 2200 calories, so why don't you aim for 1500 or something? Cardiovascular exercise will make it go even faster. Aim to lose about 2 pounds a week.

    Drink lots of water, fill you up and it sort of gives you the impression that your flushing junk out of your system. Also, water sort of loosens up the fat cells and makes them less sticky so they can slide off you more easily, if that makes sense.

    Just be active with everything you do. If you ahve the choice of elevator or stairs, take stairs. If you watch tv for an hour a day try and do something at the same time. step on and off a pile of books, jog on the spot, jumping jacks...

    Chew gum (sugar free, a dental kind). It burns 10 calories an hour (not great, but it adds up), and it puts you off wanting to eat (everything will taste minty right?)

    Be safe - don't make yourself feel unwell. If you're getting headaches and feeling tired then you're not eating enough. Take in plenty of vegetables and fruits to keep your vitamins up. You're body needs to be healthy and work efficiently to lose weight.

    Trampolining and walking are good, but there are much more effective ways to lose weight. Try going for a jog, a swim or bikeride. Most of your body's muscles are in your legs, so doing things with them burns the most calories. Try to do 20-30 mins of one of those every ohter day. In the day between that, do some sort of muscle, toning exercises. Sit ups, that sort of thing. So when the weight does come off you have a toned body underneath.

    Eat dinner early. Otherwise you dont ahve a chance to burn it off.

    I you didnt wanna hear the diet and exercise thing but it really will work because it has to. It's like a law of physics your body cannot do more work than the energy it has to do it. If your food is 1500 calories and your body has to do 3000 calories worth of exercise, it will break down the fat. (Make sure you do do those muscle exercises too, otherwise your body might break down muscle).

    Dont starve yourself you'll slow your metabolism, and so slow your weight loss too.

    Well done for your progress over the summer just keep it up.

    And I'm sure a) you're not as heavy as you think and b) anyone who would avoid you because you were isn't worth knowing anyway :)

    Source(s): I lost about 35 lbs doing exactly what I just said. I normally lost about 2 lbs a week at first (you lose wieght faster when you're heavier cos your body ahs to work harder) and towards the end about a pound a week.
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): #1 Weight Loss Pills Oz :
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Naturally Reduce Cellulite
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    This years best diet plans can be found at DIETPLANSCIENCE.COM cost free.

    Does the word "diet and weight loss" immediately make you think of an unpleasant weight-loss regimen? If it did, you are probably not alone. For example, consider the use of the term "diet" in marketing food products—it usually describes foods low in calories, such as diet soda. But there is another meaning of this word. Diet can also refer to the food and drink a person consumes daily and the mental and physical circumstances connected to eating. The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary gives two definitions of nutrition: "the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food" "the act or process of nourishing or being nourished"

    While both are correct, the second definition is more inclusive and suggests that food involves many different things, including love, satisfaction, and enjoyment. Nutrition involves more than simply eating a “good” diet—it is about nourishment on every level. It involves relationships with family, friends, nature (the environment), our bodies, our community, and the world. Choices about nourishment are very much linked to other human beings and other life forms on this planet, so healthy (and unhealthy) decisions have great impact. 13 year old lose weight.

  • lopez
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Eliminate Baldness Forever
  • 7 years ago

    I'm 13 and I know exactly what your going through and it's important you know that your not alone.To do it the healthy way just don't eat anything with dairy in it such as milk cheese e.c.t and try to cut down the amount of wheat/fibre your eating in foods such as bread and cakes. There is obviously not eating fatty takeaways and gallons of sweets but I'd guess you knew that already. You could try taking lacasitives if your really desperate but I'd say as long as your under 10 and a half stone it's not even worth considering. there is also the starving root but you don't sound like the kind of person who'd be interested in that sort of thing but cutting down a little never harms anyone and only eat if you feel hungry because that way it'll shrink you stomach size and stop your body feeling hunger after a few weeks/months. But if you are a really unhealthy weight try doing stuff to boost your metabolism such as wiggling your leg or hand when watching T.V or sitting in school (this will help you burn calories too) or drink green/peppermint tea wich has been proven to boost metabolism rates especially in girls.

    It's your choose but I hope you don't make the mistake I did and remember that other peoples opinioms don't matter. and FYI I'd be your friend if I knew you.

    Source(s): I'm a 13 year old girl 2
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    First of all everyone always says don't listen to other people you are beautiful skinny or fat that is true but I know that is hard cause you just wanna look in the mirror and like it! I know what you are going through I am 16 and I was 156 lbs when I was 13 and now I am 106 lbs just by using this method --->

    DON'T SLEEP PASS 10:00!!!!!

    As soon as you wake up eat breakfast! It doesn't matter what you eat as long as it isn't "Sugar coated!"

    Run for 5-10 minutes everyday


    If you have coconut oil you should take a spoon full of that every morning and if you don't like the taste (I don't) you can add it to your food

    Try to keep the stress low

    Eat 5-6 SMALL meals every day!

    I did this and it only took about a month

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Eat something healthy and just a little in the morning never eat past six and never eat dinner try to take tiny snacks but make them healthy like broccoli or something and eat meat and veggies for lunch go to the gym and. Run a lot try not to sit down too much always keep your body in motion and don't let people judge you because you are beautiful the way you are your limit is 2200 calories a day do not go over that and have fun while doing your workout maybe do it with a friend or listen to music have someone there to every once in a whole encourage you and tell you how good you are doing but just because they compliment you doesn't mean you have to stop and try to have some dressing tricks to make you look thinner hide your fat don't wear anything too short try right jeans with a belt and a cute top that will not expose too much and a thick belt around your waist while your in a cute dress always helps! Try to keep away from the fatty foods and be confident because you are beautiful❤

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I am also a thirteen year old girl myself and I know that it is not a good felling waking up every morning, looking in the mirror, and just not liking what you see. Then there is also the always seeing other girls who are a lot skinnier, always getting bullied by immature and pathetic nobodies, and just not feeling like you will never fit in!

    But I have just recently discovered that I really don't care what people think. Also, Marilyn Monroe was considered one of the series women of her time. You couldn't see her ribs, and she didn't have a thigh gap. So she is basically the opposite of what every girl tries so hard to be.

    But I still do want to loose "some" weight, and I have found that these following methods have really helped me a lot over the past few weeks & they're not "full on" or anything so I quite enjoy it...

    1.) Citrus is supposedly really good for loosing weight, so what I do is cut up some lemon & oranges and put them in a -

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